Thursday, October 10, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

(Ed.'s Note: Backwater and rural folks are by nature suspicious of "flatlanders," city folk, and strangers entering their property and knocking on their doors prying into their attitudes. Ask the political opinion survey workers who have been warned in no uncertain terms by police and city officials in Harlingen Port Isabel, Laguna Vista, etc. The survey takers – often students and young people trying to earn a living – report that they have been threatened with arrest and with citation for allegedly violating  local ordinances against solicitation. A father of one of these workers sent us the following.)

Hello, I’ve been trying to get help with an issue occurring all over Cameron county.

The issue involves city ordinances that attempt to prohibit door-to door-solicitations, but the scope of these ordinances are only allowed to prohibit for-profit with goods or service solicitations. However political block walking and religious groups that are door knocking, are exempt and are constitutionally protected activities. 

My son works for a company that takes political surveys for this upcoming election. He and the group have been threatened with being cited and even arrested in Harlingen, Port Isabel, and other small cities. 

They were threatened with arrest in Laguna Vista last week. I contacted their Town Manager Rendie  Gonzales who blatantly said she’ll have her officers  "do what they have to do” and will have anyone block walking dealt with regardless if they don't have the authority to do so.

She said that there is a permit and gave me the city ordinance numbers, but ultimately she would decide who gets the permits approved and doesn’t want these survey takers annoying people knocking on doors.

I contacted their City Attorney Alan Troy Ozuna and he was somewhat helpful. He took a step back and said he only deals with tickets and citations. He said he would help the group if any tickets were issued because he knows the city ordinance was intended for sales solicitation not block walking.

I contacted a Ranking Police Officer S. Cruz, he said he’d look into the occurrence, but recommended the group get a permit to solicit or peddle. The officers that had initially contacted the group flat out said they would arrest my son and his coworkers if seen anywhere in the City limits that they would trespass them from the city of Laguna Vista.

Is there anyone who can help these workers and young people who are getting involved in our political process and are only trying to make an honest living?


Anonymous said...

When she bought that light summer dress at the beach shack, I didn't have the faintest idea that worn by her with nothing underneath would beat any fancy lingerie in matters of sexy-ness

Anonymous said...

These are politically-bent surveys, and who needs that shit? Ground Game Texas is one working the valley. They want to get signatures to put their shit/bitches on city council agendas. Turn them the fuck away!!!

Anonymous said...

October 10, 2024 at 6:45 AM

pinche dreamer, tu vieja must be ugly as mojones y hedionda!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Election is almost over and then your rid of them for good. 4 yrs and they will come back like the Jehovas Witness! LOL

Anonymous said...

I get people have to work, but I have a right to be left alone on my property. These people get old. I do not think they are bad. They just want to work. That is good. But if you working means disrupting me at home by knocking on my door, or calling me, then you are not welcome at my home.

Anonymous said...

I just go 750 dollars from the government to buy whatever, but they sent 1 billion dollars to mejico, a note was inside the envelope informing me not to use the weather machine, and a government agent will stop by and take my property deeds.


Juan, Rednecks got their ass kicked by Hurricane Milton in Red State Florida. Time to clean-up, fuckers!!! ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

do not use your weather machine, the 750 dollars was for your property deed and the property will be given to all illegal immigrants from cockroach europe (gringos), Fama will be giving dollars, millions and millions to germany, chekoslasvacas, paloschiqitos and rustia. your property taxes at work.... a lady in the u.s. senate tol me.

Anonymous said...

October 10, 2024 at 12:31 PM

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bribe. Pay young people $20 an hour to promote their political agenda. Even the parents fall for it. PRIVATE PROPERTY - NO TRESPASSING sign is posted at the entrance of my home and they still come knocking on my door. They can't read?

Anonymous said...

Juan i had heard of this before in laguna vista only, Most cities in the valley have an exemption in their ordinance that allows political and religious activity, looks like this city manager is a dictator and does not want anyone there. This is a complete violation of the law, Free Speech. Guess she prefers to walk around naked and showing off her ass. Peyton Place.

Anonymous said...

MJ lobby.

Anonymous said...

Just do the walk and if somebody greets you, do the talk. Leave the political info by the gate. Nobody will arrest you. If they arrest you, pay bail and now you have a story to tell your grandchildren. Rosa Parks was arrested. Martin Luther King was killed. Malcom X

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a first amendment issue that could go either way.

Anonymous said...

Some people just want to check who lives where, how many people live there and if they know the neighbors to gossip, etc Also most people are not truthful. The vote is secret.

Anonymous said...

Military service could be a better job.

Anonymous said...

so was john dillinger, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jeffrey Dahmer, Pablo Escobar, Ted Bundy my favorite Charles Manson so go ahead get arrested you are in excellent company guey
