Wednesday, October 6, 2010


By Carlos Quintanilla
Director, Accion America
Mr. Montoya and readers of El Run-Rrun:
I felt it is necessary to respond to the comments written on the scurrilous blog called the Brownsville Voice by that most vexatious litigant, Mr. (Robert Wightman-)Cervantes.
He claims and now is moonwalking, that there is political relationship or whatever relationship between Luci Longoria, Ted Parker and I.
My response was to sue him not with threats – like he does – but with an actual filing of a lawsuit in Dallas County, 68th Judicial District.
Ms. Longoria is a friend, as are many other men and women who have worked with us in Brownsville on issues important to our community and in defense of children,the future of all America.
Ms. Longoria is a person concerned about the Brownsville Independent School District. She worked there for more than 33 years, showing her true true commitment. Her husband is a teacher at BISD and her son also works for BISD. That alone proved that they, together, have a stake in the future of BISD.
To besmirch them, to libel and slander them and degrade them is regretful and should be rejected by Mr. Rick Zayas. Instead he remains silent.
Mr. Cervantes admits that he received my deposition from Mr. Zayas and used it in a despicable and offensive manner.
I apologize to Ms. Longoria and her family on behalf of Mr. Zayas, since he does not have he courage to do so.
The efforts of the defeat zayas cortez powers PAC, should be commended for doing the right thing and helping to expose the horrible – and what I believe illegal – behavior of Zayas and his accomplice Ruben Cortez.
Cases in point:
1. The case of the former BISD Athletic Director Joe Rodriguez, where they sued the Texas Attorney General and chose to ignore and keep secret two BISD Internal Audit Reports.
2. The Bidding process for the health insurance contract that was awarded to their friend Johnny Cavazos conduit Mutual Assurance. The sordid details of that maneuver is contained in the taped recordings allowed into evidence in the case of the former Chief financial Officer Tony Juarez who was terminated for giving his honest opinion on the bids. Unfortunately, his professional opinion did not fit in with the Gang of $4's plans for the awarding of the contract.
3. The excessive legal fees incurred by BISD Attorney Mike Saldana and his firm Walsh Anderson. We have ample documentation on this matter that will dispel and notion that their billings have been anything but rapacious.
4. The illegal solicitation of funds by Ruben Cortez from BISD Vendors. Recently they tried to ram though a so-called Code of Conduct which – if applied to them – they would fail.
5. The demeaning manner in which BISD Children with Special Needs were treated.
6. The political firing of former director of Special Needs Art Rendon and Tony Juarez.
7. The political transferring of area superintendents who have worked many years for BISD with accomplishments.
8. The hiring of spouses and business partners for key administrative jobs within BISD based on questionable evaluation of their merits by the administration and the board.
9.The budget deficit of more than $38 million dollars and growing every day... and I could go on. Finally Cervantes, Zayas and Cortez are being sued not only because of the vicious statements about Ms. Longoria, myself and Ted Parker, but also because of the vicious attacks against the good work of Accion America.
We welcome your readers to go to and our page in the news. The extensive library of news articles that include CNN, Fox, Nightline and other publications attest to our commitment to our children, to the immigrant community and to Hispanics in general.
As you will plainly see, you know we are not afraid of suing or being sued for a just cause.
Don't ask Cervantes, Zayas or Cortez about Carlos Quintanilla or Accion America.
Ask the residents of Farmers Branch and Irving or the tenants who were evicted in Irving or the fire victims from Harveys Racquet Club or the victims of the Cockrell Hill fire, or the thousands of Children saved from the addiction to Cheese Heroin.
We spoke up for them and won. And we will do the same and stand with the good people and the children of Brownsville.
Sincerely, Carlos Quintanilla


Anonymous said...

Having worked for BISD for 33 years might mean she is part of the problem....not part of any solution. If she is interested in change in BISD why didn't she have the moral courage to effect change or stand up for change during that 33 years.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it got from broad to broke after they began their political dismemberment of BISD, froma budget surplus to a budget deficit, from reasonable legal fees to excessive legal fees, from hiring personnel qualified for the job to hiring spouses and friends of friends.

As an employee of BISD you fear everyday that you will not be retaliated and fired for speaking out. I congratulate Luci that after 33 years of service she wants to give back to the community and serve. Lets give her a chance to make things better,they can't be any worse than what we have now.

PS to Otis, Zayas and Cortez, Plaese do not steal my signs,I like them.

Anonymous said...

Why don't all the parties stop complaining, crying, whining and finger-pointing and have an honest, clean debate. Let's find out:

1. How they stand on the issues.
2. Why they think they should represent BISD students, teachers, staff, parents and tax payers.
3. What can they bring.

If Accion America truly does care why don't they report all sides and give readers all of the facts not just the ones they want you to know.

To be honest we need professionals on the board. All current board members need to act courteous to each other, sometime they forget they are on live television. Or maybe they act that way on purpose...

Joachin deStreatz said...

Nice Spin..........but REALLY. Why don't you address the issues stated in the post. Get REAL!

Anonymous said...


Early Voting will be soon!

Vote the incumbents out!

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to stop being scared about speaking out and needs to come forward with testimony about the abuses. I am so tired of hearing you complain, but you continue to refuse to speak out--for your kids and for your city. Either shut up ot go to court and testify. Enough already.

Anonymous said...

The issues being addressed by Quintanilla are realissues, budget defict, construction deficit, suing the AG. Why was this done? The transferring of personnel and the firing of qualified and compentent employees.

All of these issues must be responded to with specifics and Zayas, Cortez and Powers are not responding to anything excpt themselves.

It is our rsponsibility Brownsville to get answers to our questions, we thank Quintanilla for raising them, now lets make sure that these guys respond and respond now.

Anonymous said...

Do you honestly believe Zayas, Cortez, or powers will answer...yeah right!

Honestamente creen ustedes que el señor Zayas, Cortez, o Powers responderan? ..Por favor!!

Mr Montoya, we have got to let the Spanish speaking people know what's going on.

Señor Montoya, tenemos que hacerle saber lo que está pasando, a las personas que solo hablan español.

Anonymous said...

I concur with the person that wrote that as employees of the district we fear retaliation. The powers from above are vindictive and evil. God save us all! Very scary when one person is in power and she controls everyone and everything. Yes, I did say she!!! SHE is in the 3rd floor!!

Anonymous said...

who is that person on the 3rd floor does she take her orders from the Supt or the Gang of $2 Zayas and Cortez$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Anonymous said...

Juanito, can you run that ad that appeared in the Brownsville Herald, it tells it like it is.

Southmost in the house.

Anonymous said...

She takes orders from Supt. which in essence are taken from the gang of $4.
Ella toma las ordenes de el Supt. lo cual en esencia vienen de la ganga de $4.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious Zayas is running scared, to stoop as low as Bobby is the lowest of the lowest.

Zayas you are so pathetic and sick.

Anonymous said...

Hey Juanito

You have caused that poor loca hormone problems.

Stop it I cant take it no more.
