Thursday, January 9, 2025


January 21, 1977
Draft evaders pardoned
Carter pardons Vietnam War draft evaders.

Emergency Natural Gas Act
Congress passes Emergency Natural Gas Act, authorizing the President to deregulate natural gas prices due to a shortage in supply. Carter signs the bill and announces plans to present an energy program to Congress. He later proposes the establishment of a cabinet-level Department of Energy.

February 15, 1977
Secretary of State travels to Middle East
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance travels to the Middle East in an attempt to reconvene the 1973 Geneva Conference.

February 17, 1977
Soviet dissident receives Carter’s support
Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov receives a written letter of support from President Carter.

April 18, 1977
Carter addresses nation on energy
In an address to the nation, Carter calls his program of energy conservation the “moral equivalent of war.”

May 22, 1977
Carter speaks at Notre Dame
Carter speaks at Notre Dame University, presenting a new direction in foreign policy which takes the focus off anti-Communism and emphasizes support for fundamental human rights.

June 20, 1977
Carter opposes B-1 bomber
Carter announces opposition to production of the B-1 strategic bomber.

July 19, 1977
Carter meets Israeli Prime Minister
Newly elected Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin meets with Carter in Washington.

December 29, 1977
Carter meets Geirek in Warsaw
Carter meets with Polish First Secretary Gierek in Warsaw.

December 31, 1977
Carter visits Shah of Iran
Carter visits the Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, in Tehran, calling Iran “an island of stability” in the Middle East.
Carter takes a tour
Carter travels to India, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, France, and Belgium.

March 9, 1978

Coal strike busted
Carter invokes the Taft-Hartley Act to end a strike by coal miners.

March 17, 1978
Potential Soviet threat
Carter warns of the Soviet threat in a foreign policy address at Wake Forest University.

June 7, 1978

Carter delivers graduation speech
Carter graduation speech at Annapolis emphasizes the importance of human rights in foreign policy.

September 5, 1978
Mediation at Camp David
Carter mediates talks between Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel and President Anwar Sadat of Egypt at Camp David, resulting in a peace treaty between the two nations.
Camp David Accords Signed

The peace treaty was officially signed in March 1979. It was a major breakthrough, perhaps the most significant by an American President dealing with Middle East affairs, and established a precedent for future high-level negotiations over these issues.

October 15, 1978

Congress passes energy, employment bills
Congress passes a revised energy bill eighteen months after Carter proposed it. Congress also passes the Humphrey-Hawkins full employment bill.

December 15, 1978
China granted diplomatic status
The Carter administration grants full diplomatic status to the People's Republic of China.

April 5, 1979
Phase two of energy plan
Carter announces his “phase two” energy plan calling for conservation and phasing out price controls on oil.

June 7, 1979
MX missile approved
Carter approves development of the MX missile.

June 18, 1979

Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
Carter signs the second Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II) with the USSR. The U.S. Senate never ratifies the controversial treaty, although both nations voluntarily comply with its terms.

July 15, 1979
A crisis of confidence
Carter delivers what becomes known as his “malaise speech,” blaming the problems of the nation on “a crisis of confidence.”

July 18, 1979
Five cabinet members resign
Carter accepts the resignations of five cabinet members and names Hamilton Jordan chief of staff.

September 14, 1979
Approval ratings low
A Washington Post poll gives Carter the lowest approval rating of any President in three decades.

October 17, 1979
Department of Education established
Carter signs a bill establishing the Department of Education and appoints Shirley Hufstedler as its secretary.

November 4, 1979

Americans taken hostage in Tehran
In the longest hostage situation in recorded history, Iranian students take fifty-two American diplomats and citizens hostage for 444 days at the American embassy in Tehran. The students were supporters of the Iranian Revolution and took the hostages in protest of the United States’ harboring of the Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi who was accused of numerous violent crimes against Iranian citizens. After several failed rescue attempts, the death of Pahlavi in Egypt, and Iraq’s invasion of Iran (beginning the Iran-Iraq War) Iran was forced to negotiate a release; the crisis ended with the signing of the Algiers Accords on January 20, 1981.

January 23, 1980
“Carter Doctrine”
Carter announces the “Carter Doctrine” in his State of the Union address, asserting that threats to the Persian Gulf region will be viewed as “an assault of the vital interests of the United States.”

March 14, 1980
Anti-inflation program
Carter announces his anti-inflation program which includes a proposal for a balanced budget for fiscal year 1981.

April 17, 1980
Economy in recession
Carter announces that the economy is in recession, with the inflation rates hitting ten percent and interest rates climbing to eighteen percent.

April 22, 1980
Summer Olympic Boycott
The U.S. Olympic Committee votes to boycott the Moscow Summer Olympics, supporting Carter in protesting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

April 25, 1980

“Desert One” failure
Carter announces the failure of “Desert One,” the mission to rescue the Iranian-held hostages, and that several American military personnel had been killed.

June 1, 1980
Approval low
Carter's approval rating reaches the lowest mark of any President since 1945.

November 4, 1980
Reagan wins election
Carter loses election to Ronald Reagan, winning only 49 electoral votes to Reagan's 489.

January 20, 1981
Reagan inaugurated
Ronald Reagan is inaugurated President, and Carter leaves Washington, D.C.


Anonymous said...

Carter was the worse president of the United States until Biden took the title away. May he finally rest in peace!

Anonymous said...

No, fuckface, your Boy Trump takes that crown. By a LANDSLIDE!!!

Anonymous said...

Flags lowered as Trump takes office. HA AHA HA HA HA HA

Anonymous said...

Your mother was the worst piece of ass your father ever had. Obviously.

Anonymous said...

Trump owned Carter. As did Regan.

Anonymous said...

Trumps win was the landslide! And by the way my boy doesn't shit in his pants.

Anonymous said...

Get over it you indoctrinated morons. Move on with your lives. Four beautiful years in the horizon.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure of that ? Look at all the infighting in MAGA world and all the crazy rhetoric and insane ideas being spewed, and he’s still not president?!?!? Beautiful years may not be the correct adjective to use . Insane / crazy may be better suited , but to give you the benefit of the doubt—- let’s wait and see . Peace

Anonymous said...

President Elon Musk.

Anonymous said...

Carter was a good man. He is laughing from heaven at all this nonsense from heaven.

Anonymous said...

Biden shits his pants and the worst President, thanks to Carter another one that shited his pants! Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

You will never have what both Carter and Biden had. Shit for brains is what you got. El pobre...

Anonymous said...

When/ where / how did Trump own Carter ??? Trump doesn’t “ own” an inch of Carter’s human decency and civility.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it , that Trumps wears adult diapers. Its been reported. Look it up !! His supporters even wore diapers to his rallies ( Real men wear diapers was their cry). So who really shits his pants ?????

Anonymous said...

Y'al posting shit here about voting when y'al don't even have the age to vote BOLA DE GUERQUITOS MAMONES.

Anonymous said...

Supporting the US and UK installed Shah of Iran is an example of America’s
complicity in destabilization in the Middle East. Actions have a ripple effect
that may not produce desired outcomes. It’s time to take care of the middle class and workers. The wealthy have had more than their fair share for
decades. The incoming president should put Greenland and Panama
on the back burner. America first, remember?

Anonymous said...

You are a history expert. Few people know the history of Presidents. In fact, few people know who Jimmy Carter is, they were not even born when he was president.

Anonymous said...

So make up your mind Trump , who is the worst president?? One day you say its Biden, another day Obama, then Clinton, and then Bush etc??? The worst president in your eyes is whoever disagrees with you , right ??? Typical narcissist , insecure fool. Just look in the mirror and you’ll see the worst president EVER !!!

Anonymous said...

He really was the worst.

Anonymous said...

The Panama Canal is a moneymaker that President Carter should never have sold for a Dollar. As for Greenland, it’s about national security.

Anonymous said...

6:50. Panama Canal belongs to Panama. You can’t keep something that doesn’t belong to you. By your reasoning, we’ll take whatever we feel is
in our best interest. Imperialism and colonialism days are over.

Anonymous said...

@9:02 Idiota! Getting Panama canal control and Greenland will help the United States of America posper, not sending billions to Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

@7:01 Ni los dos celebros de Atole (Carter/Biden) se hace uno como el chingon Trump! Hahahahahahahha!

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:38 , looks like the “Hahahahaha “ bandit is back. There’s a book called a dictionary, use it cause its not “ celebros” its cerebros. So who’s the one that has atole for brains ??? Hahahahaha. Happy new year

Anonymous said...

January 10, 2025 at 6:50 AM PENDEJO

the atomic bomb is our national security IDIOTA!!!

Anonymous said...

@2:09 Ok so perfect...I'm at time 11:36, not 11:38. You're not good with numbers. There are books for Math, you should read one, or get some eyeglasses. Hahahahahaha! The celebros was a typo, like that never happens to you... So stop acting like your ass doesn't stink! Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Good man, I’ll give him that. 2nd worst president in history, Biden is the GOAT in that category.

Anonymous said...

carter dead? I just saw him crossing da bridge downtown... really?

Anonymous said...

11:38 AM
You just keep telling yourself that. 😂

Anonymous said...

January 10, 2025 at 10:44 PM
This blog is invaded by bisd teachers and wanna be teachers y de todos no se hace uno. go back to tsc and stay there, BOLA DE IDIOTAS.

Anonymous said...

he went to kemasabe
