Tuesday, October 8, 2024


(Ed.'s Note: Ignoring the fact that the Sate of Texas' denial of reproductive health services for women –  especially poor women of color – have been deprived of their right to control their own bodies through far-right Republicans legislative restrictions, former District 27 Texas Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. has endorsed Republican challenger Adam Hinojosa against Democratic incumbent Morgan LaMantia.

For 36 years, Lucio concealed his right-wing conservative views on women's rights rights and separation of church and state from his constituents in South Texas only to kowtow to the far-right Republicans in Austin. And instead of representing all of his constituents, he has just been representing his own reactionary religious beliefs and getting rich along the way.

He just missed being beaten by Brownsville's Sarah Stapleton in his Democratic primary election, and saw the writing on the wall, retiring when he was challenged by now-incumbent LaMantia in the last election. Now he's endorsing Republican Adam Hinojosa, from Corpus Christi over the Rio Grande Valle's incumbent.

Enjoy the smile. As a South Texas taxpayer, you helped pay the orthodontic bills for it over the last 30 years.)


Anonymous said...

Eddie Lucio, Jr. is the worst-ever politician in the RGV's history. A charlatan who was in it only for himself. What did he do? Took the cash and ran. A millionaire now? How???

Anonymous said...

It's a little late to be trashing Lucio. Democrats with their small brains kept him in office for decades.

Anonymous said...

Lucio, Solomon Ortiz, Kika de la Garza, the valley and it's democrats love incumbent that do nothing but line their pockets

Anonymous said...

He's still after that dollar pasted on the cross. PINCHE MAMON!!!

Anonymous said...

💩💩💩. Pinche vato come santos y caga diablos. Ese pelado siempre fue , es y sera un hipócrita!! Y siempre se escondio detras de “la cruz” para hacer sus transas. Pero ese mismo Dios lo va a castigar—-JUSTICIA DIVINA.

Anonymous said...

Caca dodoole do, a great politician, pura perica.

Anonymous said...

Pendejo thinks dressing like Catholic servant takes away all his sins. Remember people of power pay a harder toll especially when they steal from the poorest of this community and lined there greedy ass pockets. Now that he's going republican he thinks he's more Christian than everybody else.

Anonymous said...

And he was in office for how long? Yes they voted for him time and time again. Never convicted. He retired. So Ya, stop crying.

Anonymous said...

Dos tipos de cuidado.

Anonymous said...

did panzas basteiro run for any office, speakin' bout RATAS????

Anonymous said...

