Friday, January 24, 2025


I have seen the depths of labor

Where your worth is measured

By your work...

By dint

Of your brow

In beet fields in Nebraska,

Fruit orchards in Michigama

And Ohio cuke and tomato farms;

Turnarounds of refineries in Kansas

At Minnesota pork and pollo matanzas

And in newsrooms all over

And so my father said to me when I was a boy

As we alighted from the back of a truck

To pick cotton upriver of El Ranchito on Military Highway:

Fijate, Juan. El que viene a trabajar no pregunta. No'mas llegando, agarra surco. Al guevon no le queda bien el mecapal, quiere saber donde esta el garrafon de agua, y a que horas se acaba el dia.

(Look, son. The real worker doesn't stand around asking questions. He takes the first row he sees. The lazy man complains that his sack harness doesn't fit, wants to know where the water jug is at, and what time we go home.) 

This lesson,

Imparted by a man with "no" education

Has proved to be true of people 

I have met 

Throughout my working life 

Whether in a field, a factory, refinery

Or a corporate news office.


Tud said...

Only you can align with this shit, Montoya. Only you.

Anonymous said...

Say dude, you forgot to type in the letter r in your name. And I bet you stink like shit, huh? You probably also look like a turd. LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful way to present a lesson your dear father taught you.

Anonymous said...

at 7:35 AM

Anonymous said...

Really? Working in the fields is better than an education? Your a great inspiration to the youth of our community. I guess you want Mexicans to remain stupid and poor. We already have enough of these.

Kenny Rogers said...

Keep eating your shit tacos, vato imbecil!!!

Anonymous said...

It was not about a field job being better than an education. You don't know how to read

Anonymous said...

Unos aprenden por las buenas y otros por las malas
Asi es la vida

Anonymous said...

1:04. It’s “you’re” a great inspiration. You’re not the right person to be critical of
anyone’s education. Get your GED and try again. : )

Anonymous said...

The poor know how to survive. The poor know that they will never be rich. Facts: You are born rich. You marry a rich person and you become rich. You get the lottery. So, the poor are wise, knowledgeable and have common sense. Their families are their wealth. Ask any father or mom and they will tell you: I am rich, I have sons and daughters.

Anonymous said...

at 1:04 PM
can't tell the difference between your and you'r and you are telling people to get educated? Stupid, go back to school! One less estupido in browntown might just make a difference between valley cities call browntown FULL OF STUPID pendejos or educated PENDEJO!!! STUPID!!

Anonymous said...

at 12:34 PM guey
aqui esta tu ere, maricon

Anonymous said...

Pendeja, aprende a leer.

Anonymous said...

I guess reading comprehension is not your forte. What is your forte, genius?

Anonymous said...

at 7:35 AM: hijo de una vieja que se vende!

y tu mama la maricona de la adams st? Aligning with las viejas vendias...she charges 20 pesos. par de mariconas

Anonymous said...

in or on, I suggest you go back to la escuela PENDEJO and quit recommending shit that YOU need more, than the rest of the posters aqui IDIOTA PENDEJ

Anonymous said...

at 1:04 PM

Anonymous said...

No he didn't forget his real name is mamon.

Anonymous said...

You have to be one of those educated idiots that are out there. Un sabelo todo y entiendelo nada.🤤 Tard!

Anonymous said...

Why does one continue to address consumate idiots that believe that their "best shot" at personal recognition is to comment, negatively of course, to anything that the Blogger posts on HIS blog? This is a beautiful piece of what a father, a "real" father, has taught his son. I suppose this shithead (January 24, 2025 at 1:04 PM) does not know who his father is and, as a bastard child, learned only to be a bitter SOB. Get a life, son...before you go to Hell.

Anonymous said...

10:39 Your statement carries a lot of truth. Some of the commentators could
use some humility. That is valuable quality to have.

Anonymous said...

at 12:41 PM
ya quitate con los monito PINCHE MARICON MAMON te gustan los monitos mamon jotonita...

Anonymous said...

This comment was meant for January 24 at 1:04 PM

Anonymous said...

he's got a cartoon ass das why

Anonymous said...

