"The road to hell is paved with good intentions..."
By Juan Montoya
Less than a month after Cameron County Public Works dumped an estimated $70
,000 to $80,000 in materials and labor, the paving job crews performed on Maverick Road is coming apart.
Less than a month after Cameron County Public Works dumped an estimated $70

Maverick Road is a direct link between Southmost and Dakota roads that leads to Lopez High School. Heavy bus and car traffic crowd that thoroughfare and Precinct 1 commissioner Sofia Benavides was under heavy pressure from residents to fix the pothole-pocked road.
But now, after crews under the supervision of Public Works Superintendent Luis Ara III and Precinct 1 foreman Santana Vallejo oversaw the coating of the roadway with a thin layer of asphalt spread over an obviously badly compacted caliche, the roadway is in need of massive repairs.
"You can see the ruts in the roadway already and it's not even a month old," said a motorist who stopped to speak with us as we took the photographs in this post. "You can see the
caliche under the asphalt already and it hasn't even rained. If we get a good rain it's going to be torn to pieces. This is a terrible job."

Residents also complain that the asphalt coat is already spilling into the drain ditches along Maverick and that with the ditches dug deeper than normal, kids walking to school have to dodge the traffic along the narrow roadway.
"I've actually seen the buses stop and swerve around the students walking along Maverick," said a woman who lives along the road. "The ditches are so deep and right next to the asphalt that they have no place to go if a car is coming."
A business owner near the Southmost Road/Maverick intersection said the narrow roadway has already caused a car to fall into one of the steep ditches.
"It'll just be a matter of time before others fall into these dangerous ditches," she said. "These people have been in office for maybe a dozen years and they still can't get a simple road construction right.
A former road construction worker said many things were done wrong on Maverick. The spots where the asphalt is obviously sinking indicated that there was no proper compacting done on the caliche base, he said. And the fact that the asphalt is spilling over into the ditches means that the asphalt was not laid correctly or that the quality of the material was not up to par.
"This is a manual on how not to pave a road," he said. "Unless they can pull off a miracle, I wouldn't doubt that they will have to redo the entire road."
The rutting and peeling of the asphalt is visible between the traffic humps placed along the roadway. Long yellow arrows show the problem spots and indicate where repairs must be made. But even if the spots are patched, the problems along the entire roadway will become more obvious as the traffic increases over time.
When the county passed the Project Road Map in the early 1993, it included the widening of Southmost Road. At the time, commissioner Lucino Rosenbaum Jr. concluded that the increased traffic would require the widening of Maverick Road as well. Accordingly, he got the rest of the commissioners to approve a right-of-way purchasing program to widen and pave Maverick Road and move utilities and property fences back to allow for the construction.
However, Rosenbaum was defeated for the commissioner Pct. 1 position by Pete Benavides, who served until his death in 2006. His wife, current commissioner Sofia Benavides was appointed to the position to serve his unfinished term and was re-elected in 2008. Her term expires next year.
"We had started to purchase the right-of-way to widen the road and address the needs of the residents, the school traffic and the pedestrians," he recalled. "We set that money aside for that specific purpose, but when the new commissioner came along the money was moved to hire his political supporters and give them jobs on the precinct road crew. We're looking at the results now."
Ara, from Public Works, was unavailable on Thursday and Vallejo was not in his Precinct 1 office. As Public Works Supervisor, Ara is ultimately responsible to County Administrator Pete Sepulveda. Santana, Pct. 1 Foreman, oversaw the laying of the asphalt.
Santana was a construction supervisor with the City of Brownsville and left under a cloud of suspicion before he went to the county. He recently was the subject of an investigation into the illegal selling of driveway pipes left over from a county project to an elderly resident in Olmito.
However, acco
rding to the Cameron County Sheriff's Department, the district attorney's office declined to prosecute because of a "technicality."

"County workers reported the incident to the sheriff and after the county didn't prosecute he's back on the job and supervising the same workers who alerted the sheriff to the (alleged) illegal acts," said a former county worker.
Just north of the Maverick/South Dakota intersection in front of Lopez High School roadway problems are also evident. A former Pct. 1 worker said that half the roadway belongs to the county and the other (on the school side) to the city.
"The county side (west) is not stable," he said. "But Ara has refused to allow the county crews to work on it or stabilize it. If you look closely, half the road is firm and the other (county side) is breaking up. People are complaining.
According to the county's Public Works Division: "It is the Mission of the Public Works Division to improve the quality life for all citizens of Cameron County through the provision of superior project planning , road construction & maintenance, and other professional services. We will attain our mission in an ethical manner providing satisfaction to our clients , the Commissioner's Court, and the citizens of Cameron County while respecting our obligations to our community and fulfilling the personal and professional aspirations of our staff."
Is Maverick Road a glaring example of how not to perform one's mission?
does the county use a materials testing lab for their projects?
Fire the compadre that wasted this money.
Is is evident that at every hump the thin asphalt covering is detached as heavy trucks (School buses, dump trucks), break and their tires lock up and cause the asphalt to peel back the caliche covering.
Shoddy work.
Wait until it rains and the water gets under the thin asphalt covering, mark my words, pot holes galore.
Drive on Maverick after a heavy rain and notice the muddy water filled ditches that force the Lopez High School students to walk on the road. No sidewalks! So who is responsible for a lack of sidewalks on Maverick?
Just an accident waiting to occur, then maybe some contrite elected official or bureaucrat will take responsibility.
Mr. Mortadelo Bolognio
We can only imagine where the money dedicated to repair the street ended up; or in whose pocket it ended up. Sofia is not a manager and failed to manage this project in her precinct. She is ultimately responsible for this public works failure. County Public Works sucks! Road repairs take forever and are done in a way that suggests the county isn't serious. A county road project near me has taken months and most days the crews don't work...just a lot of dust. Is anyone in charge in the County. The Democrats put up a campaign fight each year to get their flunkies elected, but once in office it seems that things fall apart and raises the question, "Where is all that project money going?"
The road is an example as how NOT TO RE-ELECT SOFIE?
What does Sofia Benavides, like her late husband know about construction??? What?? Nada, time go, get rid of this obese woman. Esta bien burra la vieja sonsa.
Good work Montoya, don't let them get away with anything, pinches politicos no valen madre.
fist thing to do when redoing a street is to see how long ago the street was made and much traffic or residents has gane but in this case anybody from brownsville can tell you maverick dakota has grown alot we ideal school,palm grove,lopez high,biesterio midd,akkien ele, there are 5schools to start. 2in street i myself think its not enough .i would like for the commissioner to be 7:00 to8:45 and 2:45 to4:00 and walk throw where our kidsss walk lets see what happens.
do they know how thick and wide the street should be and how much money they are going to spend again to redo maverick dakota rds
That was just bad work, black top should have been at least 2 inches thick, somebody, made real good money from that shoddy work.
OKAY SOFIA WHICH ONE OF YOUR CRONIES DID THE WORK? We want to know, who was it, tell us, who was it, we won't tell.
I recall a day when it had been raining and students had to walk on the road, instead of walking on the non-existent sidewalk.
I found myself in a long lane of cars, as a school bus had to come to a complete stop, because some students were walking on the road, thus not allowing the bus to proceed to Southmost. The driver had to wait until the oncoming traffic had slowed down to pass the kids by driving on the oncoming lane.
This seems to put the students in a bad light, but the students had no option. It was either walk on the road or walk on the muddy ditch and risk falling down in the dirty ditch with broken beer bottles, branches, beer cans, and assorted thrash.
Voter No. 11,245
well from where i see it like money is not comming out of thier pocket what the hell like saying orwhat they really if like or not yo soy la commisionada i que or like the crews that work on top of Sofia Benavides say if we want we give if not we sell it and use what we want we still get paid and good money on the side for BEERSSSSSSS .
Montoya did it again. Guess Benavidez heard the saber rattling in el Rrun-Rrun and decided to finally send a repair crew to Maverick. They just took off the bad asphalt this afternoon.
Back off, the County is doing the best they can... Not their fault if mother nature takes its course, and shifts land left or right... No excuses, just facts. Public Works Superintendent Louis Ara, keep up the good work, people are always going to talk... CAMERON COUNTY ROCKS!
juanito please do your research,Dakota in front of Lopez High School belongs to the City. it would be nice if you spoke to Commissioner before you posted wrong information.
"the county is doing the best they can"
They do not get paid to "do the best they can". If they are unable to do a good job, contract the job out to those that have the experience and expertise. There is no excuse for shoddy workmanship, this is not on-the-job training.
Maverick Road Resident
I really can't understand why C.C. Prct.1 & 2 is putting up with all the wrong doings- ARA & SANTANA VALLEJO are doing to our county roads. What they did to Maverick Rd is a NO-NO. They should be FIRED NOW!WITHOUT QUESTIONS! If not we definitely need to clean house.
who ever wrote this should say things write. Santana vallejo is not precint 1 supervisor it's Mr Hector Garza. He is the one who should get the blame. He is precint 1 supervisor yes Mr Hector Garza who's never with his crew paying attention of what thier doing or where their wondering around. he pays more attention on being in Miss Benavideses office than being with his crew. his son Hetor Garza and his buddy Jose Martinez are always in the phone either talking or texing in thier cell phone. Mr Garza and his crew should pay less attention on selling pipes,dirt and caliche and start making the road better for people to drive on. Santana Vallejo and Mr Louis Ara have no blame for other supervisor's misstakes. If you think straight Precint's 1 steets are always done twice and thats material thrown away.I hope who ever reads this should spread the word and stops this once and for all.
Louis Ara is the superintendent, he's in charge of supervising all the roads in all four precints, and Santana Vallejo and his crew are the ones that pave the roads in the precints. Now Louis Ara is always covering up for Santana Vallejo, but Santana Vallejo has no experience whatsoever in road paving. Louis Ara also covered up for Gorge Torres who broke the axel of two backhoes, which cost taxpayers money to repair. Gorge also got caught playing with a tractor on precint 3. When Gorge was fired Ara replaced him with Fernando Vasquez, without checking Fernandos background. Fernando had two prior DWI's. Mr. Ara gave a county vehicle to this man who ended up getting drunk and destroying the truck. These men are just wasting tax payers money and putting the county in jeopardy.
wow good job, did you figure out all that nformation just by yourself. It was a backhoe not a tractor get your shit straight atleast if your gonna comment. santana vallejo, gorge torres and fernendo ramirez were all hired prior to mr. ara joining cameron county. after reading all the comments i can see that there is alot of county employees posting comments on here. get your shit together you bunch of lazy people that all they want to do is sit in the shade drinking water now they're waisting tax payer money. now i can see why alot of public works employees would be posting on here, cause now you all have to work for your pay checks. all in all these people are just pissed off cuz they dont advance in their positions, i wouldn't blame they're dumb ass logs. i wanna see if you'all have the balls to put your name on the next comment!
Ara and Santana Vallejo are the biggest thieves in this county has ever had, they have sold dirt and pipes to people in olmito . why haven't they been suspended?the people they sold the dirt and pipes to are willing to testify. lets all take part and help get rid of those RATS AND DRUG ADDICTS
And who are you to judge and call county employees “lazy”? Maybe you should, “at least” check your spelling and grammar if your going to comment and start talking shit about people. If anyone is a waste of money it’s you because obviously the tax money that was spent on getting you a proper education was a complete waste. Oh, and unlike your hypocritical ass I put my name on my comment. I hope you have the balls to put your name on the next comment.
to the one with big ball thats the persons that we have because big mama sofie likes them to have them around her go www channel 5,4,even in news of matamorous 7 they have records when they caught sofies right n left hands selling pipe,caliche ,n dirt n even D.W.I. i think you big balls dont make your self more stupid think n see first back grounds if you need help to investigate i am glad to help you big mouth .you are going to have to find a BBBig RRock to hide with your compadres . SOPIAaa check it out I would or unless you are getting a part of every thing they are selling .
i think that SOFIE BENAVIDES did not say anything either of the CALICHE that GOT LOST at OKLAHOMA ROAD and it was 1OO tons remember SOFIE???? I think that JOHN WOODS NEEDS TO remember or he better start doing something about this people are going to fine out and its going to get BAD REPUTATION all this HERE IS record NEWS 5,4, VALLEVISION NOTICIAS start cleaning your warehouses and compadres ,staff before ELECTIONSSSS.SANTANA ARA are included HECTOR GARZA AND SON YES NO RELATIVES I WENT CAMERON COUNTY RULES OBEY THEM LIKE THEY SAY MATA EL PERRO Y SE ACABA LA RABIA..We thought that ERNIE HERNANDEZ THE COMMISORNER was going to clean the house but did not do any thing about it ithink its the same thing ..
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