Friday, January 29, 2010


By Juan Montoya
If the reports emanating from students from Oliveira Middle School are true, then we have a serious problem on our hands.
According to reports (not confirmed by school officials), a sixth-grade hearing disabled boy was sexually assaulted in a school bathroom by two eight graders during school hours just this past week.
The reports indicate that the boy was pulled forcibly by the two older students as he passed by the boys bathroom and attacked once inside.
They also say that the disabled students was not the first target of the attack, but rather was picked by the two after a first student punched himself free after the two tried to grab him and force him inside.
The ages of the students will prevent the middle school administration and school district officials from divulging their identities, or even to confirm when and where the attack occurred. But students there said that the Brownsville Police Department responded in force and identified the two attackers.
(Update: A Saturday story of the "incident" in the local daily contained very sketchy details, but confirmed the assault did happen. District spokesperson Drue Brown cited privacy concerns and said the school's administration was investigating the "incident.")
Coming on the heels of the killing of a puppy by teenage assailants, this latest indication of antisocial behavior must make us stop and assess the mindset of these individuals.
Something is definitely wrong here if indeed this attack occurred. We as a community must stop and reassess the direction and signals we are giving our youth. When someone can think that attacking a helpless child is acceptable and fun, something has gone haywire.
If killing a puppy is bad, then sexually attacking a youngster is horrendous. That child will bear those scars of that encounter for a lifetime.
We intend to continue to learn more about the incident and find out what has been done to deter this type of behavior in our schools.
This must be a red flag for all of us as adults and as parents of school-age children. If confirmed, we must begin a massive effort to teach these youth that this type of behavior will not be tolerated. Education must also carry a message that there will be consequences that will follow if someone engages in this type of abuse.


Anonymous said...

If this did or didn't happen a blog like this is not the place to discuss the incident. If it didn't many will hear about what you wrote and won't bother to find out if it is true.

Pancho said...

Where is the supervision in the school, how can these hoodlums be allowed to bully helpless disabled students for a joke or too. These two punks, need to be behind the barn and given a good southern whoopings, (bastards.) The Principal needs to be fired.

Fred D said...

This is certainly the place for comment and debate on the conditions present in our community and shine light on what responses our leaders take. I appreciate the sensitivity taken in the presentation. Great work.

Pancho said...

Come on, Anonymous, the news has been reporting an incident at the school, I'm hoping it didn't happen, but if it did, I still say we need to take these two little bastards behind the barn and give them a good whooping, I almost forgot, the parents deserve some discipline themselves, they probably learned the behavior from a disfunctional household, I worked for a school district, and the 7th and 8th graders had attitude problems. I left so that I could maintain my sanity. At times during school meetings the parents were worst than their pathetic juvinile, disrectful fools called children for lack of better words. I hope these two little hoodlums get what they deserve, "a long jail term."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If this did or didn't happen a blog like this is not the place to discuss the incident



Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1, If you do not believe Mr. Montoya because he posts in an internet venue, feel free to click on the following link which will take you to the Brownsville Herald, an award winning, internationally renowned newspaper.

I pity those who are slaves to the MSM (Mainstream Media).

Anonymous said...

The principal has been an asshole way before this. He was re-assigned from Porter after many grievances lost. He is a worthless former fat fuck that has no idea as how to run a school. Yes, he should be fired!

Pancho said...

Okay Anonymous, tell us, where should we be discussing this issue?? The cat is out of the bag, and the citizens of Brownsville and the School district have to deal with it. The public has the right to be informed, end of story.

Anonymous said...

Bola de PENDEJOS. La novedad es la novedad. No cierren los ojos, cabrones. No cierren los cerebros, mamones. No cierren la puerta, Bola de Naguas. No cierren el cielo, mendigos. Las Noticias no son para castigarlos, mensos.

Anonymous said...

You are about as accurate as the Brownsville Herald on this one.

pancho said...

Anonymous, el pendejo eres tu baboso, pinche guercos mensos igual que tu. No lo dudo si tu ere el padre de uno de ellos, por eso los definedes.
Esos pinche guercos cuando entren a l pinta ellos van acer viejas. Y te devian de meter ally a ti tambion baboso lla que los quieres tanto, "guey."

Anonymous said...

i am going to this school currently and the principle said a inncident happend he didnt want to tell he just said its none of my buisness and last week he almost arrested me for getting off the bus and not going next to the gate stupid right.

Anonymous said...

i went to that school some weeks ago and the staff is not doing nothing about this huge problem. the kids are outside in the morning. between classes, they are kids skipping and running in the halls.

Anonymous said...

if this did or didn't happen you shouldn't be posting this blog u should get the truth from a good source not just putting stuff without fact.. youre

Anonymous said...

i don't think there should be students in different grade levels in the same school. they should make a school for faillers and not send them with that grade with the other kids they can harase

Anonymous said...

