Wednesday, October 9, 2024


(Ed.'s Note: Is KRGV5 a toxic workplace? In a note preceding the text of "Whistleblower," there is a plea for action from management saying: "People fired for reporting sexual harassment. A General Manager who was caught using his station social media to “Like” porn tweets and covers up for his managers grossly inappropriate behavior, and many more disturbing issues at KRGV. This is one of several letters from employees to ownership over the course of several months with no action taken. We are pleading for someone to help us".)   

From a KRGV Whistleblower 

Subject: Potential legal problems in Weslaco

To: Mr. Manship,

I am writing to you as a concerned CURRENT employee of KRGV to bring attention to several serious issues within our station. I am submitting this anonymously due to a well-founded fear of retaliation.

Our current news director, Zoltan Csanyi-Salcedo, has a documented history of both verbal and physical abuse at previous stations. Unfortunately, this pattern has persisted at KRGV, with an additional troubling element – his wife has now taken to harassing employees via social media direct messages.

Alongside him, General Manager John Kittleman, HR Director Elizabeth Gaona, Assistant News Director Angie Martinez, and Executive Producers Ana Anguiano and Orlando Vargas have cultivated a toxic culture marked by harassment, bullying, and favoritism.

If you were to privately consult a random sample of employees, I am confident they would corroborate these claims. The exodus of talented staff over recent years, and the growing number of individuals who are openly planning to leave for competitors, should be a major red flag. In fact, several on-air staff have already started discussing these intentions within the newsroom.

Management has not only fostered this abusive environment but also displays blatant favoritism. For example, a recent policy prohibiting food or drink in the newsroom (with the exception of capped water) has been universally enforced – except when it is violated by young female staff members.
These individuals are seen taking food into extended one-on-one meetings with Zoltan, held behind closed doors after business hours. The optics of this situation are highly problematic, especially given the fact that Zoltan’s wife has already threatened young female employees, warning them to stay away from him, and John Kittleman has already warned him to stop doing it with other employees including the HR director as witnesses. 

In terms of programming, the situation is just as concerning. Our primary channel, 5.1, is being neglected in favor of 5.2 and the daytime show Take5. Resources, staffing, and even basic script oversight – crucial for legal and factual accuracy – are no longer priorities. 

Assistant news directors and executive producers are overwhelmed because Zoltan is often working remotely or out on vacation, leaving them to forward incomplete or erroneous scripts to producers, many of which are marked with “producers please rewrite” just moments before they are needed on-air. 

This week alone, three inaccurate stories were published on that multiple employees tried, unsuccessfully, to correct as the assistant news director ignored them. They are still online.

The marketing department, too, has shifted its entire focus away from news and onto Take5. Promotions, budget allocations, and time are devoted entirely to this show, leaving the news department with virtually no marketing support. 

Any remaining resources are being funneled into Noticias, a project that has failed at multiple previous stations under Zoltan’s leadership.

In addition, I believe it is crucial to examine the actions of John Kittleman and his role at KRGV. For example, for years staff have observed him and his family attending semi-pro soccer games from the company suite without ever receiving even basic tickets to these events. 

He is also seen driving his new company vehicle to work on the rare occasions he is physically present in the office. Meanwhile, we are frequently told that there are no funds available for essential equipment, such as iPads, or even basic supplies like printer paper and reporters’ notebooks. On-air employees are even asked to bring old, worn, KRGV-branded shirts back so they can give them to new on-air employees after years of use to save money. That is unsanitary and unacceptable.

Beyond financial concerns, Kittleman has either allowed or turned a blind eye to the culture of bullying, abuse, and harassment that has taken root at KRGV. Whether he actively supports it or simply chooses to ignore it because it does not directly affect him in his home office, his inaction has perpetuated the toxic environment that continues to harm employees.

These are only a few of the deeply troubling issues currently plaguing KRGV. I write this with genuine concern for the future of our station if legal action were to come from outside or even at this point from within. If this toxic culture and mismanagement continue, I fear that KRGV will lose not only its talent but also its reputation within the community.


Anonymous said...

I would advise employee(s) to simply resign and find a better work environment. Low-flying KRGV seems to be rotten from the top. I haven't watched its news broadcasts in years.

Anonymous said...

media; tv stations, tv personalities, broadcast industries, etc, have always been vipers nests full of sycophants, egomaniacs and predators.

Anonymous said...

It should matter to all of us citizens the condition of a communication station or agency. I hope and I also support truthful news and by these comments made here of that station I hope conditions improve otherwise it will hurt truthful news reportings. GOOD LUCK AND I SUPPORT YOUR EFFORTS 100% TO CLEAN UP

Anonymous said...

Top administrator at 5 need to take care of this situation.

His wife needs to accept reality and stop blaming young females. Her husband loves to step out on their marriage. She needs to face the situation she is in or get a divorce.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what the next management level or federal agency you could report this to but I highly recommend that you don't let this go. Yes, it would be easier to find a job elsewhere but I really hope you pursue documenting this in anonymous emails (safer) to the higher management levels and FCC or whatever federal agencies you can contact. Once it's in writing (and yes, emails count), agencies are liable for any later findings due to lack of action.
This is very sad to hear but I wish you the best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Is felix running channel 5 too?
Sounds like the BPD and COB

Anonymous said...

Moral low because so much jealousy?
Continue your work and pray things get better.
Join in with the sycophants as every one loves compliments.
This lousy job environment needs a moral booster.
Appreciation gifts to employees like sizeable salary bonuses seem to be in order
News stations like newspapers are so old school nowadays but should be kept afloat.

Anonymous said...

DINA GARZA, the WITCH of KRGV, CANNOT DELIVER the news without her personal feelings being involved in the delivery. Her facial expressions, body language, and voice inflections will IMMEDIATELY communicate her personal feelings on the subject. This is not OBJECTIVE journalism; it is nothing more than PROPAGANDA!

Anonymous said...

I love young females..

Anonymous said...

Rudy Mireles, the CLOWN of KRGV. You folks at KRGV were DESPERATE when you hired this idiot. He actually thinks he’s funny. The only funny looking thing is his EARS!

Anonymous said...

she is becoming ugly by the minute, everything is hanging down to the floor uglllyyyyyyy needs to be replace or needs to see one of those doctors that will cut hanging skinnnnnnnnnnnnnne

Anonymous said...

if you are over 40 years of age i suggest you contact EEOC offices to file a complaint.

Anonymous said...

Yo quiero con Ceci Gtz.

Anonymous said...

Dina (La Espina) never could get it right. Plus yes she is the last of the ch.5 old bitches. She'll be gone soon enough. we noticed that the( 5 is number 1) has changed so many people, you never know who is going to work weekends.

Anonymous said...

Make a script of all this, create a new segment and present it on the Noticias daily.....people love novelas: antagonist, protagonist, emotions: hate, love, hurt feelings, pain ad suffering, joy, rewards, Respect your career and take advantage of your skills and use all this to create a masterpiece and also continue being outspoken and fighting for the truth.

Anonymous said...

October 9, 2024 at 5:39 PM

Anonymous said...

Dina la Witch? really?

Anonymous said...

Adults at work misbehave. Join the group or find another job but do not burn your bridges. The TV people work at the same stations in the Valley, San Antonio, Houston etc People at work do not change, they know how to pull strings, belong to the power group and get away with everything. I see the Matamoros reporters here in Brownsville; they survive and work and work and work. Only they know what they go through in their job.

Anonymous said...

There are 13 males and 18 females working at Channel 5. Reporters: 7 females 3 males. Weather: 4 males 3 females News anchors: 6 females 3 males
The males look like typical guys. The females look like models.
all look like that want to be famous, important and powerful. So the competition has to be fierce.

Anonymous said...

Just look at the new parks director Sean de palma. He was fired from Florida for bullying verbal abuse on staff and Brownsville hired him.

Anonymous said...

Cecilia Gutierrez, the weather girl is the most beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Pretty woman

Anonymous said...

The females look like models? In what world do you live in?

Anonymous said...

I strongly suggest that since you have a strong writing formula yo ✍️ write the soap opera.
