can't understand here in browntown all children are fat but their parents are skinny. come on pinche counselor mamon tell us why? you seem to know TODO.
Give the children a break. Let them be chubby, when they grow up they are all athletic, strong and healthy. A little fat helps them when they get sick. Shame on parents that take their children to nutritionists and do not feed them flour tortillas, nor pizza, nor fried chicken.
Every job has its risks.
can't understand here in browntown all children are fat but their parents are skinny. come on pinche counselor mamon tell us why? you seem to know TODO.
I blame RAMEN.
mejico is the capitol of fat people
look for another job idiota like a brujo or a wabbit or even a pumkin
It amazes me how after all these years of blog postings by 'La Cebolla' is not recognized as satirical reporting.
Even some elected officials fall for it and comment on them especially on articles from 'The Onion'.
Give the children a break. Let them be chubby, when they grow up they are all athletic, strong and healthy. A little fat helps them when they get sick. Shame on parents that take their children to nutritionists and do not feed them flour tortillas, nor pizza, nor fried chicken.
I want to know what the counselor has to say about this. Counselors do know TODO.
idiota you mean mijico city
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