Monday, February 17, 2025




Island Orgasmo said...

This MILF had a bit too much fun on vacation. A few drinks and she's taking sexy pics. Breeder hips, huh? Should i post part 2?

Anonymous said...

George Custer got the message.

Anonymous said...

It is what it is! Follow the law. Illegal immigration is just that ILLEGAL!

Anonymous said...

Whitey's spread a lot of pain across the world. Reckoning is coming. . . . . . . . .

Anonymous said...

Be afraid MEXICANS...I’ll turn your illegal ass in to ICE just for the fun of it! I think a BOUNTY should be given for these TACO under twelve are worth $25....over twelve $50. Could be a great way to make some extra pocket money! Run cockroaches run!

Anonymous said...

Indians were savages, no seas mamoncito Montoya!

Anonymous said...

Nothing on the BISD Board meeting when Pat Perez (Board Secretary) assaulted El Pinche Pelon Elizondo

Anonymous said...

Tne natives aren't native to the Americas. DNA shows their ancestors came here from the Altai region of Siberia.

Anonymous said...

I would be more impressed if you put your name on your threat. Just shut up! Yellow Dog

Anonymous said...

We are a savages.

Anonymous said...

Oh, by all means!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking at whitey very differently. Fact.

Anonymous said...

TOP STATES FOR WELFARE: (look to the Red states)

West Virginia

MAGA not talking about this.

Anonymous said...

at 8:36 AM

like your mama a bruja y salvaja en la cama jotito...

Anonymous said...

if mescan were just a poquito esmart they would stay in school and kick all the gringos back to cockroach europe pero NO pinches huevones y arrastrados...son puros envidiosos y los que se quedan el la eschool cuando terminan ya se creen gringos

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No shit!

Anonymous said...

Good that you acknowledge the manner of your arrival, fuckhead.

Anonymous said...

What if certain assholes' mom's had stayed virgins
Nada ke ver
What if

Anonymous said...

Sign your name, Brave One.

(you won't. keyboard toughie)

Anonymous said...

At once!!!

Anonymous said...

Montoya is preparing one of his award-losing video interviews with Elizondo, who will demonstrate his shifty approach to evading jabs.

Anonymous said...

Where are the Not my president protesters?

Anonymous said...

They decided to go up your lard ass. That's a not a shit coming for you, pendejo. . . . . . . . ........ . . .. .... .. ...... ....

Anonymous said...

Callate el osico, malinche!!!

Anonymous said...

That is your way of informing us that you earn minimum wage. You didn't go to Tamale Tech.

Anonymous said...

The USA should not give more visas to poor countries. Only Europeans should get visas.

Anonymous said...

Do not tell what you are going to do, just do it. Do not be a fool.

Anonymous said...

They are constantly protesting, everyday, everywhere. Pay attention and watch them.

Anonymous said...

Round-up these WETBACKS like fucking cattle and ship their brown asses back to where they came from...give each one a breakfast taco...that will calm the natives until they get to their NEW HOME...Bawhahahaha...good fucking riddance cockroaches!

Anonymous said...

at 11:31 PM fool
you must be an unaware fool they are the majority everywhere and I mean the white cockroaches, originally from white cockroach erurope. fooool
