Wednesday, October 16, 2024


(Ed.'s Note: As the various candidates to the board of the Brownsville Independent School District interfered to stop the scrap, candidate Victor Caballero– being held back by Farley Treviño, wearing a white shirt standing between them – was shouting at da Cheez and lunging toward him.

Poor Nelda Rocha who was standing between them was shoved into Castro and only the interference by Treviño prevented Caballero to take a good swing at Erasmo. The guy on the right obviously wanted nothing to do with the fisticuffs and stood a safe distance from the melee.

Notice that Castro – an ordained minister – is meekly standing with his hands clasped behind his rear after Caballero bit the bait and reacted violently to Erasmo calling him a "bitch" after accusing him of lying on his campaign expense report by reporting no contributions or expenditures when the city has ben splashed with his campaign signs for months.. 

Caballero foolishly sought satisfaction for his wounded man pride. Castro's gambit worked and Caballero left the forum furious in the company of Treviño. Interestingly, Castro hadn't even filed his campaign report and reported the next day that he had since filed it. 

And you thought politics wasn't a contact sport!)


Anonymous said...

Erasimo fake ordained from the internet lol

Anonymous said...

Todos estan locos. Castro and Anduiza are the same. Trevino is Joe Rodriguez's protégé. Death already got rid of Rodriguez we would be idiots to vote for Trevino.

Anonymous said...

Anduiza parese T-Rex.

Anonymous said...

Short of Erasmo telling him "blow me" what Caballero did is not right. However, if Castro called him a "bitch" that ordained minister has a sword for a tongue 👅.

Anonymous said...

you mean el maricon with a pink shirt? which candidate is she/he waiting on?

Anonymous said...

As far as Farley Trevino and Joe Rodriguez are concerned como cantava Juilio Iglesias "tropeze de nuevo y con la misma piedra" en lugar de dinero nunca e de ganar. 🎵🎶🎵🎶🎶🎶

Anonymous said...

imagine losing your cool and degrading your social status for a cretin like EraAss mo? NO thanks

Anonymous said...

That trevino dude is arrogant. He loves to steal. Castro was ready to take both of them out and the man on the side told Castro let me know if you want help. Castro replied, it’s only caballero and trevino. I will send them back to where they came from. Sucking each other’s fat titters. They left like cowards and everyone clapped when they were leaving and high five Castro for standing his ground against 2 bullies.

Anonymous said...

For those not familiar with the local Texas Retired Teachers Association, such local organization has become a social club for retired ladies in the field of education. Therefore, this was an opportunity for Mr. Caballero to display his "machismo" toward a fellow candidate, Mr. Castro. However, Mr. Caballero did not look much like a "macho" when he was led out of the room holding on and with his arm around the neck of Coach Farley.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo did exactly what he was put on this earth to do: INSTIGATE AND GRIFT. This is how he operates. He talks and talks but the skeletons in his closet weigh him down. Pobre vato inepto y muerto de hambre!!

Anonymous said...

Victor acting like his puppet master Carlos Elizondo . Basura!

Anonymous said...

Are Caballero and Farley lovers?

Anonymous said...

Typical of Montoya and the democrat party giving recognition to a convicted felon!

Anonymous said...

Are they?
