Monday, June 28, 2010


By Juan Montoya

How do you reward someone who has left a middle school in disgrace after philandering with a subordinate, lied about his academic credentials when applying for a job with the district, and then – after a paid one-year sabbatical for alleged mental stress – is then disgraced publicly in the local daily for claiming (along with his dad Oscar Sr.) that he held a doctorate in education?
The Brownsville Independent School District knows how.
You make a him the principal at Canales Elementary.
Only a few months after Oscar Cantu Sr. and Oscar Cantu Jr. were outed by the Brownsville Herald's Gary Long for claiming they had a doctorate when in fact they both used non-accredited Ph.D. degrees, Cantu Jr. has been selected for the Canales head administrator's position.
Both Cantu Sr. – who retired after the degree scandal appeared in the local newspaper – and Oscar Jr., had listed doctoral degrees obtained in 2005 from Canbourne University, an online, unaccredited institution that appears on the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s list of "Institutions Whose Degrees are Illegal to Use in Texas."
Cantu Sr. will be replaced by Debbie Alford, the former principal of Canales, another administrator who was so unpopular with her teaching staff that at least a score of them filed complaints against her with the state.
Cantu Jr. has been serving as a special assignment administrator at the Brownsville Early College High School and has previous experience as principal of both Cromack Elementary and Garcia Middle School.
It was at this last school that Cantu allegedly became involved with a teacher under his supervision that resulted in his dismissal from that position. The woman allegedly became pregnant as a result.
Miraculously, Cantu Jr. was given a one-year sabbatical to recover from "mental stress" before he was handed the Early College plum job on the same campus as his father who was then director of continuing education.
The latest move by BISD Superintendent Brett Springston has left may district observers aghast.
"This is the guy who lied when he applied for his job with the BISD," said one. "This is the example we want to give our children? The personnel manual states that claiming false credential on your application is grounds for dismissal or immediate termination. What happened here?"
Others point out that Cantu Jr. is former BISD trustee Graciana de Peña's son-in-law and that the former trustee still hold enough political clout on the board to get her way.
Whatever the reasons the administration may have had to do it, the move is not sitting well with those who feel that positions of responsibility such as that of principal at an elementary school should go to people who have proven they have integrity and respect in the community.
"This sort of thing never ends," complained one. "Even after Cantu Jr. ans Sr. admit they lied about their qualifications, Springston turns around and shoves it in the faces of the residents of the district. Where is the newspaper in this? This is just too much."


Anonymous said...

Please don't put Gracie into this mess. Her family is and always has been a fine upstanding family in the community and she, for one, is not one to back up a son-in-law that went back on his commitment to her daughter. Junior should be fired because he lied about his credentials. I am very disappointed in Mr. Springston for giving Jr. a position as an administrator. If Alfred was not doing her job, fire her! No, you move her to another position. Canales students, teachers and parents deserve someone better!

Anonymous said...

Jr. should have balls and resign.
the same balls that got him in trouble.

Anonymous said...

Both of the Cantus should have been fired! But no, instead the old one is allowed to retire and the young one is rewarded with a principal's postion. That assignment should have gone to other qualified and deserving individuals who have served the district and are waiting for those opportunities. Cantu Sr. should have been fired years ago. He was abusive in his position. He used his job to humiliate,yell at and be little his staff-starting with teachers down to the custodians. He is a hateful person!!
He deserved to be humiliated in the press. Now who gets the last laugh Dr. Cantu!!! You should go to church drop to your knees, show some humility, and ask for forgiveness!!!
