Monday, October 7, 2024


By Neil Crone

Dear America: Hi, it's Canada. Just thought I'd drop you a line to catch up. I know we haven't corresponded in a while and I just wanted to check in and make sure you hadn't, you know, completely lost your mind. Because, golly, I have to tell sure looks that way from here.

We're all pretty darned worried about you up here, pal. You don't seem at all yourself lately. For starters, I know you're only 240 years old but you might want to think about setting up an eye exam. You seem to be losing your vision. And I've never seen you so grumpy. Is this some kind of weird, middle-aged crisis or some-thing?

And what's with all the hate? I mean, don't take this the wrong way, pal, but have you been tested for Dementia? You're like a different guy all of a sudden. Maybe it's Alzheimers? You know, your memory does seem pretty sketchy lately.

You're telling me you have no recollection of all of those immigrants who built you? All those people you welcomed did you put it again... Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free'?
Man, I gotta tell you, pal, that was some inspired stuff. And that Constitution of yours?Wow. You were on your game back then, dude.

So, what the Hell, exactly, is going on these days? I don't know if you've noticed but you've got a guy in the race for president who we wouldn't trust running a chip truck. I mean, he's nothing more than a bully with bad hair. And you're about to hand him the keys?
Dude, you used to despise guys like him. Remember when we all got together and tuned up that German moron? You were awesome then. And the rest of us, well, we kinda looked up to you. 
Now, jeeze, I don't know.

Look, we grew up together. I'm probably your best friend. Heck, our yards are right beside each other. And I understand we've had our ups and downs...l mean, I know you're still steamed about us burning your capital and handing you your ass at hockey every time you turn around and our beer is way better than yours and your health care system blows, but still...We're buds, right?

Who totally had your back during that Iraq WMD snafu?

So, I'm telling you, as your friend... love you bro, but you're being a tool.

You're better than this. Remember who you used to be and, come Election day...fix it.

Love and Poutine


I KNOW said...

Hey, history freak Juan, who gave Geronimo his Cadillac?

Anonymous said...

Canada??? go back to your ice tray AND SHUT DA F^^K UP FINISH GROWING UP!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pussy post.

Rancho Viejo said...

Carolina is my sweet, sexy milf wife. She's a bit shy but loves naughty fun after a few wines and dancing. Hope you love seeing her nude body as much as I do.

Anonymous said...

GOP become the party of cranks, crackpots and fruitcakes, and don't forget racist.

Anonymous said...

When the USA sneezes, Canada catches a cold.
Mexico and Canada are very interested in the USA election because it will affect them. Mexicans and Canadians know more about the USA elections than Americans. The whole world is waiting for Americans to choose their next leader.

Anonymous said...

Why not find and quote a smart local? Canada?

Epigmenio "Moo" Moreno said...

So what?

Anonymous said...

He's the fattest crook ever. I can't believe he's being allowed to run or president again. He most definitely should be locked up in a prison.

Anonymous said...

HEALTH WARNING - people in Brownsville are going to Mata for treatment with Human Growth Hormone for weight loss. It is approved for a very limited number of cases. It has become widely available in Texas if you are willing to pay for it. The doctors are prescribing it in large amounts. They do not monitor the patients as required by protocol. People are dying. When you see massive weight loss in someone, it is not natural. This is very popular among the Hollywood set. This is a very toxic drug which mandates constant doctor monitoring. Those going to Mata are not getting the monitoring. Also concerning the diabetes drugs being used for weight loss. They can cost $1000 a month. Read the label. If you weigh 300 lbs, and should be only 160 lbs, after spending months on these expensive drugs, with diet and exercise you might way 240lbs. That is 80 lbs overweight, also you must take the medicine for life or gain the weight back.

Anonymous said...

The problem is not immigrants coming to this country. It’s the illegal immigrants who are coming here and not being processed as required by law. Every country has immigration laws we are no different. Lastly our country like every other country is currently going through an AI revolution. AI will cause a lot of job displacement. So where are our legal displaced citizens going to work? The excessive increase to our population by the illegal immigrants will only add to this problem. AI will displace a great majority of workers it’s just a matter of time. I know that democratic politicians for additional votes would pay people to stay home. But the question is where will this money come from? By taxing the wealthy like they claim? More recently, the Institute for Policy Studies estimated that as of Oct. 15, 2021 there were 745 U.S. billionaires, together worth slightly more than $5 trillion. As for the federal government, it spent $6.82 trillion in fiscal 2021 according to the Treasury Department.

Anonymous said...

And still, unbelievably America is still divided. The lies and conspiracy theories have taken their toll on Americas psyche. Trump has done a masterful job of creating chaos and poisoning the mind of many US citizens. They have fallen trap to his narcissistic ways and are now zombies to all his wishes. People actually believe his outlandish and outrageous lies to the extent of foolishness. America is at a crossroads and its time to stand up against the bully ( Trump) and reject him at the polls.

Anonymous said...

MEXICO: "Estados Unidos, que chingados les pasa?"

Anonymous said...

Trump sucks 😕. Everybody that is somebody knows that Trump sucks.

Anonymous said...

Juan, God is kicking ass on Red States of the south and Atlantic Coast with those killer hurricanes. And what I see is downtrodden whitey cleaning up the mess, not imported immigrants. ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Even with a mile long list of lies and conspiracies ( even when they’ve seen it with their own eyes) Trumpers and MAGA followers worship that POS Trump. Take for example the devastation of hurricane Helene . Even when hundreds have died, thousands have lost their homes, people are suffering left and right, Trump still makes it about himself and undermines the devastation and loss with lies and misinformation. HOW DARE HE ??? The federal government is assisting like they should and the leaders( Republicans /Democrats) of all the affected areas are thankful for all the help , Trump insists on creating mistrust and division. People are dying/ missing/homeless, you piece of shit!! And this is the pendejo MAGA followers want as the POTUS ???? Y’all are just as crazy as that fool !!!

Anonymous said...

Is this a news blog, or is it not? Not, I'd say. News!!!

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is the impacted shit we couldn't pass. Fact.

Anonymous said...

Republican Speaker of The House Mike Johnson Refuses to Call Back Congress to Vote on Hurricane Aid

Congress has not fully funded FEMA for the 2024 hurricane season. Vote BLUE!!!

Anonymous said...

Valley International Airport in Harlingen (HRL) is now offering travelers non-stop flights to Austin with Delta Airlines.
Meanwhile, nothing at the Brownsville/SPI Flightless Airport.

Oh, yeah! we have flights to Monterey, Mex. in TINY Cessna Planes that can only fit 9 passangers. Freaking embarassing and unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

CORRECTION: In your headline, neighbor is singular, hence "Neighbor's"

Anonymous said...

The answer to the newspaper clippings question is a resounding YES!! My neighbor says : America has lost its mind listening to these moronic, lying , deceitful losers. Not only at the national level but at the state and local levels as well!! Trump, Boebert, MTG, Ted Cruz, Mark Robinson, Kari Lake , Mayra Flores etc The list is long and “disturbingly wacko” to say the least. How is it possible that people listen to these nuts and their lies and conspiracy theories ?? You can’t make this shit up and yet its out there on a daily basis. As if its the new way of thinking and behaving!?!?!? Totally unbelievable and unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

I met a fool. When we started talking politics the subject of Trump eventually came along. I then started to rebuttal all of his Trump statements and he agreed with what I was saying. Then he says "who cares as long as he fixes everything." Hahaha! It was hilarious 😂

Anonymous said...

It is disheartening that America is in this situation. All for cheap tacos and gas. It doesn't matter that they poke our ass just give them the cheap tacos and gas.

However, Melania gets to renegotiate her prenuptial agreement and choose abortion. Nomas los pobres se cren.

Anonymous said...

October 7, 2024 at 1:15 PM October 7, 2024 at 5:01 PM
THIS IS A BLOG WHICH ARE NON FORMAL AND NON NEWS WORTHY. PENDEJO want news go to cbs nbc xyz y mexicans local news IDIOTA!!!
