I was at the VFW yesterday and a longtime friend a Vietnam veteran who is wounded and has three purple hearts. He took me aside and told me every one of his purple hearts he would throw away if our country could stay free. Unfortunately, it is getting really scary when true veterans are questioning why did they put their lives in danger? God bless every veteran. God bless America! We will win the struggle!
Omg, what are the mix drink alchemists going to do! Water it down like the cheap vodka you poor into the pricey bottles. 😆 you cheap bastards are going to get caught with your bullshit.. 😂 that’s why Jerry drinks bud light and box wine..
Water that shit down. It’s gonna be a long 4 years.
First go to the doctor and ask him if you can drink this concoction. If your stomach lining can deal with it and you will have no regrets, than go for it. You only live once and this will make you live a shorter life. Let others enjoy your money.
You said it. What gives Elon and Trump the right to infiltrate the SSA? They have no right to access those funds. A president who wants to be a king gives a private citizen the keys to control as he sees fit. Court rulings are being ignored. That is the definition of treason.
I was at the VFW yesterday and a longtime friend a Vietnam veteran who is wounded and has three purple hearts. He took me aside and told me every one of his purple hearts he would throw away if our country could stay free. Unfortunately, it is getting really scary when true veterans are questioning why did they put their lives in danger? God bless every veteran. God bless America! We will win the struggle!
te vas a cagar
Sounds like fun.
Omg, what are the mix drink alchemists going to do! Water it down like the cheap vodka you poor into the pricey bottles. 😆 you cheap bastards are going to get caught with your bullshit.. 😂 that’s why Jerry drinks bud light and box wine..
Water that shit down. It’s gonna be a long 4 years.
Never mind that shit, Mongo. Get after Trump, or are you scared of him, Montoya. Just imagine he is Helen Ramirez!!!
ja aja aja ja ja
Since when has a non-citizen illegal able to have access to a classified meeting of this sort
Why is Elon Musk getting Cabinet level treatment?
The vaginal water your mother leaked into you did you in, baboso!!!
Americans need to take to the streets and protest, or you'll lose your great country.
What does this visit to the VFW have to do with the Sportsman Club? Ay RAZA!
Trump dismantling the Department of Education was predictable. Uneducated people are easier to rule over.
☝️, 😂 he’s mad. Get back to the propaganda. I want to be indoctrinated. Hey loser, Trump ain’t going nowhere. 🏆
Newest Rage? Get a grip, son. Jumex has been around since the fall of the Aztec Empire. La cagas, Juan, la cagas.
And you, you shit-smelling sonofabitch, you can go down on me stat!!!
First go to the doctor and ask him if you can drink this concoction. If your stomach lining can deal with it and you will have no regrets, than go for it. You only live once and this will make you live a shorter life. Let others enjoy your money.
Used and abused by the government.
Esas bebidas
Se llaman
Pide 2 please manito
at 11:26 AM
at 11:26 AM
at 11:31 AM
Me acorde de ti y me puse PEDO!
at 11:26 AM
como chingas con tus pinches cartoons baboso metetelos en el cul* de tu madre joton
Todavia te limpia tu jefita, que no? Vato pendejo.
Or Eric Garza!!!
If you stop Social Security checks then you better pay us all back what we put into it all these years. Lump sum!!!
Feed your ulcer, Montoya.
at 12:48 PM
at 3:58 AM
Not healthy at all
Donde esta la darling baby doll que siempre pones con los Sportman post. Que chulada de mujer!
me matrimonello con esa chulona PERO YA!!!
YA LA OIGO, "APURALE, APURALE floquito. Sabes que, mejor NO!!!
You said it. What gives Elon and Trump the right to infiltrate the SSA?
They have no right to access those funds. A president who wants to be a king gives a private citizen the keys to control as he sees fit. Court rulings are being ignored. That is the definition of treason.
at 11:13 AM
Y? quen chingados te pregunto guey? ESTUPIDO!!!!
at 12:48 PM
NINITIO hugando con cartoons pendejo, juega con esta mamon...
JuMex will soon be getting a tariff.
and it came in self-open containers made of leaves IDIOTA!
at 12:48 PM
dumb wit wingnut...
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