By Juan Montoya
We have been following the shuffling of administrative personnel by Brownsville Independent School District Superintendent Brett Springston (and approve
d by the majority in the board).
Putting two plus two should generally equal four, but as they say in the classroom today, that is the old math. At the BISD, the results of the moves generally equate to a political sum.
For example:
Area Administrator Rachel Ayala is removed from supervising the Porter Cluster, is then shuffled off to the CAB at the old Brownsville High School, and then cannot attend board meetings and is not invited to cabinet meetings with the other area administrators.
Then, Sharp Elementary Principal Karen Trevino – who is first cousin to BISD board member Rick Zayas and is battling parents, and especially Judge Elia Lopez-Cornejo – is transferred to Cummings Middle School.
This allows for the appointment of Sandra Cortez – wife of board member Ruben Cortez– who allegedly only has two and half years of administrative experience which is below the threshold needed to qualify – to the coveted Sharp Elementary helm.
Concurrently, Cummings Middle School Principal Jennifer Gonzales – who is going through a bitter divorce and is surrounded by a cloud of the hanky-panky going on at the Cummings hotbed of passion – is transferred to Oliveria Middle School.
Al Barbosa, Principal at Oliveria – and whose school missed being rated exemplary by one point – is reassigned to the BISD Transportation Department and then subsequently placed on administrative leave for God knows what reason.
Simultaneously, Debbie Alford – frequently seen consorting with the likes of Zayas, Cortez, and Kent Whittemore – is removed as the first-year Principal of Canales Elementary after she is named in more than 20 complaints from the school's teachers. She is transferred to Adult Education, which was previously manned by Dr. Oscar Cantu Sr. who was forced into retirement, and of course, as we all know, is really not a Doctor of anything.
His offspring, one Dr. Oscar Cantu Jr. (and who also is really not a Doctor of anything), is transferred with a pay raise to Canales Elementary. Even though both Cantus listed their phony doctorates in their applications for their respective positions, the district ignores this violation of the employee handbook and puts them on the BISD prescription to success.
It doesn't hurt Cantu Jr. that he is the son-in-law of former BISD board trustee Gracie de Pena, whose lingering influence still carries considerable weight.
Then, Kathleen Jimenez who has no experience and no proper academic credentials in the field is promoted to Special Education Director.
Her husband, Dr. Joe Jimenez, lost his job at the Doctor's Hospital for being involved in an alleged embezzlement and had been known to to have traveled with Brett Springston to Cowboy games last year at the expense of Dr. Manuel Guajardo, his former employer.
There are, by the way, more rumors swirling about that the contagious habit of listing phony doctorate credentials has also infected Jimenez, who claims to have a doctorate as well.
We have been following the shuffling of administrative personnel by Brownsville Independent School District Superintendent Brett Springston (and approve

Putting two plus two should generally equal four, but as they say in the classroom today, that is the old math. At the BISD, the results of the moves generally equate to a political sum.
For example:
Area Administrator Rachel Ayala is removed from supervising the Porter Cluster, is then shuffled off to the CAB at the old Brownsville High School, and then cannot attend board meetings and is not invited to cabinet meetings with the other area administrators.
Then, Sharp Elementary Principal Karen Trevino – who is first cousin to BISD board member Rick Zayas and is battling parents, and especially Judge Elia Lopez-Cornejo – is transferred to Cummings Middle School.
This allows for the appointment of Sandra Cortez – wife of board member Ruben Cortez– who allegedly only has two and half years of administrative experience which is below the threshold needed to qualify – to the coveted Sharp Elementary helm.
Concurrently, Cummings Middle School Principal Jennifer Gonzales – who is going through a bitter divorce and is surrounded by a cloud of the hanky-panky going on at the Cummings hotbed of passion – is transferred to Oliveria Middle School.
Al Barbosa, Principal at Oliveria – and whose school missed being rated exemplary by one point – is reassigned to the BISD Transportation Department and then subsequently placed on administrative leave for God knows what reason.
Simultaneously, Debbie Alford – frequently seen consorting with the likes of Zayas, Cortez, and Kent Whittemore – is removed as the first-year Principal of Canales Elementary after she is named in more than 20 complaints from the school's teachers. She is transferred to Adult Education, which was previously manned by Dr. Oscar Cantu Sr. who was forced into retirement, and of course, as we all know, is really not a Doctor of anything.
His offspring, one Dr. Oscar Cantu Jr. (and who also is really not a Doctor of anything), is transferred with a pay raise to Canales Elementary. Even though both Cantus listed their phony doctorates in their applications for their respective positions, the district ignores this violation of the employee handbook and puts them on the BISD prescription to success.
It doesn't hurt Cantu Jr. that he is the son-in-law of former BISD board trustee Gracie de Pena, whose lingering influence still carries considerable weight.
Then, Kathleen Jimenez who has no experience and no proper academic credentials in the field is promoted to Special Education Director.
Her husband, Dr. Joe Jimenez, lost his job at the Doctor's Hospital for being involved in an alleged embezzlement and had been known to to have traveled with Brett Springston to Cowboy games last year at the expense of Dr. Manuel Guajardo, his former employer.
There are, by the way, more rumors swirling about that the contagious habit of listing phony doctorate credentials has also infected Jimenez, who claims to have a doctorate as well.
We'll stop here for now. Stay tuned for another chapter of "As the BISD Turns."
Bisd is presently being investigated for hiring practices and allegations of cronism.
Great job Mr. Montoya for exposing the so called "role models" of BISD's students.
Kathleen Jimenez does have the certificates and is qualified to hold the job. If you want to question that go the TEA Web site and check her certificates. The rest of the things mentioned are called cleaning house which should of been done a long time ago. This is not unusual in any district the size of BISD. Personel issues should not be discussed in the media.
Sstay tuned for the next "As the BISD" turns where you will see further hiring - Atkinson (Sylvia's brother) for personnel specialist, Hall from LHS as AA, Mrs. HEB principal Rubio will take LHS principalship. Let us see who gets moved to Besteiro? Enrique, Caty and Minerva, do you have some family members that could be given those jobs? Everyone else has!
Rachel is still an AA with the same pay, so how can Springston say he did not create a new position. We now have 7 AA's; we had 5 plus now one for Veterans, so where did the 7th come from. Why did they move Rachel out of the Glass Palace. Was she asking too many questions? If she is an AA why does she not sit up there with the rest of the gringas? Give them hell Rachel! Chiquita pero picosa! Buy the way, Mr. Montoya, did you hear about the fiasco at the back to school rally at the $60 million dollar Ameel/Fox High School? Have of BISD that attended were standing outside because the top of the line gym was not big enough? It is a wonder someone did not get hurt or fatally injured out there in the dark Military Higy Way with no lighting. When are BISD officials going to do anything right? If it weren't for our teachers and students and some principals we'd certainly be unacceptable.
Good reporting, Mr. Montoya! Keep us informed, please!
Hey, Juan,, I am done paying extra for 3D films. For a handful of poorly done scenes, I wasted $12.00. Had I been watching this on SCIFI, I would have changed the channel. Desperate to get an audience the moving included a scene with two woman swimming naked. I nearly walked out. I was embarrassed to be in the movie theater.
You know Mr. MOntoya...what I can't figure out is how doctors can own a hospital? And then refer their patients to that hospital? Doesn't that mean they would get paid twice? I don't think you should be able to refer a patient to yourself....
I thought the Stark Law (or something like that) prohibited that? I'm not a lawyer...nor do I play one or TV....but I always wondered how they did that....
Anonymous said...
the rest is cleaning house.
I am all for getting rid of employees who are incompetent, lazy or not in the best interest for the kids, but when you have a new principal who makes so many changes without having worked with that person, then that's not cleaning house. When a teacher has taught a certain subject for 20 + years and then she is told this year you will teach a different subject the first week of school that’s wrong.
When a first year principal says you will spear the extracurricular activity I assigned to you or you will be move to another campus three days before school is to start that is wrong. (bullying)
If teachers are to be moved whether to another campus or subject area they should be given plenty of time to prepare.
When you have a principal who was moved from another campus because there were many complaints from parents, teachers, and grievances filed then clearly the problem is the principal.
If a principal resorts to bullying, threatening , then that is abusive.
If BISD want to "clean House" start with some of the administers who are resorting to these tactics .
If a principal is creating problems at different campus then don't reshuffle to another school, get them out of administration and into the classroom so that they remember what it is like. Administers with abusive powers is what gets the morale down and the bottom line is that the students suffer.
No teacher, Para, custodian should have to work in a hostile environment.
My Hats off to those administers who have done an excellent job.
Yes clean house start at the top.
All is not bad at BISD, example:
They say “Some great leaders are born and it is their destiny to lead”.
Mr. Carlos Garza, principal at Keller Elementary is a perfect example of that. I had the pleasure of working with him and I can tell you, he is a great role model and leader. Parents, teachers all his employees and students loved him. In our school under his leadership there was trust & respect, communication, enthusiasm, motivation, and confidentiality. I thank you Mr. Garza, for the years I worked with you were the best and most enjoyable teaching years of my life. Unfortunately I cannot identify myself as my current principal does not have those positive characteristic traits of a great leader and her wrath and bullying is detrimental to my health.
BISD/ZayCor is giving promotions and raises to the competition (a la Atkingson).
This should or is it being investigated?
La Trevi goes from elementary school to middle school. Why?? Too many problems, parents and a Judge not happy? Please do tell.
La Trevi not sitting well, being very unprofessional. Will the ants (omnivorous)their queen?
The more I read, the more I wish I had the guts to call TEA and ask them to come down and catch these crooks in action. But they immediately ask for your name and vamonos! Look what happened to Tony Juarez - BS for the whistle blower act! All this abuse at BISD should not be tolerated but we can not afford to be fired like Tony was. Look what happened to Ms. Ayala for filling a grievance against the administration. I better stop now or my blood pressure it going to go sky high and I will start using vulgar language.
Why he moves compadres, compadres, relatives (La Trevi) and gives them cushi positions and pay raises.
Y los demas, pues que se los lleve el diablo...
La Trevi is Zay Relative so ella tiene palanca right now, but not for long.
Let's VOTE Zay and his compadrismo OUT.
Zayas will win....
zayas what?????????
Yes Ottis, that is what they said about you,
Until a girl kick your sorry assssssssssss.
The only way Zayas, Caveman, and Aramula can win is with the political Advisors in tow at 250 per week each.
So Sad............
The current Brownsville school board members, son puro vola de pinches rateros, bola de cabrones, why aren't the voters up in arms, and when is Juliet Garcia leaving, pinche vieja cabrona. TSC, has the highest class tuition in the state. It is an embarrassement.
Everyone get a grip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So far we have Paniagua which is a good candidate against either Zayas or Cortez.
I think Zayas and Cortez ought to be called the Zetas of the BISD. They sure sound like them.
Why would you consider "bullying" when they ask you to teach a subject you are certified for?
It shouldn't matter if it has been 2,5,10, or 20yrs since you last tought it...I thought teachers were suppose to be there for the students' best interes not their own. Just accept your reassignmentand let it go, if you don't know the material maybe you shouldn't be teaching.
why talk the talk...walk the walk. get out and vote. I bet dr. saavedra will be next in line for a high paying bisd job so she will pull out!
charlie garza should be one of the next area superintendents...why jay harris. charlie doesn't drink beer with the superintendent.
There is a commonality regarding most of the administrators named in this article: Rachel Ayala. 4 of the adminstrators who were moved worked in the Porter Cluster under the advisement (misadvisement), meddling, and micromanaging of Rachel Ayala. Perhaps these principals, all who were "new" under her helm were not mentored properly by her. Her "old school" style may have worked in the 70's and 80's, but it does not nowadays. Nowadays, people actually expect you to follow policy and protocol, neither of which she has done. That, my friend, is the reason poor Ms. Ayala is not a part of the Superintendent's Cabinet. 10 years was too long for her at the Porter Cluster. What has she done for them? Don't let her take credit for the Recognized and Exemplary schools...give credit to the teachers and administrators of those schools. Mary Jo Monfils has just as many years as Lopez Cluster AA. Lopez cluster has two exemplary middle schools and Lopez was awarded the coveted 5 million dollar grant because of MJ Monfils' advice and expertise. As for "why was poor Al Barbosa moved?" Could it be because he let the school fall apart; did not hold teachers accountable; allowed a student to be sexually assaulted in a bathroom??? Oh, that's right. He is related to Rolando Aguilar... And if you do not know, look up TPM (Texas Projected Measure)99% of BISD schools were bumped up to Recognized or Exemplary for it. And one more thing, as for Sandra Cortez..let's not forget that she worked with Ms. Ayala's daughter at Paredes. See the connections in this article? Keep up the great work posting, Mr. Montoya, but let's be fair here.
As a parent at Paredes Elementary I wanted to take the time to comment on what goes on. Since the arrival of the new administration at Paredes, the only assistant principal that has earned the respect of the parents and staff is Mrs. Garza, or Mrs. Ayala's daughter, as she was referred to in the earlier post. She is always outside in the afternoon, whether it be hot, rainy, or cold directing traffic and making sure that the handicapped parking spaces are available for the grandparents who need them. Her first year at Paredes, she had surgery, was back in two days, and was back at work in a sling. She would perform her traffic duty and always does so with a smile on her face. There were many times when Mrs. Cortez was gone with her husband and Mrs. Garza had to pull double cafeteria duty. How do I know? Because I've seen it. I also know that the teachers would always go to Mrs. Garza as she does not play favorites. If Mrs. Cortez or her husband can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen, but don't drag innocent people into their mess.
So what about Zarate the new hr administrator? She is related to the zarates that campaigned for Rick and the pay back was a promotion. No hr experience at all, she did not interview with a committee. She was interviewed by Fox only. All the other applicants interviewed with a committee of 9 people. When Minerva Pena asked Fox, so you don't need a committee to interview a level 6 earning over $90,000 a year, Fox said you don't. She lied to the board because she tells us that we need a committee to interview our staff.
Has anybody checked to see if La Trevi was an administrator in BISD BEFORE Zayas got elected to the board?
La Trevi was the facilitator at Paredes Elementary and Sandra Cortez was the assistant principal. Rick becomes board memeber, and La Trevi becomes principal at Sharp. I think the connections are stronger here.....then Cortez's wife becomes principal 2 years later....hmmmm....
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