Tuesday, October 5, 2010


By Juan Montoya
News that Brownsville Independent School District Superintendent Brett Springston had joined the Association Of Brownsville Educators (TSTA/NEA) touched a nerve among some employees in the district.
"Why didn’t he join TASA, the Texas Association of School Administrators?," asked one.
"What kind of conflicts does this create?," wrote another. "Won’t he be negotiating with himself when issues arise? Won’t he be arguing against himself when grievances are filed by AOBE?"
Apparently, neither Springston nor the members of the school board who cheered his joining the group thought of these questions before applauding his joining the organization.
Much was made of his membership being the “special” 4,oooth member.
We didn't see any reaction from the super to the statement made by AOBE that he has started a “stampede” of new members.
"Does this mean that in this new role as a recruiter for the union is a proper action for a Superintendent?," wrote a commenter.
Does his membership – he is their highest profile member – imply to members and potential recruits that they will have an advantage in the district by belonging to his union?
Other unions are also asking whether this is fair to their efforts to recruit members.
"Is this a form of coercion pressuring district employees to be a member of his union in order to receive the fairest treatment from the district?," they asked.
Apparently, this type of "coercion" is prohibited by law
And what, they continue, of confluence of AOBE, the superintendent’s job, and the endorsements of incumbents Rick Zayas , Ruben Cortez and candidate Otis Powers?
All three have come out in favor of naming AOBE the only organization that can speak for employees to the district. This is a policy these guys will vote for if reelected that implies no other organizations could speak to the administration or the board about employment issues. This is the deal AOBE cut with the candidates for its endorsements, the writers say.
(District insiders say no group can see Zayas or Cortez as acting favorably for employees. They have been hostile to the employees so far; they are not going to change. Powers used to follow Pat Lehmann’s lead voting for pay raises, but also put into place some of his relatives who made life hell for employees – the real reason he was on the board, they say. And now, apparently, he is completely in the Zayas and Cortez camp. Can BISD employees reasonably expect any raises from Powers?)
The role of the AOBE in consolidating its power in the district is obvious to many members of the other teachers' groups.
But will it translate into higher salaries for employees? Probably not, they say. It'll probably translate into more membership dues for AOBE. And those dues will go up once AOBE officials can say they are the only ones speaking for the employees, with a special inside member helping them out.
Speaking of dues, just how high are they now?
Reportedly, they go up to $600 a year for experienced employees, which is much more than other employee groups. And what does this money buy for members? The better question is what does that money buy for George Borrego and his gang?
Borrego, we are told, gets a $1,000 a month, plus dining out expenses and cell phone money plus a lot of trips to conferences in places like New Orleans and Las Vegas. His officers, in turn, get $350 a month plus trips and phone money
His officers also hire their spouses as recruiters, a sort of built-in nepotism, just like the school district.
But wait, there's a little bit for everybody. AOBE has two paralegals. One gets $80,000 a year and the other $60,000.
Still think it was a good idea for Springston to join a school union group? Our commenters think that the chickens will come home to roost soon enough.


Anonymous said...

I am a member of AOBE, and I am cancelling my membership. I didn't think George Borrego was a slime like the three candidates he claims AOBE endorsed. Dont' be fooled, it was only the 5,6 officers that endorsed these losers. They did not get my consent to endorse them nor would I have agreed in doing so.

Members, re-think, do you want to belong to an organization that is represented by takers? I don't, they are not gettting another cent from me.

Anonymous said...

Springston has no shame. Until when will he stop being a yeser to these idiots. He knows or should know that NO supt should join an employee's union, that is abolutely a BIG conflict of interest.

The only organization a supt can be a member of is TASA - Texas Association of School Administrator's, don't let pelon, Fox, Zayas or Aguilar poke your eyes.

Oh, Zayas, stop comparing organges to apples, the court system is entirely different from the school system so stop bringing up comparing the court and the school system. Also, Springston DOES have to answer to the rest of the Board Members, who are you to say he does not need to answer anything to the other board members. If he does not answer to them, he will be setting himself up for INSUBORDINATION. Haven't you learned anything from ALL the trainings you have spend OUR TAX DOLLARS on to attend?

Another thing, tell your moron board president he needs to watch his lip, he is so rude and ugly just like you.

Anonymous said...

TSTA has had many administrative members through the years.

Anonymous said...

This is in response to the member who is considering cancelling his/her membership. Please don't. TSTA is the only organization that will protect you even after you quit. In the past we have had people who have switched, quit and switched to another. If someone has charges brought against them a few years after being a member, TSTA will still cover them,if they were a member at that time. Other organizations will not cover you. I would suggest that you get involved and go to the AOBE meetings, all meetings, including board meetings are open to members. In response to the second comment TASA is not the only organization. A superintendent can belong to TSTA; TSTA includes all levels of employment. If a conflict comes up between an administrator and teacher or paraprofessional, TSTA will represent the teacher or paraprofessional. I am a former officer in AOBE, now retired.
Jill Graves

Anonymous said...

Good respond, Jill Graves. I agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Superintendent should be part of all local teaher organization, that way it won't show he is favoring one organization over the other.

Anonymous said...

Yea Mr. Springston are you a member of all local teacher's associations? If not you should be, if you are a smart person.
