Tuesday, October 5, 2010


By Juan Montoya
For the past two or three weeks, some candidates for the board of trustees have complained that someone was stealing or knocking down their signs.
For the most part, it was those candidates opposing Rick Zayas, Ruben Cortez and Otis Powers.
Yet, until Sunday night, no one had any idea who might be doing it.
On that night, at about 9 p.m., someone apparently filmed three men knocking over and taking signs that belonged to Daniel Pena and Eric Garza, both candidates for Position 1 where, aside from Powers, Christina Saavedra is also vying for the post.
Sources that the Pena family members shadowed Powers, his brother Darryl, and Bobby Rodriguez, a contract worker for Rick Zayas and Ruben Cortez, after they noticed their signs kept disappearing. Instead of their signs, they said that Powers' signs would be standing in their place.
Pena and Garza reportedly are filing charges against the three men and using the film they took of them as evidence with the Brownsville Police Dept.
Other candidates, notably Luci Longoria, Zayas' opponent, has voiced frustration at not finding her signs at the locations her workers placed hem. Longoria is the lone opponent against Zayas.
Sources indicate that Powers is scheduled to appear at the Brownsville PD Wednesday morning to answer questions from detectives concerning the signs found in the back of a truck occupied by the two Powers brothers and Rodriguez.
Others say that Powers has claimed that the men had permission from landowners to take down the signs. But the excuse sounds flimsy because that doesn't give a candidate justification for taking them from the property, they say.
"What landowner is going to give you permission to steal?," asked an opponent's supporter. "Those signs cost money. I doubt that a landowner would tell someone to take his opponent's signs, especially at night."
Powers is running under the slogan of "Integrity," " Character," and "Proven Leader."
He has numerous relatives working for the district, including his wife Sandra, a sister, a brother, and a sister-in-law.
Sources close to the former trustee says he is not ready to take the blame for other signs belonging to other candidates in other races. It is unknown whether he will turn evidence that Rodriguez might have been involved in the disappearance of signs belonging to opponents of Zayas and Cortez.
Sources say this is not the only such case under investigation by the Brownsville Police
Meanwhile, process servers are said to have served Zayas and Cortez with notice that they had been sued by Carlos Quintanilla and Accion America for defamation and libel. The men were served today, sources said.
The case stems from a posting on the blog Brownsville Voice which the plaintiffs claim insinuated that Quintanill and Longoria were involved in an illicit relationship.
The quotes that wrre used as the source for the remarks came during a deposition of Quintanilla in a previous defamation suit filed by Zayas and Cortez against the Accion America director. Quintanilla testified under oath he was sometimes driven to the airport or to meetings around town by Longoria.
The blogger has denied the charge claiming they were made in a "political" context. In a post he said that Longoria went outside the courtroom and ran to Quintanilla as if toward her "lover" and said that and other details proved that Longoria "was in bed" with Quintanilla.
The case was filed in Dallas, where Quintanilla hopes it will be heard.
Despite persistent efforts to find the blogger - one Robert Wightman-Cervantez - servers have been unable to serve the process papers.
"It even seem like he's on the lam," said a source close to the case. "He's never been home when they look for him here."


Anonymous said...

why are little boys crying eric and pena should grow up and ask for permission to place their signs. and if they had a video why not put it in this blog be a man grow up eric and be a mad stop crying over a sign. and i speak because you put a sign in my property with out asking me and i took it off and placed it in the trash why NO PERMISSION was givin and thats why i say be a man and ask for PERMISSION what does it take to get down and ask for PERMISSION and if they say no at least you like a big boy. And this is for Lucy stop messing around with MARRIED men what example are you givin our daughter and your running for the BISD thats funny why cuz you should be asham of your self for try to take and destroy someone else's marrage. Mark my words for the right price some one will show the evidence or of you hussing someone elses man. so children play nice and stop being baby's and your just degrading your selfs and trying to get votes well good luck with that GROW UP RRIC< PENA< LUCY< don't listen to your friends cuz they will back stap you in the long runn. kimberly

Anonymous said...

Sooner or later the rest of the guys (Cortez & Zayas) will fall flat on their faces.

I hope people are not seriously thinking of voting for these two guys. Whoever does vote for them only shows that they support trash.

Anonymous said...

Do people want these three guys on the school board? What a disgrace.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Vote the incumbents out.

Anonymous said...

As long as the Democrat constituency remains content in its ignorance and is happy with the corruption....these slimeballs will continue to be elected and the school system will stay a day-care organization....NOT an education organization. The elected officials have lost touch with REAL education and continue to promote a failed and outdated system. Computers and other technology don't improve the system....especiall when the teachers can't manage and teach the technology effectively. The BISD Board of Trustees have failed us and BISD has failed to educate. The community and the tax payer loses.

Anonymous said...

Gabino (la gabiota) Vasquez and his two felon sons are taking down every Carlos Cascos sogn they can,....Jr. Andrade, a local Bail Bonds Man and reported underworld figure, also is a known for taking down signs. Prosecute all the bums!

Anonymous said...


What a bunch of losers.

Anonymous said...

Scum giving the police stupid work. To Kim, it's not about crying dummy, its about stealing. If you do that with signs, what are you gonna do with $$$$? duh.
What I don't understand is: Why are Cortez and Zayas associating themeselves with Powers?

Powers will bring them DOWN!

Anonymous said...

We have got to give teachers the resources they need to teach our children, but what does the current gang of $4 do? instead of givinng our teachers incentives, retaining bonuses, pay raises,or recognition for their years of service and/or merits....They (board) appoint their friends and family members to positions they have not earned with honesty and hard work!!!
Come on guys! don't be so obvious!!!

Debemos darle a los maestros lor recursos necesarios para enseñar a nuestros niños, pero que es lo que hacen estos $4 miembros de la mesa directiva? En vez de darle a los maestros incentivos, retenerlos con algun plan de bonos, aumento de salario, o reconocimiento por sus años de servicio y meritos...ellos (mesa directiva) proponen a sus amigos y familiares a posiciones que no se han ganado con honestidad y ardua labor!!
No sean tan sinverguenzas!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey kimberly are you really a man, because you sort of sound like a he/she person. So sad you feel your are trapped in the wrong body. Good Luck with figuring out who or what your are. Take care.

Anonymous said...

yes i am a girl but i do believe that those boys will do good go cortez zayaz powers and as for you you must feel confuse for asking that question u must be the one confuse good luck with that she/ he

Anonymous said...

All I can say at the end all the truth will come out. We have to remember at the very end it is all about the students of this district and they are the only ones affected by the decisions of the board. So think about this before you vote because if these people " POWERS " is already doing wrong what do we have to expect. He should just run a fair race, be a man and go out there and earn your votes. These people running more than likely have to buy their signs, not use corrupted money to buy them. Think Brownsville who you want in those seats. A respected individual that knows what it is to work for what they have and will truly have a positive change in this district.
