Friday, February 21, 2025



Anonymous said...

Took hostage? The land in question was sold to Musk. Why don't you write about who got paid, how much and and where that money went? Or is it too difficult to admit that your local corrupt democratic politicians received payment. This land is gone my friends. Thank your local democrats!

Anonymous said...

Now the USA knows that growing gives you problems. The government is firing employees to keep a small government. The same thing with Brownsville, when it was small it was different. People thought that Brownsville needed change. They were wrong. Let us hope La Feria, Donna etc stay small.

Anonymous said...

Sofia Benavides.

Anonymous said...

Alex Dominguez, Eddie Lucio III, Rene Capistran: they got money, for themselves, their political elections, and jumped into jobs with contractors for Space X. Few people know what these guys did and nothing was done to them. Trevino, the county judge placates the citizens and does the deals with Space X. His company Core Construction RGV is doing the money.

Anonymous said...

And those crooked Democrats got re-elected, and they will probably get re-elected again, and again. They never learn.

Anonymous said...

You're small, puto.

Anonymous said...

The land was stolen by Musk and others. Example, Alex Dominguez knew Musk wanted Boca Chica so he bought some plots worth $1, 300 dollars. Sold the properties for $380,000. BINGO. Yet some people in Boca Chica Village said NO. Imagine that, the poor have dignity and respect for the land.

Anonymous said...

The land is not gone. Musk demolished the sign with Brownsville VIllage and then he destroyed the Virgin of Guadalupe statue. Now we know why Musk doesn't pay his bills, why the rockets fail and why he will never reach Mars. The Virgin of Guadalupe is strong and has power. Down with Musk and Space X. Big Punishment to all the evil doers.

Anonymous said...

Money makes the world go round. Musk got 10 years to develop the area and NO taxes. Then the Texas Parks and Wildlife voted to swap 43 acres to Musk, then the City or Cameron County gave Musk 5 million dollars to come here and 1 Million dollars to offer jobs. That is why he wants his own continue not paying taxes to NOBODY. Trevino is his associate and he follows the rules of Texas and that is why there will be an election to create Starbase Texas. Musk knows what people want: MONEY. Trevino just got married and he has to think about his family: MONEY.

Anonymous said...

ebruary 21, 2025 at 9:24 AM I understand your anger. It is what it is. Those people are lawyers, they are in power, they get to do what they can for progress. Follow the rich people and do not argue with the poor and old and ignored.

Anonymous said...

all racist republicans under the carpet like los sucio lucios. down here you can't tell them apart the all smell the same A MIERDA... PINCHES RATAS

Anonymous said...

God said believe in no other than me. The virgin of guadalupe is just an idol followed by the weak and ignorant.

Anonymous said...

It's not about a city being large or small but how a cities funding is being administered.

Anonymous said...

Musk has brought more money into the area. Brooke Shuman and la india Bekah Hinojosa want to keep Cameron county poor so that they can continue to play the victim. Notice how they only show the run down parts of Brownsville. This video reeks of sore loser perspective. Don't fall for it. If you want to live in a city that doesn't want business or growth, move to Harlingen.

Anonymous said...

The Virgin and the Saints help God with his work. You know that. Do not be silly. Think about your doctor, who gives them the knowledge to keep you healthy? God. But you think it is your doctor and you.

Anonymous said...

It is the destruction to nature that is devastating. He, Musk, is even sending trash up to space.

Anonymous said...

it was a present from the elected officals here, somebody call the FBI to investigate that gift. I hear it was 400 acres free to this mamon billionaire...

Anonymous said...

they only fund the cops everything else is ancient....

Anonymous said...

February 21, 2025 at 9:24 AM
your mama's hole is big enough to drive a jeep camanchero and its native driver in, remember when you wqlked out of that pozo..

Anonymous said...

Oh, God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe said, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"
God say, "No."
Abe say, "What?"
God say, "You can do what you want, Abe, but
The next time you see me comin' you better run"
Well, Abe said, "Where you want this killin' done?"
God said, "Out on Highway 61"

Anonymous said...

NASA wants to send trashvestites to Mars.

Anonymous said...

I notice the golden trees, the wallets full of dollars, the people with new shoes and new cars, the students with private tutors, the teachers with good salaries, the labor force earning $100,000 per year. You are correct: money and jobs were brought by Musk to Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Musk is going to Mars. First he goes to the Moon when the moon is closer to Earth. Then from the Moon he moves to Mars when Mars is closer to Earth. Who is going first? The guys in Guantanamo. That is how Australia was created: prisoners. The Americas was discovered and conquered by prisoners. So the bad people are going to conquer Mars.

Anonymous said...

He is not going to Mars in this life time. There is no oxygen or water on Mars. That mission will be known as the unviewable "List in Space Episodes." The research Musk is doing is good but no one is going to live independently in Mars.
