Vandalism-plagued Harry McNair Park on Levee Street between E. 4th and 5th streets is getting a temporary jungle gym after the original $50,000 playground fixture was destroyed by a fire this past Thanksgiving Day.
Brownsville Parks and Recreation Department workers cleaned up the charred remains of the jungle gym since and have now installed the temporary park fixture while they acquire a new replacement.
Brownsville Police report that no one was hurt, but the park’s $50,000 jungle gym was destroyed.
The city said this was not the first time the park was vandalized. and say they they’re investigating the fire.
“We've had vandalism here before, more recently with one of our fountains here,” Brownsville Parks and Recreation Director Sean De Palma told a news station. “We have a public fountain and there's graffiti and so forth, and we're just asking the community to partner with us."
Brownsville Police report that no one was hurt, but the park’s $50,000 jungle gym was destroyed.
The city said this was not the first time the park was vandalized. and say they they’re investigating the fire.
“We've had vandalism here before, more recently with one of our fountains here,” Brownsville Parks and Recreation Director Sean De Palma told a news station. “We have a public fountain and there's graffiti and so forth, and we're just asking the community to partner with us."
De Palma said said it'll be there for at least a year before a permanent replacement piece is brought in.
If you know anything, call Brownsville police at 956-548-7000.
If you know anything, call Brownsville police at 956-548-7000.
I know nothing.
I am sure the park was ensured.
It's the vagrants that sleep at the parks
They keep their shopping carts full of junk there
Seen different parks with the people camped out over night
The park on 12th street behind disco de oro
Also seen the homeless camped at
At prax orive park at Veterans park at ruiz park
the hairless freako needs to go there and fix it himself maybe just maybe some hair will grow back again PINCHE MAMON!!!
ALL THESE PEOPLE LIVING AT CITY PARKS RECENTLY CROSSED THE RIVER. Trumputo will sent immigration jeeps to all barrios and skip checking the border and the parks. Harassment to the fullest by racist republicans, regardless of where you were born he wants all mexican and mexican americans deported back to mexico sent him a thank you note for senting you back to your monte country after you voted for this pendejo.
ESTUPIDOS don't trust los gringos they hate your brown asses IDIOTAS learn it NOW
You sound full of anger and fury. However, much of what you say is true. You can't blame people for having hope.
Trump will always lie ! He says he will deport all illegal immigrants , but they are the ones that constructed most of his skyscrapers ( and never paid them as per reports). He promised he would lower grocery prices on day one and now he is backtracking on that promise “ I can not guarantee anything when it comes to lowering prices”. Yada yada. The guillotine is coming and only Trumps billionaire friends will benefit/survive. All you MAGA followers took the bait —-“hook, line and sinker!!! Just wait and see . He’ll throw a few crumbs your way but the big picture will only benefit HIMSELF and his friends.
Why so much anger towards so called gringos? In 2022' the white population in this country was 59.3% and the hispanic population was 18.9%. You are definitely outnumbered. Go back to Mexico and find your happiness.
STOP WITH YOUR WHINING ! It took Biden and his administration four years to ruin our country. Now you morons want miracles over night? Give me a break. Go Trump!
It's costing tax payers way too much money to maintain our city parks which are constantly being vandalized by the losers in our city. Instead, use this money to properly repair our streets. Who cares about parks? If you have kids take them to the Main Even. Now if you can't afford it, get another job! Easy fix.
December 13, 2024 at 7:07 AM
so what? 50% all whites in this country are asleep, or counting their money in the banks. uno, dos, tres oooops I mean one, two, tuwe...
open benefits offices by el rio de ratas so as not to miss no illegals from getting their due deserved "BENEFITS", and don't forget to raise our propety taxes pinche flaca....
I saw Trump backing out on the "lowering of prices" and laughed. How the voters believed his BS is mind blowing. Oh well " I will survive." Just look ahead.
the hairless freak-o. buy a hair piece you scare the children play on parks GUEY.
me acorde de ti y me puse pedo....
ensured? this guey (way) you know you are en el valle are you ensured?
put dog shit on your head maybe just maybe you'll grow hair idiota...
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