Tuesday, February 18, 2025


On Monday, Erasmo Castro’s family said on social media that viewing services will be Wednesday, Feb. 19 from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Funeraria del Angel in Brownsville.

Funeral services will begin on Thursday at 10 a.m., and the burial will be held at 11 a.m. at the same location.


Elvis said...

Dust to dust, ashes to ashes. . . .

Anonymous said...

El que muere, muere. Adios, ese.


“I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to. . .”

Anonymous said...

Nice guy.
Condolences to family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Too bad he went Republican. MAGA don't uh-like Mescan peeple doin' that sheeeee-it. He nevah knew it, tho. ha ha

Anonymous said...

Life is short.
Live it, don't hate.

Anonymous said...

if you are a racist republican and mescan you hate yourself and your people Y NUCA VAS HACER GRINGO PERIOD!!!

Anonymous said...

I know that I don't give a rat's ass for this excuse of a man's burial. Vaya con Dios.

Anonymous said...

One less pedo on the streets

Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace Mr. Castro - $!%@$#&*^ CANCER!!

Anonymous said...

Will that broke retard who sings song parodies for Erasmo sing at the funeral?


Social Security Warning Issued Over Benefits "Interruption."
Elon Musk & Trump say widespread fraud in SS benefits. May lead to check interruptions.

Glen Campbell said...

Europe is angry, Mexico is angry, Canada is angry. The USA will be left standing alone. So sad for the good people in the USA. Russia is very happy though.....

Anonymous said...

I heard Daniela, Jessica, and Denise will be there to get him to try to vote on the bond with them again.

Anonymous said...

Juan, what do you think jailed Capt. Bob is doing right now?

Anonymous said...

The world is a better place

Jim Barton said...

Erasmo lived his life exactly as he wanted, making room for everything he wanted to make room for, saying everything he wanted to say, needed to say. . . . . no regrets

History said...

"I've got a fire in the cockpit!"

Anonymous said...

One less pedo

Anonymous said...

Who will write your death announcement, Juan?
Imagine the disrespect for that. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ron Jeremy said...

Juan, would you say that Taylor Swift is really good p*ssy?

Anonymous said...

Cosa Mala nunca muere! Su espirito encontrara cavidad en otro pendejo. Y no me aguito decirlo

Anonymous said...

Dust in the wind. RIP. Ahi vamos!

Anonymous said...

That was said above in the Jimi Hendrix quote, moron!

Anonymous said...

Juan the fact that you are of Mexican heritage, served in the armed services, and went college, out of state, back in the day makes you a trail blazing legend. You have put up a good fight, brother. Love you.

Anonymous said...

What? And name him Lazarus? They aren't Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Like as if the old folks that get SS are the ones stealing. Yeah, right.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that el camote del blog owner posted a lot of shit here and lately, enjoy los chupones while you can PINCHE JOTO MAMON.

Anonymous said...

February 19, 2025 at 7:21 AM
mamasela maricon

Anonymous said...

He has 99 virgins waiting for him

Anonymous said...

February 19, 2025 at 12:35 PM
y todas feas, panzonas, hediondas y apestosas ENJOY!!!

Anonymous said...

HEB is suspending the selling of all cheese for one minute only, on Wednesday, Feb. 19 from 1p.m. to 1.02 p.m. good riddence...

Anonymous said...

February 18, 2025 at 4:09 PM
andas caliente con el blog owner ? pinche jotita mariconsita... ay Juan!!!!

Anonymous said...

February 18, 2025 at 5:29 PM
como chingas maricon mamasel al blog owner joto
