Saturday, October 16, 2010


By Juan Montoya
As Ollie used to say, "Well, aren't we in a pretty pickle!"
The City of Brownsville has sued us all. Not only that, but as Moses Sorola points out in his ad in today's paper, the contract lawyers that the city hired chose Travis County as their venue, meaning that they feel they will find a friendly court to rule on their behalf.
And guess what? They're using our money to do it.
The city's action came about as a result of Sorola and seven other city residents suing it in district court to prevent the municipality from issuing $11.625 million in certificates of obligation without going to the voters for approval.
Earlier, a petition drive by Sorola had been stymied when the city changed the amount of the bonds, nullifying the wording on the petition.
Undeterred, the so-called Brownsville Eight sued. (Actually it's less than eight because Sanchez and others have removed themselves as plaintiffs In the case)
City contract attorney Mark Sossi had stated that the city was within its right to issue the bonds without an election. Sossi is getting paid $120,000 a year by the city, plus an additional $60,000 to represent the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation (GBIC).
However, he farmed out the job of defending the city to his former law firm, Guerra & Willette. Critics point out that the law firm had won a settlement of more than $160,000 after they charged in court that Sossi had taken the firm's money without their permission. In the settlement agreement between Sossi and the law firm, he agreed to pay back the $160,000 plus interest and court costs.
"Was handing the job to Guerra & Willette part of the payback?" they ask.
In turn, Guerra & Willette contracted with Winstead PC, an Austin-based law firm, to sue the taxpayers and allow the city to issue the debt.
It doesn't really matter that City Mayor Pat Ahumada says that we shouldn't take it personally, that it's just a "technicality."
Mr. Mayor, we do take it personally. It probably would have cost less to hold the election than it will cost in legal fees to keep the city residents from voicing their opinion on issuing debt that they will have to pay.
Our political leadership - by suing its own citizens - has shown us just how removed they have become from the people. A fine pickle we're in, indeed.


Anonymous said...

pat ahumada and the city commission are officially engaged in "SOFT TYRANNY." CITIZENS OF BROWNSVILLE WE MUST VOTE THEM OUT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. THEY ARE ALL EVIL!

Anonymous said...

Pos jijole compadre, nos demandan con nuestro dinero.

Anonymous said...

Pat Sabenada sux! So ssi te-voy-a-robar es una rata con corbata
