Special to El Rrun-Rrun
The 13th Court of Appeals denied a Brownsville man's appeal of his conviction who was charged with brutally beating his girlfriend in 2021 and who is serving a 25 year prison sentence and was fined $10,000.A jury fund Amado Martinez Jr. guilty after a three-day trial in the 357th District Court under Judge Juan A. Magallanes on January 2023. Initially, he faced charges of attempt to commit murder, aggravated assault with a weapon and burglary of a habitation with intent to commit another felony. His conviction was for the aggravated assault charge.
His appeal claimed that extensive pre-trial publicity on his case in El Rrun-Rrun prejudiced his case and that the court should have granted his request for a change of venue, that the state had not delivered all of the defense's last-minute motions for discovery, and that his conviction on the one charge – aggravated assault – had been erased through a clerical error that dismissed the other two charges.
The denial of his appeal was issued yesterday, December 12.
On Sept. 15, 2021, officers with the Brownsville Police Department responded to an assault call to an apartment complex on the 2400 block of Barnard Road where they found a 49-year-old woman badly beaten lying on the asphalt in a basketball court area.
According to the police department, the woman had been “severely beaten and had several lacerations on her face.” Veronica Rivas Cespedes – a popular waitress at the Toucan Lounge – was tortured by Martinez, her boyfriend. The assault included pulling off her fingernails and chopping off her hair before she was left for dead from the vicious beating, according to friends and relatives.
According to the police department, the woman had been “severely beaten and had several lacerations on her face.” Veronica Rivas Cespedes – a popular waitress at the Toucan Lounge – was tortured by Martinez, her boyfriend. The assault included pulling off her fingernails and chopping off her hair before she was left for dead from the vicious beating, according to friends and relatives.
"Police told the family to keep quiet make believe that she was dead so they could make an arrest," said a family friend.
Her co-workers at the lounge where she worked held a fundraiser to help her with medical expenses.
Police obtained an arrest warrant for Martinez and he was taken into custody. His bond was set at $1 million and then raised to $3 million due to the extreme violent character of the offense.
"We feel that justice had been served on this defendant," said Cameron County D.A. Luis V. Saenz. "I was very proud of our staff for fighting for the victim and getting this violent individual off the street."
I am pretty sure Felix "El Mesero" Sauceda used to date this lady. He used to give her rides on his motorcycle when he was out giving tickets to residents.
You lie.
MEXICANS with no jobs and no education beat their wives that work for a living because they refused to hand over money for BEER and DOPE. This is a typical Valley cockroach male...absolutely fucking WORTHLESS!
Hey, DA Saenz honors us with a comment , how honored we all are !!
in the interest of justice
Mexico es uno de Los países más lindos del mundo por su gente humilde y trabajadora 🫶🏾🫶🏾 dios bendiga a los aztecas
pobre vieja que chingisa le metieron, that should have been attempted murder charge pero ,,,,,
bpd charged a local with a more serious charges because he had his dog tied up with a chain to a tree in his front yard, oh well una vieja es menos, dogs are more precious, hahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!!
He beat and tortured the woman he should rot in jail and he'll. Anyone who commits a crime like this one should pay the price.
Drunk 1 Cantinera 0
Al bote!
Felix used to go after all the married women at the department.
As a counselor, I agree. His actions during the crime indicate that he has done this before and would do it again.
Simon! And throw away the key!!!
He's a local hero los borrachos de la catorce will honor him with free beer next weekend the whole town is invited.
he was treated with respect by the locals here, LOS BORRACHOS DE LA CATORCE. OTRO ROUND Y YO PAGO!!!
sometimes a good whipping makes you understand where you stand with your mate, hahahahahaaa nowyouknowlady!!!
December 14, 2024 at 8:34 AM
counselors are dime a dozen all they do is read outdated books, IDIOTAS!!
Gringos that work hire mescans to do their dirty jobs like beat their wives and other secret jobs.
gringos are so highly educated that they don't know how to open doors and flush toilets. FACT
prisons are full of gringos that beat their wives
December 14, 2024, at 8:34 AM - "As a counselor, I agree. His actions during the crime indicate that he has done this before and would do it again." "Mrs. Counselor—If you are who I think you are, are you still a professor at UofH? Your grammar and prospective responses are similar to those of one of my professors there.
December 18, 2024 at 8:45 AM
Union of Honey, metele una chingisa and they'll love you forever. UofH motto...
Gringos bring them flowers y feria and then las viejas turn around and give it to mescan novios. hahahahahaaaa AND ALL GRINGOS DO THAT IDIOTAS hahahahahaaaa
I have three gringa novias and now I am rich de feria y amor. gringos need to work all day and all night hahahahaha
justice has finally prevailed, she was mean, ugly, and insensitive to her pareja. GOOD JOB
You are a joke and a person who is laughed at!!! And, in our defense, we know and understand what we are reading. Unlike individuals like yourself, the mindset of a hamster🐹running around in a circulating cage looking for a way out of their OWN insanity of misery and despair.
Toma, bien pusta en tu colo December 14, 2024 at 8:34 AM 😂
To the so called Counselor...you sound very much like the retired Harlingen cop who does counseling” for “anger management” and others on probation. If this is you...you are a real DUMBASS who thinks he’s smart but indeed is dumber than a sack of hammers. A true NARCISSIST; someone who thinks they are right all the time. You are that short, fat, Mexican retired cop, I’m sure if it. GO FUCK YOURSELF!
December 14, 2024 at 8:34 AM
counselors are dime a dozen all they do is read outdated books, IDIOTAS!!
December 17, 2024 at 9:27 AM
How true they think its the 1930's.
me acorde de ti y me puse pedo
Another Mexican Crab trying to sound halfway intelligent —are you the one who got arrested for shopping lifting at the flea market? "A sack of hammers," what the hell is that? THE DISCRIPTION OF YOU IS, YOU ARE A SACK OF SHIT!!!! YOU PROBABLY STILL LIVING WITH YOUR PARENTS ON WELFARE!!! TAKE THIS ONE UP ASS - EN EL COLO!!!
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