(Ed.'s note: After disastrous election results that saw Cameron County go red with Donald Trump, Gilbert Hinojosa has said he will resign effective next March. Ironically, the loudest voices calling for his resignation came from the extreme left who said he hasn't done enough to champion their causes. The general consensus is that the party has been seriously distracted by radical issues that alienate it from mainstream politics. The Republicans have the same problem with their extremists, too.
And Trump's agenda is not ours. This is not his country. It's all ours' country. Right or wrong. When right to support it. When wrong, to set it right.
It is time to set a different course. Jared, seriously consider following suit. We've weathered these storms before. Democratic ideals haven't changed. Let's reclaim them. Do not despair. Organize. )
What - and where - is the Extreme Left? I don't see it or feel. You fall for this, Montoya? LMAO
Extreme Left? I don't see a Che Guevara anywhere. Just some more demonizing from our very visible Extreme Right!!!
And Montoya, you took his money to protect him. He is about to get hit with a RICO along with his wife. How much are you going to charge to run cover for him?
Gilberto overstayed his welcome and really stunk the place up! Shit in the floor, then leave! Shame, shame. Hopefully the party will get someone with a brain, and not even consider the likes of Gilbert’s pal Hockema!
gringos did a good job eliminating the EXTREME LEFT, if there ever was one, which I doubt. feria anyone?
Gilberto Hinjosa was a dismal flop. Gilbert, my ass. He's Mexican through and through.
Gilbert should have resigned 5-6 years ago. He was stuck in the past and with the notion that S. Tex. Hispanics would always be Democrats. He allowed the hard Right to relabel us. If you were a Democrat you were a Liberal baby killing, faggot; welfare sucking tax raising socialist; open border anti- American threat to this country. And it worked. Gilbert never had the balls to say we are Americans with conservative family values; we believe that the middle class has been and always will be the social and economic engine of this great nation; We believe that education is the ladle that stirs the American melting pot and fuels the growth and economic stability of the middle class. These were the labels he should have promoted and draped on us. Instead he hopped on the Eastern far left bandwagon because it was Chic and trendy and thought it made him look intellectual. Well folks we got our ass kicked and it time to get up off the canvas and start putting back together our party with our labels and what we stand for.
This CROOKED BASTARD’s day of reckoning is fast approaching...
far left is very far from here...
Putin is my president. Deal with it.
They should not resign. We need them now more than ever. Get together, organize and protect our people and our race. The killing and violence will begin shortly: Mexicans, Mexican Americans will be killed by their own people: the Mexican people that think they are White.
There will be no saviors, no leaders, no revolutionaries that will come and defend the Mexican Americans nor the South Texas people. But there will be great opportunities to make money.
1. The Conservatives will not allow contraceptives. So, people have to go to Mexico and buy them and cross them without being caught. This can be a big future business. Power to the border.
2. Pornography (users and producers) will be prosecuted. More work for lawyers .'
3. More construction workers needed to house and feed and transport illegal aliens out of the USA: Arrest, detention and mass deportation of illegal immigrants will create jobs for border towns.
4. More funeral expenses: no more protections for gays, lesbians etc The beatings and killings will happen all around us.
5. The Military will patrol our towns. Maybe the government will offer jobs to local people but maybe not.
6. Students will have to study since there will be No more diversity, equity, and inclusion programs.
7. More work for parents. Marry the girls and boys young or keep an eye on them: No more abortions, no more help for single mothers, no more help for children. Cuts everywhere. No more monies available for communities.
So when the going gets tough, the tough prepare and make a plan and organize. Hinojosa and none of the Democratic Party people should abandon the ship right now. Get a new motor, buy food supplies and get a radio and face the storm but close to the shore, do not go into the sea. Get a canoe, life jackets, raft, sun screen, first aid kit and clothing for cold water. We count on you guys to keep your eyes open. South Texas residents we are going to float and not swim. We will survive because we are used to these injustices. We have rice, beans and water.
Gilbert Hinojosa has been the worst SDPC in history. Under him Republicans have made bog strides in turning people to Republican view and values. He has never been elected and uses his back room deals to get delegates to vote for him. Not the public but delegates. No tiene vergüenza… and his side kick she/her Jarrod Hockema has a mirrored record in the county. John Shergould would have been a million times better than Hockema
Donde esta ese mamoncito half coco transgender dumpster rata? Esta llorando porque ya con Trump ya no puede jugar en deportes de mujeres! Hahahahahaha. Trump was right about the 2020 election! Where did the 15 millions voters who supposedly voted for Atolito brain Biden go? They never existed! Hahahahahaha
Jared Hockema is Old School. Don't need him anymore after this disaster. Why's blame not falling on his ass?
Its not extreme right nor extreme left , its extreme INSANITY !! Gone are the days of : “ lets meet in the middle “ or “we can agree to disagree “ or “ lets reach across the aisle” . Now its more like : its my way or the highway or you better watch your back or you’re going to pay for what you did . NO MORE CIVILITY OR COMPROMISE. A dangerous world we live in !
The police will check for documents now. If the police officers refuse they will be fired. You are fired. Get your documents ready, no excuses. Find your passport, find your papers, green cards, visas and carry them with you. Find your driver's license.
Hinojosa's resignation was long overdue. As per info on Google, during his 12 year tenure, the Democrats never won any statewide offices and of the 38 allocated seats in Congress, only 12 seats are occupied by Democrats. In the Texas Legislature, the Democrats are outnumbered by at least 24 seats. the During Hinojosa's watch, the GOP has had seven state party chairs. The GOP has grown and gotten stronger every year, while the Democrats can't seem to catch up. The two previous elections were an indication the GOP was on the move, but the Democratic Party sat back and did not do enough to contend or stop the bleeding. As a result, this election was the most brutal for Democrats as more counties and precincts turned RED including our own Cameron and Hidalgo counties.
Need a firebrand for that job, an ass-kicker willing to say shit to Republicans like Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton. Mexicans need not apply. . .
Career politicians getting fat off the machine - his daughters too! Nothing ever of substance.
You fucking democrats disgust me along with a the majority of the country. And by the way, you turned the whole RGV RED.
Come on Montoya get off that peyote bro te esta dando diarrea
About time
MAGA bitch’es … self destruction!
I think Americans just said no to men in girls sports. Men in girls bathrooms. And forcing liberal left down our throats…..Liberal left have run out a lot of democrats…and they ran quickly to the right.
November 8, 2024 at 1:28 PM
you will be escorted out of that temporary housing on central blvd library dumpster, pinche mojado. your ass will be on a fishing hook and thrown across el rio de ratas and back to mesco. PINCHE MOJADO MAMON, and you will be better off, trump, your lover, is going to remove all the gimme gimme programs that keeps all mojados in the U.S.
LOS COCOS Y GRINGOS ARE WORKING ON A PROJECT TO MOVE MESCO TO COCKROACH EUROPE hahahahahahaaaa GOOD LUCK!!!! to include all the land, todas las chanclas, los chones y pantaletas don't worry you will also be given a half a pound of frijoles ON YOUR GUEY OUT PINCHES MAMONES MOJADOS!!!!!!!!!
What a shocker to many of you that the valley turned RED. You are already starting with the scare tactics that they will be coming after you. If you are a US citizen you have nothing to fear but if you broke the law and are here illegally then maybe you should be worried.
If you care about your party Gilbert, resign immediately. Why wait until March of 2025.
You I agree with, remove the first couple of sentences. I’m conservative and R leaning. BUT this is the valley and I support my D leaning friends (with my values) AND vote for my friends I agree here locally. But quit with this Maga republicans bullshit. It’s a label that pisses me off. It’s a lazy fucking argument. All these stupid little things pisses off the working class. You sir/ma’am I totally agree. Change is coming and I don’t won’t staunch republicans or democrats thinking they are going to rule us. I REALLY LIKE YOUR POST
The Republicans created a team of thinkers that create the guidelines that control the government. The president or the party has no importance, the important is the guidelines created by this group of Old School Republicans. They think, they plan and they implement their ideas.
That is how the Republicans have won the elections. By redistricting the sections of land in Texas. By putting big money into the small communities to elect their candidates. Democrats donate twenty dollars and the Republicans donate millions. Money wins. How? signs all over the place, candidates meeting with people every day, giving interviews, they are endless because they have a strong team of supporters that carry them to victory. Right now, the Democrats are suffering but the Republicans are planning the next election.
Trump's first lie. He will end the Ukraine/Russia war within 24 hours after the election. Get ready for more let-downs MAGA.
The Texas Democratic Party must stop capitulating to right wing framing on immigration. How hard is it to counter message with “Immigrants are good actually” without simply tying their value to their labor. Immigrants have value because they are human beings and deserve to be treated with respect & dignity. No human is illegal. The only difference between an undocumented person and a documented person is paperwork. We have more in common with each other than we’re led to believe, we are all just trying to survive and provide for our families. Anti immigrant sentiment is rising across the country because the Democratic Party has failed to push back against the idea that the rising cost of living is a result of immigration. It’s not. It’s caused by unchecked corporate greed, price gouging, and poverty wages. Mainstream media and politicians on both sides are so quick to point the finger at immigrants or other marginalized communities because it’s easier to punch down than up. Their corporate donors want us to be divided in order to distract us from our collective exploitation. You don’t fight the right by meeting them in the middle. Instead of shifting rightward in attempt to reach voters across the isle, push back against the xenophobic and white supremacist rhetoric and promote actual solutions for the struggles working class people are experiencing.
We need new leadership
Folks, this is a well-read individual with a coherent grasp of reality.
Your comment was concise and eloquent. This blog is worthy of
your inoffensive input. Good to know that there are still reasonable
Americans amongst us. Peace
That is right. US citizens are out of danger. Even the ones that were born in Matamoros but got a midwife to do the paperwork and committed fraud. Just do not tell anybody that you were born in La Colonia Popular but your grandfather bought your fake citizenship papers because now you are legal.
It’s a shame he has to apologize for his statement recently- it’s the truth - cancel culture has to go
When the illegal aliens leave the USA, housing prices will go up. They get no benefits, they get low salaries and work weekends, and eat on top of the roofs. White Americans will demand a lunch hour, benefits and high salaries. The positive thing: no more exploration of the workers. Time to pay America. Your homes will be better built because you will demand perfection for the high prices.
Well said.
And Trumps agenda is not ours. This is not his country. It's all our's country. Right or wrong. When right to support it. When wrong to set it right.
Here's your problem Juanito. First all that booze has pickled your brain. Secondly, you're right, it's not his country. It's ours. And the majority have spoken again. The Democrats don't have an issue with ideology. They just have a problem recognizing truth and what constitutes majority. As long as Democrats continue to live in lala land, they will continue to lose. Now you....people have come to accept you as a loser so you don't have much to lose. You're good.
This well read individual needs to go back to school and study economics 101and the impacts of an economy on a sovereign state.
This well read individual needs to go back to school and learn that humans can be illegal. We see it in thieves, murderers and rapists everyday.
This well read individual probably doesn't have a job and can't hold one long enough for any self realization or self worth.
Which is probably the reason this well read individual has such disdain for corporate America.
And finally, this individual is exactly what's wrong with the Democratic party.
To quote this individual: "you don't fight the right by meeting them in the middle" No, of course not. The notion of compromise no longer exists in the Democratic party which is the reason why the Democratic party is imploding. And the American public is witnessing this in real time with real problems.
By the way well read individual....I'm a Democrat and you are an idiot.
about time PENDEJO. Is ellis island still open? the starting point of all gringos and where over 100 million pendejos crossed into the lands of the natives. on the other side they used junkets to get here and when they ran out of food they ate each other, here's a human bone to suck on was the daily call, oooopppps this is just a fairy-tale, folklore, often includes magic, enchantments, and mythical beings.
nobody in the valley is "well read", PENDEJO!!!
Musk and Trump stole the election. Musk used the technology to steal the votes, to inflate the numbers. Trump got 75, 112,005 votes of those 70,000, 000 were stolen votes.
You are confused. The Republican party has gone insane: stealing votes, hating gays, being scared of dark skinned people, using racism to control people. That is why the right thing to do was to push them back, but the Democrats believe in reason, in doing the right thing, and now they have to fight and play dirty. For example, when all the latino voters that favored Trump start going back to their countries (Cuba, Dominican Republic, Venezuela) the Democrats will not say anything. It is going to be the Republicans job to protect those that voted for Trump.
We don't know how factual the comments posted here are... Facts: the principal at Veterans High School has to go.. too many issues at that school since she got on board. Linda Gallegos had that school running smoothly.
Todos los Mexicanos votaron por el pinche gringo de Trumpas. bien pendejos. Esperen los sucesos para los proximos 4 años. No mamen
Esa directora de la Veteranos es muy Mala. Ya queremos que la kiten de la escuela. Antes estaba en otra escuela y tampoco la kerian
November 8, 2024 at 10:45 AM como chingas maricon!
mamasela and quit bitchin' jotito...
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