Monday, August 30, 2010


By Juan Montoya
Just how involved is the Brownsville Independent School District administration in the day to day activities of its faculty?
We intercepted this Email from Assistant Superintendent in charge of Human Resources Susan Fox to her area supervisors and discovered a new meaning to the word micromanage.
Apparently, Ms. Fox believes in enforcing a strict uniformity in the district as her missive to her minions below indicates. If they don't like it, let them eat pan dulce, apparently.

From: Susan Fox
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 4:44 PM
To: Mary Jo Monfils; Dr. Carl Montoya; Carlos Guerra; Berta Pena
Cc: Brett Springston; Lily Champion; Tony Fuller; Yolanda R. Lucio; Maricela R. Hernandez; Rosa Maria Guerrero; Gloria Tamez; Margarita Garza; Tommy Bermudez Jr.
Subject: food

Please pass this information on to your campus principals and dept. administrators.

Allowable purchases for food and refreshments for staff development, campus or dept. meetings, etc. will consist of breakfast tacos/gorditas/biscuits, fruit, donuts, and pan dulce.

The purchasing of lunches for staff (either at a restaurant or brought to the campus) is not allowable.

Obviously, Ms. Fox did not consult with the school dietitian with her directive that the faculty consume breakfast tacos (flour tortillas loaded with grease), gorditas (double ditto), or pan dulce (sugar and other aorta-clogging substances), and biscuits (all kinds of lard).
The stuff will kill you.
Or perhaps that is the plan all along.


Anonymous said...

If that is her in the picture she doesn't look like she is shape. Live it, to the managers. Wow,

Anonymous said...

Por eso estamos como estamos,
we are all over weight.

Anonymous said...

Actually i think the intent is make sure funds are used for what they are supposed to be used for instruction should be spent on for supplies used for for training on actual training not food at a training...

I'm suprised you find this "bad"?

Anonymous said...

ja ja ja apparently her day consists of planning the staff's menu. Must be nice that she has nothing else to do. Too funny Juan that this email was intercepted. Gorditas para la gordota?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you find out what the true intent of the email is about. Budgeted funds should be used for instruction not food at staff/faculty meetings.

Anonymous said...

Does that include the main office and the board meetings where they cater to the board members from the finest restaurants. They don't get tortillas con frijoles back behind closed doors. Did she bother to follow through in checking that the individual campuses followed the directive? Ask Besteiro Middle School principal. The HEB prize money is also for educational materials not food catered from Rudy's. Cut your budget by reducing the number of administrators you have at the Glass Palace, like was criticized by the Sharp and Rhinelander reports. The problem is that nobody holds anybody accountable and nobody follows through with directives.

Anonymous said...

Manteca!! This is ironic since she herself oversaw Food Services. As to the true intent of the email? Who cares? When Y. Gavito left she used BISD funds to give her a going away party. The party was after working hours and held in the boardroom. Let's see auditors go back to June 2009 and find out! As to the knowledgeable one on this blog- should budgeted funds be used for giving a going away party? Is this allowable?

Anonymous said...

No it should not. The party should have been funded by employees all contributing for the party.

Anonymous said...

Now, next Saturday the administrators will go out into the community to try to bring back all the drop-out kids and you are enticed to go help because they will provide breakfast and even lunch. Why? Because it includes all the main office administrators who have been ordered to show up and they have to feed their face? Money spent for that is OK but an appreciation meal for the teachers who worked their butt off to secure the exemplary and recognized status in all our schools do not deserve a healthy meal. Que lastima!

Anonymous said...

So she is micromanaging the campuses, but allows main office administrators to order any kind of food they want. Teachers are the ones that made this district recognized. Time to go foxy lady!

Anonymous said...

bully; vindictive;racist;threatening; childish; unfair; plays favorites; again vindictive;liar; grow-up this is not high school all over again; karma is a b....; evil regardless of how many crosses you have in your office; thrives on hurting innocent people. believes in getting even; back-stabber; not a true friend; happy when she is getting even; has done more damage to the district than anyone I know; on a power trip; yea dude you!

Anonymous said...

But she goes to church every Sunday and asks for forgiveness. All your discriptive adjectives fit her to a T, but she is now the one running the district. Springston scares easily and Fox scares the sh-- out of him and everybody else. Oh, and she speaks Spanish, raza! Y tambien les pica los ojos a todos!!!!
