(Ed.'s Note: One of our readers sent us this photo of what appears to be an algebraic problem scrawled on the rear window of an SUV. In all honesty, algebra wasn't our forte en el escuelin so it's Greek to us. Can one of our seven readers decipher this? Anyway, it's awesome to see that some barrio kid is working and solving these kind of problems. You go carnalitos.)
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
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This is the quadratic formula taught in Algebra class to solve for the solutions to a quadratic equations (of degree 2). This is a beautiful formula in its simplicity and its usefulness, allowing one to solve for real roots in addition to imaginary solutions. Some credit the Ancient Chinese for its derivation, others to Greeks or Babylonians.
Google the sonofabitch!!! Waste of blog space.
Chief Justice Roberts, thank you for breaking one of Trump’s puppet strings and thinking without Trump controlling your thoughts. You give the people hope that there is a better way than dictatorship
Maybe electing an idiot who went bankrupt 6 times was a bad idea.
That's the Meaning of Life.
Someone trying to find out mathematically when the new bus stops will be in place.
Donald Trump you are not above the law.
The voting was not for you to do things lawlessly.
Brain overload.....................
I mean I am not a lawyer, and this is going back to grade school, but I was always taught that our democracy was based on a set of checks and balances of 3 equal branches of government, which I thought was the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. Not Trump, DOGE, and Elon Musk.
That one's as tough as Chinese arithmetic.
Trump has no power to impeach anyone.
Nice. I always love creative
After he spoke with Putin via phone, YouTube channels saw Trump as acting Gay. ????
LOL!!! You win the Internet!!!
The Press is being stifled. Court rulings are being ignored. Free speech is being violated and prosecuted. Alliances with other nations are being dismantled. We are on the brink of an economic
recession. All this “winning” and the cult can’t take off their blinders. Get
ready to fight back intelligently. It’s going to be a tough struggle. ✌️
Judges are over stepping their authority. This is solely the job of the president who was elected by the people. Democrat judges are walking a fine line. They will see the result of their actions at the midterm elections. They are going against everything the people of this country voted for. All judges should be elected. No more political appointees.
You're a democrat so you elected no one. As for the presidents bankruptcy he followed the rules in place. At the end of the day he is a billionaire and you’re definitely not.
President Trump is keeping his promise to the people that voted for him. We wanted him to reduce crime and deport all illegal aliens. We also wanted him to stop the waste, fraud and abuse. President Trump is doing just that. Democrats are against this because they are part of the problem. The faces of all corrupt democrat officials will soon see the light of day. Our country is finally on the right direction. Democrats can cry all they want but the majority which rules favor our president and highly approve of his actions.
Keep whining! Nothing is going to change. Democrats approve of all the waste, fraud and abuse because they're the problem. Democrats need the government to support their families. Have you guys ever thought about working? I guess not that why you're a democrat.
Trump did not impeach anyone. He requested the impeachment of a judge who was overstepping his authority. Judges are political appointees not elected by the people.
I am not a lawyer I am a bum and my window scrubber makes the same kind of marking when I clean a car window to make money to buy..
Cuando yo estuve en matamoros , no se si es la misma pero la calle que pegaba a lauro villar entraba directamente hasta esa area y el primer negocio o cantina se llamaba El Foco Rojo estaba el mapis, me toco andar por esos lugares cuando estuve en matamoros , yo tenia 18 anos en ese entonces , trabaje en el pollo buenos aires de sexta y gonzales tambien, nosotros fuimos a matamoros a ignaurar y ayudar con el nuevo pollo frito, yo soy de rio bravo tamaulipas pero ahora vivo en houston tx desde el 81, andaba mucha gente vendicendo tacos de harina de borrego muy ricos , grandes recuerdos del cine gemelos el mercado juarez.
MORON MEXICANS...we are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC....NOT a Democracy smooth-brained idiots!
Mejor Lava la pinche chevy
hillbillies and rednecks think this is russia and a dickshit country
at 6:25 AM
stick that cartooon up your ass maricon!!
El Zumbido!!!
11:34 How about this one, just for you? 🖕🏽
7:33 AM President Trump is hurting those that voted for him. He cut so many programs that helped the poor WHITES in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Appalachian region. Now the programs to help with clean water are gone. The poor WHITES have feces in their water....so here comes many problems for the poor that voted for Trump. You need to tell Trump to give help to these communities that voted for him.
To you it looks like waste, but the government never spends money where it is not convenient to them. Working is good but some people want respect in the workplace, good salaries, jobs that mean something. Trump fired all the people that loved him and told them "you are lazy, you do not work, it was all fake" That hurt people and the ones that have lousy jobs are thinking so it is not such a good idea to work and dedicate all your life to a job, company that is going to treat you bad.
That "bankrupt idiot" has a net worth between $4 and $7 Billion with a B-dollars. How much you got there Chief? I ain't a fan of the Donald but I know calling someone names for going bankrupt at the same time that person is sitting on a mountain of cash is just foolish. Get some perspective man.
MAGA MORONS will implode. They are not smart enough to govern. Their stupid Executive Orders are being overturned in courts. You are hurting your followers. They will remember this during the midterm elections. We Democrats and true patriot Republicans must be very vigilante during the elections because they are going to try to steal it. BE VIGILANT
at 12:41 PM
I don't have a cartoon I have the real one ya wanna play MARICON??? TU MAMA WAS AQUI LAST NIGHT AND LEFT VERY HAPPY culo!
No, Trump knows his followers. They will support him always. He has done this before, hurt them but they still vote for him. White Supremacy is better than becoming a country of dark and minority people. Just wait and see.
11:34 AM
The told you "fuck you cock sucker" with monitos. 🤣😂🤣
Evertime that Donald Trump went bankrupt the US citizens bailed him out. Who is sucked titi? Dumbass sheepeople.
Those monitos sure are an effective way to communicate.
No, you want to play. You are the joto in denial. 🐓🍭cock sucker
8:06 Say hello to my little friend 🖕🏽
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