Tuesday, January 21, 2025




Anonymous said...

Elon Musk throws the NAZI salute at Trump's inauguration. Now we can say that every American who died fighting Hitler died for nothing. Fact.

Anonymous said...

Ah the host from MsNbC “jOY rEiD” the racist anchor. Now that’s facts. You morons never get it. That term is so worn out. Keep trying buddy. I’m sure TDS is real. MAGA

Anonymous said...

Trump wants to re-name the Gulf of Mexico. He should go ahead and re-name us El Salvador.

Anonymous said...

Súper interesante, gracias

Anonymous said...

Gen. Mark Milley’s official portrait as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was taken down yesterday from the hallway where it hung along with those of previous chairmen. Blame Trump.

Anonymous said...

Melanoma dressed as The Hambuglar is so fitting for Ronald McDonald's inauguration.

Anonymous said...

The salaries for bus drivers, substitutes, custodians and secretaries are so low that it is nice that BISD is helping them now by keeping the schools closed: no driving, no exposure to cold weather, etc

Hal Apeño said...

A little cold weather cripples Brownsville. ja ja ja ja (Watch the taquerias be packed)

Anonymous said...

I think he isnt thinking about the third reich constantly like all the leftists, so he didnt even associate that gesture with anything, he was just excited and grateful.

Anonymous said...

From 184 days of work to 183 days
Same pay

Anonymous said...

FYI They need to make the day up. How can you be so ignorant? Nobody gives anybody anything. Get your head out of the shit hole.

Anonymous said...

America offers everything!!! We now even have our own Adolf Hitler wannabe.

Anonymous said...

We are a shithole. Look around.

Anonymous said...

Yes, awesome

Anonymous said...

What do you mean wants, it’s done gulf of America.

Anonymous said...

Wooo Hooo! Glad to see Trump upsetting so many of you Browntown idiots! I hope you have an internet connection where you all get deported to. Stay in touch! We MAGA are still celebrating! Y M C A! lol.

Ramon G. said...

So, we're a nation of laws, says the anti-immigrant crowd.
What about Trump?

Hal Apeño said...

Suck my horse, you moron!!!

Billie Sol Estes said...

Trump frees 1000s of imprisoned rioters. (Uh, so much for the rule of law)

Doroteo Arango said...

Juan, porque eyaculo muy rapido? A mi vieja no le importa pero a mi movida si. Sufro, hermano!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Already seeing egg shortage at local grocery stores. Still high prices when you can get them.

Anonymous said...

the free 1950 green jeeps are in town and ready to start deporting illegal mescans only, da marines have been here a week already and the $200 dollar visa card is still available tumputo will not charge taxes on it.... andale apurale PENDEJOS

Anonymous said...

Hey Brownsville, La migra task force is coming for you. At your school, hiding in the church closet, everywhere. Also there will be numbers to call and inform the authorities about where you hiding. Adios. You will be able to get a job renting jet skis to gringos in cancun

Anonymous said...

Caldo de Res estuido must be a pinche coco wanna be a gringo but los gringos no lo deja PINCHE MAMON COCO..

Anonymous said...

Remember mescans, tumputo got elected when he promised to send all you mojados back to mesco IDIOTAS. now he's fulfilling his promise. even cocos will be returned to mesco, in an airplane and parachuted back to their native country. Idiotas and don't forget the 200 dollar visa card. If the green jeeps don't catch your ass the marines either remember the visa card will!

Anonymous said...

after ALL mescans are deported including mesican americans, trumputo will than change the name of this RATA city to either gringoville or whitetyville or maybe americaville, as an executive order, the free wheelin' texas governor will do the same. puros racist repubicanos

Anonymous said...

are los mamones gonna get paid or a deduction is comin'??? as a taxpayer (sometimes) I demand an answer by next year.

Anonymous said...

call la migra I want to visit cancun I can alway cross el rio de ratas at any time. get your $200 dollar visa card and we split it...
