By Juan Montoya
Candidates for the three positions on the ballot of the Brownsville Independent School District board of trustees election are falling like leaves off a poplar in a Midwest windstorm.
The latest would-be trustee to drop his bid for the post was Mauricio Paniagua. Paniagua had submitted his candidature for Position 2 now being held by incumbent Ruben Cortez Jr. Cortez is now facing En
rique Escobedo as his lone opponent. Escobedo drew the number one position on the ballot.
Escobedo, at the last moment, switched from Position 1 where four other candidates are vying for the post.
They are Eric Garza, Daniel Peña, Herman Otis Powers Jr., and Christina Saavedra. Saavedra drew the number one placement on the ballot for November.
Position 4 candidates are Luci B. Longoria and Richard "Rick" Zayas. Longoria is also first on the ballot.
Paniagua dropped out of the race as did Argelia Miller, who was on the ballot vying for Position 4 along with Longoria and Zayas.
But while Miller said she dropped out so as not to split the vote and to make sure Zayas did not run unopposed, Zayas is known to have been Paniagua's personal attorney and observers do not discount that he was placed in the race against Cortez to discourage others from jumping in so he could later drop out and have Cortez run unopposed.
Escobedo's last-minute switch to that position stymied that strategy.
Even though the unofficial start of the campaign doesn't begin until after Labor Day (Monday), Longoria is already challenging Zayas' claims in a recent newspaper article that he had been instrumental in acquiring stimulus funds for the district and cutting $7 million from the BISD budget.
Zayas and Cortez make up the majority on the board that many say has diverted the direction of education in Brownsville toward favoritism and cronyism. The other two, Rolando Aguilar and Joe Colunga, consistently form the bloc that effectively decides the outcome of the board's voting.
Longoria knows that she faces a tough going in the race against Zayas, the acknowledged leader of the Gang of $4. But she says the local newspaper is giving Zayas credit where none is warranted. Obviously, Luci will be no shrinking violet in this race.
"Mr. Zayas had nothing to do with acquiring stimulus funds," she said, echoing a common response to his statements in a recent Brownsville Herald article by Gary Long.
"The federal government made the funds available to the district," she said. "The criteria that was used to disperse these fund is the criteria that the State of Texas uses to allocate Instructional Facilities Funds. Because Brownsville ISD is consider a property-poor school district, it is eligible for these funds and only required to pay back 27 percent of the total funds obtained.
"Once again this is predetermined by the state and neither Mr. Zayas nor the local school board had any role with setting the criteria. Ricky should know better than to take credit for something that he had no part in."
Longoria says she looks forward to countering Zayas' claims that he cut $7 million from the budget.
"Where did he cut from? Where are the benefits to the students or the employees? If he cut $7 million from the budget, why didn't he give employees a pay raise or reduce the tax rate? Where are the savings Rick? And while you're at it, why have we had budget deficits for two years in a row since you became a board member?"
Candidates for the three positions on the ballot of the Brownsville Independent School District board of trustees election are falling like leaves off a poplar in a Midwest windstorm.
The latest would-be trustee to drop his bid for the post was Mauricio Paniagua. Paniagua had submitted his candidature for Position 2 now being held by incumbent Ruben Cortez Jr. Cortez is now facing En

Escobedo, at the last moment, switched from Position 1 where four other candidates are vying for the post.
They are Eric Garza, Daniel Peña, Herman Otis Powers Jr., and Christina Saavedra. Saavedra drew the number one placement on the ballot for November.
Position 4 candidates are Luci B. Longoria and Richard "Rick" Zayas. Longoria is also first on the ballot.
Paniagua dropped out of the race as did Argelia Miller, who was on the ballot vying for Position 4 along with Longoria and Zayas.
But while Miller said she dropped out so as not to split the vote and to make sure Zayas did not run unopposed, Zayas is known to have been Paniagua's personal attorney and observers do not discount that he was placed in the race against Cortez to discourage others from jumping in so he could later drop out and have Cortez run unopposed.
Escobedo's last-minute switch to that position stymied that strategy.
Even though the unofficial start of the campaign doesn't begin until after Labor Day (Monday), Longoria is already challenging Zayas' claims in a recent newspaper article that he had been instrumental in acquiring stimulus funds for the district and cutting $7 million from the BISD budget.
Zayas and Cortez make up the majority on the board that many say has diverted the direction of education in Brownsville toward favoritism and cronyism. The other two, Rolando Aguilar and Joe Colunga, consistently form the bloc that effectively decides the outcome of the board's voting.
Longoria knows that she faces a tough going in the race against Zayas, the acknowledged leader of the Gang of $4. But she says the local newspaper is giving Zayas credit where none is warranted. Obviously, Luci will be no shrinking violet in this race.
"Mr. Zayas had nothing to do with acquiring stimulus funds," she said, echoing a common response to his statements in a recent Brownsville Herald article by Gary Long.
"The federal government made the funds available to the district," she said. "The criteria that was used to disperse these fund is the criteria that the State of Texas uses to allocate Instructional Facilities Funds. Because Brownsville ISD is consider a property-poor school district, it is eligible for these funds and only required to pay back 27 percent of the total funds obtained.
"Once again this is predetermined by the state and neither Mr. Zayas nor the local school board had any role with setting the criteria. Ricky should know better than to take credit for something that he had no part in."
Longoria says she looks forward to countering Zayas' claims that he cut $7 million from the budget.
"Where did he cut from? Where are the benefits to the students or the employees? If he cut $7 million from the budget, why didn't he give employees a pay raise or reduce the tax rate? Where are the savings Rick? And while you're at it, why have we had budget deficits for two years in a row since you became a board member?"
Longoria is right! We all know that the Federal government made the funds available to the Districts and the state set the criteria to determine which districts would be eligible.
Unless Zayas had a direct line to Obama to ask him for funding.
and yea, what happen to the 7 million you saved Rick?
How can one take credit for cutting $7 million from the budget when just recently the board approved a draw down from fund balance of more than that over a two year budget cycle?
Ms.Longoria you got my vote.
How can we help!
Lucy Longoria should save Hector Gonzales monies against Rick Zayas.
The federal government made these funds available to the District and not Ricky.
Ms Longoria,
If Rick saved 7 million, where are they? Do you know I have 6 teachers in my family, and none of them signed for the health insurance coverage that these idiots got them because of the astronomic prices they now have to pay.
God save us!!!
My family and I, (which is quite large) would certainly vote for you.
Mary R.
Way to go Lucy! "Show Rick the slick" that he is not as slick as he thinks he is. They take claim of everything positive that happens in BISD. Did you know that he is also responsible for all the schools being exemplary or recommended??!! The only school he has visited is Sharp Elementary when he "played" principal for the day with his cousin. Yes, Lucy, you have my vote and let's start the campaign on Tuesday. We need to really get these guys out once and for all and make sure Otis doesn't make it back into his "nest." Longoria stands for "long gone" Zayas!
Vote for Luci, Christi, and Escobedo.
Pretty soon Slicky and Caveman will claim
they invented the internet.
Yeah, Right!
Zayas deserves more than a spanking, he and Ruben should be held accountable for spending our tax dollars for their personal gain.
Teachers go out to vote Ricky and Ruben OUT, if these two remain on the Board you might not have a job next year.
How can Rick have the odesity to take credit for the stimulus funds and had the odesity not giving the teachers and students credit for winning the Broad Award, instead he asked how much did BISD pay for this award? This shows how little he thinks of our teachers and students.
I difinitely do not want him on the board?
Luci, I will help you spank and slap Rick.
I will vote for Powers, Escobedo, and Zayas. Enough said...
Vote Luci, Daniel and Enrique
The only thing Zayas can take credit for is hiring his cousin La Trevi.
Anonymous said:
"How can Rick have the odesity to take credit for the stimulus funds and had the odesity not giving the teachers and students credit for winning the Broad Award"
Maybe cuz Zayas can spell audacity....Cata...
Oh Boy ... You all just make me very Horny !!!
Superintendent Springtong " El Patroncito Mr. Whithey "
It is a shame that Zayas belittles the BISD teachers with the comment he made about the Board Award - yet, he sure did like taking all those pictures in Austin. Even though he had just come into the board position, he was already taking credit for it.(like the stimulus funds and budget decrease he now wants to get credit for). It is a shame that he feels such about the teachers, since his mother and aunts were teachers with BISD for a long time. He brings shame to his family of teachers. But what can you expect from a self-centered individual who cares for nothing except ZayCor and his silk-lined pockets?
Now, what is all this fiasco with HealthSmart? Who voted for it and where did Johnny fit into all this? Now they also want to take credit for being the ones who caught the travesity that has been going on since they took office. All of a sudden, right before elections, the FIND something wrong. They are the "something wrong" with BISD.
Does he really know how to spell? He is always sticking his foot in his mouth.
Vote Longoria, Pena and Escobedo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone get a grip!!!!!!
Vote Longoria, Saavedra y Escobedo, let's get the four RATAS OUT, we all know who they are!
Let's not forget that Zayas and Cortez ignored the potential criminal behavior of Joe Rod, have funneled millions of dollars to Walsh Anderson,have been sued numerous times in federal court, have been chastised by TEA and the Attorney General for open meetings violations, how about the Special Needs Children wrongly misdiagnosed and Walsh Anderson says "dillute the report" in other words screw those children and their parents, deny Caty Presas access to legal counsel when she reported the criminal behavior of Joe Rod but then authorize BISD money, our tax money, to defend themselves in the Juarez case and the Judge holds them personally liable. Bunch of corrupt politicains that need to be put in jail so that they can buy some of their own commissary garbage that they feed inmates.
One Pena is enough. She was thisclose to being part of the Gang of $4.
The Children of Brownsville deserve better than Zayas, Cortez and Powers. Escobedo, Longoria and Saavedra, got my vote
We all know that Zaycor means Zayas/Cortez, and the multimillion commissary contract was awarded to them by the Sheriff without bidding. We also know that Cortez is first cousin with Gus Reyna, first deupy sheriff, but did you all know that "wandering sheriff" and Rick Zayas were seen in an Austin restaurant-bar drinking, then a few weeks after the commissary contract was signed between the two?? If this is not CORRUPTION, then what is it???
They must think that the Citizens of Brownsville live in Mexico, this is the USA, I thought there was no corruption here.
Let's all vote for Longoria, Saavedra and Escobedo. The ratas must go, they are so odious.
You got my vote, Mrs. Longoria!
You want to help your children, then vote for those with no personal agendas. Vote Escobedo, Pena and Longoria. The rest of the canidates all have a personal agenda. They are either have a bone to pick with BISD employees or out for personal gain. SO VOTE ESCOBEDO, PENA AND LONGORIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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