Saturday, November 9, 2024




Anonymous said...

Pinche Montoya, he shouldn't been indicted in the first place. Why hasn't Pelosi and her compadres been indicted for insider trading? All Trump's troubles came when started running for President. Now as President, it's time for him to start having scumbags like Pelosi, Shummer, Schiff, and other investigated for wrong doings.

Anonymous said...

Juan! Quit bull shitting!! You voted for TRUMP (TOO)… it’s all good I’m a loyal reader… (and) I know you gotta make money (I have no problem with that).

But the leaders of the free world are 📞 calling this guy already. Wanting peace and congratulating him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All lawbreakers should be prosecuted. The law is the law.

Anonymous said...

White people saw the rise in Hispanics (California and Texas, especially) and they freaked. Trump talked them through the process. The USA is ruled by White people.

Anonymous said...

WHINE Mexicans WHINE...The TRUMPENATOR is your Daddy morons!

Anonymous said...

And Crooked Joe, and his crooked son didn't enjoy the Presidential Perks of Office? And the Crooked Clinton's, and Obama's? No se oye!!! Mainstream media hides it, but thanks to independent media we know.

Anonymous said...

Trump, Trump, Trump! Get a life man! You wake up thinking about Trump, and live your days thinking about Trump. Trump for breakfast, Trump for lunch, Trump for dinner, Trump to sleep, and then repeat the next day Trump, Trump, Trump! You must be miserable bro!

Anonymous said...

Grubby Melania happy now? ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

A criminal for a president. How El Salvador.

Anonymous said...

Putin's pussy.

Anonymous said...

Never mind he was prosecuted in a kangaroo court

Anonymous said...

The Republicans need Trump to do what they need to do for America. In exchange, Trump will get whatever he wants. Sounds fair, ni modo.

Anonymous said...

You damn right!!! Fucking gestapo Justice Department along with crooked FBI!!! Their asses are puckering right now!!! Those crooked democrat judges better worry with those crooked democrat RATS!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump is going to need all Americans to help him achieve his goals. Regular citizens, company owners, police officers have to detain illegal aliens so that it is easier for ICE to deport them from jail or a detention center. The judges have to work day and night to process the illegal aliens unless Congress allows Trump to deport for any reason. Reporters should not be allowed to take pictures of the illegal aliens as they are deported. Pilots or people that know how to fly a plane need to volunteer and help fly the airplanes: day and night. The countries will accept the illegal aliens. American people need to donate money so that Trump can pay the pilots, the judges, and staff. Some organizations will try to defend the illegal aliens, so the people have to stop them to help Trump do his work.

Anonymous said...

we keep losing electricity here every time there is winds above 15 miles per hour, WHY???? I pay my bill on time why can't they keep the electricity on, ALL THE TIME???

Anonymous said...

that gringos making a million buck a year for running PUB has GOT TO GO enought is enough, or cut his salary in HALF.

Anonymous said...

People Unanimously Pendejos, fire the boss he's never there he's always in europe or hawaii. HE NEEDS TO GO we will save millions just on his salary

Anonymous said...

DO NOT FART NEAR A PUB ELECTRIC LINE OR CLOSE TO A PUB POLE, heaven forbit, we'll have a major catastrophic event.

Anonymous said...

WE NEED A ZOMBIE WALK OF SHAME SANBENE HAS ONE AND THEY DON'T KNOW IT. hahahahhaahahhahahahaaa ayy sanbene...

Anonymous said...

Asshole typing.

Anonymous said...

Sweet heart you are the one who does this and you are happy. Life goes on. 💕

Anonymous said...

What happened to Biden and his son? Any court dates? Or do they just walk free?

Anonymous said...

Prepare for prices to go up with tariffs. It is not China that is going to pay for tariffs. If is the American people. If I am selling a bag of coffee that I bought for 2.50 for 5. Then that same bag of coffee is now being sold to me for 4. I will have to sell it for 8. There has to be profit.

Anonymous said...

China and other countries will pay for focking tariffs the way Mexico paid for the focking 🧱 wall. Another episode "con mi gente."

Anonymous said...

Start shopping at the Goodwill and Salvation Army. Even the prices at Black Friday's went up.

Anonymous said...

American importers pay the tariffs!!! They pass the cost to consumers. Educate yourself, motherfiucker.

Anonymous said...

At 10:26
The way I read this is that Mexico didn't pay for the wall. The wall was built with US monies. Yes, you are both right the consumer will pay the tariffs.

Anonymous said...

Indictments come from decisions made by a grand jury( made up of everyday citizens) once they look at all the evidence made available. If they find sufficient evidence- they “true bill” ( warrants indictment) if not, they “ no bill” ( no indictment). Im no law expert, but this is usually the process. I also believe: if you break the law you should be held accountable ( NO MATTER WHO). But unfortunately everything im saying is falling on deaf ears?!?! Only time will tell .

Anonymous said...

Shop only at stores that supported Trump. Be a true American.

Anonymous said...

Trump needs for Americans to help him out. He needs us. Trump has a contact information page where you can give him ideas, help to solve all the issues and help him stay on course. It is not just voting, now the real work begins.

Anonymous said...

Trump is still a criminal.

Anonymous said...

12:16 PM
Do you really think that Trump will take ideas from the common voter? Maybe if the advise comes from voters like Bezos and Musk. However, I can't see hi taking advise from a Garcia, Ochoa, or Rodriguez. It is nice to know that some of you are still innocent.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean to start paying the tariffs?

Anonymous said...

como chingas jotito igual que tu mama la gran mamona.

Anonymous said...

mescans don;t even know who this idiota is but ALL whites do. they are all kissing his ass y mamando and enjoying el choriso

Anonymous said...

all us presidents have something in common, RATISMO!!!

Anonymous said...

89% of el valle?

Anonymous said...

jus bein mescan ess a crime

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trump does it again. He stole the 2024 election with the help of Musk.

Anonymous said...

No. Only if your skin is dark. If you are white, you might be saved by the Republicans. The latinos for Trump, most of them came to the US thanks to a legal family member. They will also be deported. Most of them are from Cuba, Domincan Republic, Venezuela, etc those are troublemakers, Trump doesn't want them here. They can rebel against him in the future.

Anonymous said...

That is true. I believe you.

Anonymous said...

no mescans no labor good bye usa...

Anonymous said...

no wonder my son da boy scout was askin me for my papers!! ain't that the shits????

Anonymous said...

Alvin Bragg refused to prosecute black criminals.
