Wednesday, October 6, 2010


By Juan Montoya

We have always considered our fellow journalist Melissa Zamora an outstanding professional and a classy lady.
That's why we were somewhat surprised to see this entry in the John Wood Facebook account:
"Brownsville City Commissioner Melissa Hernandez-Zamora endorsed our campaign & joined our strategy team. We are fortunate to have her support, network, knowledge, skills & energy added to our campaign. Thank you Commissioner Zamora for your help & for all you do to make Brownsville the great place it is."
Why, you may ask, would we find it strange that Melissa has endorsed Wood in his quest to defeat incumbent Carlos Cascos for the position of Cameron County Judge?
It was only a few years ago (November, 2006, to be exact) that then-Cameron County Judge-elect Carlos Cascos announced that he had made key hires as he prepared to step into the driver's seat.
He hired Melissa as his top assistant, part of a team that took office Jan. 1, 2007.
Melissa was the communications coordinator for the South Padre Island Convention and Visitors Bureau and before that city editor for The Brownsville Herald.
Cascos at the time also pointed to Zamora's energy and enthusiasm to serve the public and Cameron County.
Things went along swimmingly until her "enthusiasm and energy" resulted in friction between top players and other elected officials (like the sheriff, for example), and Melissa left the county for greener pastures.
Only two or three years later, Melissa challenged Carlos Cisneros, Wood's administrative assistant at Precinct 2 for his position as Brownsville city commissioner. She pulled off an upset after Moses Sorola, the other contender for the spot, published embarrassing ads in the local newspaper charging that Wood had allowed Cisneros to turn in falsified time sheets claiming he was in the county when he was out of town on city business instead.
In one ad, Cisneros' time sheet is contrasted with the days he was out of town in city business and shows Wood's approval of the hours to be paid by the county.
In the runoff between Cisneros and Zamora, Cisneros (with Wood's blessing we are told) tried to discredit Melissa's morality by surreptitiously making available purported DNA tests that allegedly questioned the paternity of one of her children.
This sordid maneuver soured many Cisneros supporters and probably contributed to his defeat.
Now we wonder how it is that Zamora has decided to endorse her nemesis' old boss or if there is a quid pro quo in the works.
Politics does make strange bedfellows, and in this case it is strange indeed.


Anonymous said...

Melissa is, and always will be, for Melissa. She hops from bed to bed and ruins marrige after marrige to see what is in it for her. One does not have to wonder long to see what she wants with this endorsment,...a job for herself, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Wood will go to victory with Melissa at his side! Cascos better watch out.

Anonymous said...

Wood is a smart man. He knows that having an elected official on his team makes re-election that much easier. He has a thing for Precint 2 Commissioners, so what?

Anonymous said...

Wood and Zamora deserve each other. What have either done for the community.......NADA. Serving doesn't mean doing anything....they are like knots on a log...just there. Zamora has shown no leadership and hasn't had an idea since she was elected. John Wood, likewise, is man man without ideas....just lingers. Unfortunately, John Wood allows Gilberto Hinjosa to serve as his guiding light. Neither will be much of a light for this county.

Anonymous said...

Lo que se dice de Melissa es que es una mejor sin cesos. Se cuentan sus ideas en un dedo y esa idea es also que le benificiara a ella. Realmente, Melissa tiene todo lo que tienen las mujeres de la politica de mejico, o sea nada. Sin duda, es un figura triste y sin gracia.

Lic. Noe Gochea Valles

Anonymous said...

Well, well, I hear through the grapevine, the county wanna be elect judge, john woods is offering everyone positions.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

John Wood – This week I attended a reception
in honor of Dr. Falcon, a Commissioner of the Tx. Parks & Wildlife Commission. The event
was hosted by & held at the home of Senator Eddie Lucio. This was an excellent networkong opportunity. These relationships will be valuable when I am County Judge.

LOL! Yeah Right!

Anonymous said...

Melissa is a one term commissioner and she may not even be able to finish her first term. There are rumblings at city hall that she has vacated her position. How? She no long is a resident of her district nor the city. She has no local address, no PUB bill, no rental receipts, no nothing. She allegedly is now residing in Arroyo City. Check it out and ask her where she's residing. Sossi is salavating as we write. She's toast.

Anonymous said...

Melissa is taking care of Melissa, just as John is taking care of John. Melissa would like a job and so would John. Neither have been successful in anything except manipulating the public....Melissa as a so-called journalist and John as a so-called public servant. Melissa is in over her head as a commissioner, and she is preparing for the future. John is in over his head as a public servant and continues to look to Gilberto Hinojosa for guidance.

Anonymous said...

Juliet Garcia is the Jerry Jones or Mark Cuban of education.....but she lacks their wealth. Her super ego requires that she be in every shot, every photo and every sound byte from UTB=TSC. This week she is the voice of the university regarding the death of a student in Mexico. She probably never met the young man and his death is tragic....but this gives Juliet a podium from which to reign supreme. Like Jones and Cuban she never misses an opportunity to demonstrate control and power. We all feel for the loss of the young man....but we might ask why he was in Mexico if he was enrolled at wasn't a holiday. Does that mean he was a one course or one day student???? As a person seeking an Associates Degree he was a community college student....a community college that Juliet would give away...along with our tax dollars. This issue needs to stay in the forefront in the community. Juliet is likely betting that the community, as it often does, forgets the issue or is distracted by other issues. Giving away TSC and our taxes to UTB is not fair to the community and its taxpayers. It will eliminate community college and keep tuition rates too high for our community. Say NO to Juliet Garcia's proposal to give up our TSC.

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is why is Cascos associating with the Rendons the Lucy, the Saavedra and the Escobedo candidates?

Anonymous said...

.Fred Rendon Jr- Melissa is quite an addition to any campaign. She is also endorsing Rick Zayas and Ruben Cortez in their re-election bid to the BISD. many people will be glad to hear she has joined your team.
Tuesday at 1:14pm · .Fred Rendon Jr -Nora did you read about Melissa Zamora joining John Woods team of people. She is also endorsing Ruben Cortez, Rick Zayas and Gilbert Hinojosa. What a team they will make. If we could only get Remi Garza and some of the other members of Gilbert Hinojosa's team back it will be like Gilbert Hinojosa was never defeated!!!
Tuesday at 1:19pm · .Lillian Cantu Kim- Thanks Fred!! Sounds like you have come to terms that Carlos Cascos will be defeated. I don't know who Nora is BUT everyone knows who Melissa Zamora is.
Tuesday at 2:12pm · 1 personLoading... · .Fred Rendon Jr --My family helped her get elected we have many friends in Brownsville ask Melissa she will tell you. As for Carlos being defeated well I just do not think so but stranger things have happened I mean who would have thought Carlos would have defeated Gilbert Hinojosa and yet it happened and everyone knows that Gilbert Hinojosa is Backing John so you take it from there after all it is not brain surgery.
Tuesday at 2:40pm · .Melissa Hernandez-Zamora --Yes, Mr. Fred Rendon was very supportive during my campaign. I am grateful for that. However, as individuals, we don't have to agree on the candidates he and I support, and we should be respectful of our differences in opinion. Mr. Rendon, Leo Rosales is compiling that homeless Veterans list you asked me to help you with.
Tuesday at 2:47pm ·

Anonymous said...

She may be well known, but for the wrong reasons. I don't see how this helps Wood at all. As far as I'm concerned she lost all credibility the second she accepted a job "consulting" for a vendor who does business with the city and then seeing nothing wrong with it. She liked to talk a lot about transparency on her blog and railed against other politicians for similar consulting "jobs". Now she is just like all the rest of them. She and Wood are perfect together and I know she has been looking for a job for a while. Cascos didn't hire her back so now she's backing Wood. Figures. So whats so surprising about this, jmon?

Anonymous said...

Melissa is supporting Cortez and Zayas because she is a loser and scum just like them. She hasn't had a job in years and nobody will hire her. Makes you wonder why?

John, if I were you I would distance myself from this worthless thing. Your wife is a classy lady, if she knew the real truth about Melissa, she would be very disappointed in you.

Anonymous said...

Melissa Ann Hernandez/Cantu/Zamora/?

You can't run from yourself. Everyone knows about you and your past. You are a true "bullshit artist" Karma is a B!tch and your finding it out the hard way.

You Know Who.
