Sunday, November 17, 2024





Anonymous said...

Groceries with Mayra - In Mexico; Groceries with Vicente at H-E-B.

Anonymous said...

There you go again with your futile attempts at beating a dead horse again. Give it up man. Be happy your greedy Leprechaun won and as for Trump, nimodo put up with it, like we did with Sleepy Joe and Skamala.

Anonymous said...

Nothing will ever go back down. Landlords aren't gonna lower rents. Stores aren't gonna lower prices to what they used to be, and corporations aren't gonna sell their products for less. None of them will want to lose money. They got used to their new big profits. Only thing we can hope for is that prices will remain stable and wages eventually catch up to inflation.

Anonymous said...

You Demoncrats like to twist things in your twisted minds. No where in the sign does it imply that groceries will go down if Mayra won. It simply implies that groceries were lower a few years back, when Mayra was in office and with Vicente they've gone up. Same as when news networks do the comparisons of Trump prices vs. Biden prices.

Anonymous said...

she was in office 6 months, you insipid infidel. Did nothing and never will do anything. Back to Mexico, doll!!!

Anonymous said...

My compadre said : Trump won . Thats it. MAGA is happy now . Or are they ??? The rumblings have begun. Are some Trump voters regretting voting for him?? Reports out there are starting to imply that. ( the saying goes : be careful what you wish for). Trump’s out of this world selections for cabinet members are starting to worry even the staunchest Trump supporters among the Republican party. He’s ruffling many feathers( his narcissistic self can’t help it ). Trump is just choosing nutcases that will always kiss the ring and will never contradict him!! He’s the emperor and no one else!! Just wait for the bigger chunks of shit to hit the fan. Its gonna happen. You’ll see. As far as Mayrita, pobrecita!! She couldn’t even muster her own Republican party vote. At least not all of it. Why i say this well, here are some numbers—- Adam Hinojosa: 126,000 votes, Monica de la Cruz: 127,000 votes ( they both won) Mayra Mentiras: 97,000 votes ?? Where are the other Republican votes?? They chose not to vote for her , so Mayrita , even your own people DONT like you!! Get that through your head . Maybe you need to look in the mirror and do some soul searching!! You come across as a lying, cheating, deceitful grifter. So im thinking your loss had nothing to do with politics. How shameful it must be for you and your Burgos posse. My compadre may have a point. Quien sabe????

Anonymous said...


😆You keep telling yourself that 🤣😂. You are an idiot that can write.

Anonymous said...

Who cares
We all get lonestar

Anonymous said...

Yup! Look at new car industry
MSRP and higher for any new car
Vehicles are ridiculous after the "pandemic"
They ain't going to be cheaper

Anonymous said...

The Trump dance is taking off.

Anonymous said...

white privilege: banks love them, racial slurs to ethnic groups by whites, cops love to harass blacks and meskins, unfair advantages deny, distance and dismantle strategies that whites use to deny their racism.

Anonymous said...

Red Wave came and ignored Mayra Flores!!! ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

And MAGA kicked your asses. It is going to be a long 8 years until you demorats can even consider winning another election. Let that sink in.

Anonymous said...

Tu que sabes baboso? Mayra se la come y tu tambien!

Anonymous said...

8 yrs ??? How did you come up with that number Mr MAGA lover ???

Anonymous said...

This is possibly true for people who are still working, but those who saved for years to retire are watching their savings vanish. There need to be price controls or profit caps put in place for the greedy profiteers. On top of that, about 40-50% of food grown in the USA is thrown away. Imagine if half our food was not wasted, I believe is illegal in France. I may be wrong about the country, but it is a European country that requires stores to give away food rather than throw it away. This naturally keeps prices lower and prevents stupid waste.

Anonymous said...

Once the cost of fuel decreases as well as implementing deregulation the prices will drop.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely correct with that comment!! How does it feel to be Republican reject Mayrita ??? Thats what you get for giving PINOCCHIO a run for his money !!! You are AURAJUICE!! Vieja mentirosa.

Anonymous said...

Send Mayra RATA back to Mexico! Better yet make her
swim back across the Rio Grande!

Anonymous said...

mayra listen, RACIST REPUBLICANS HATE MESKINS, understand pinche coco!

Anonymous said...

Love to hear Democrats winge about democracy. When was the last time these guys had a democratic elected frontrunner? Obama? Eaaaat a dick!
