And the Lord did sayeth unto to him, "I have caused to be sent many messengers, but your heart was hardened to their words."
By Juan Montoya
Things are getting "curiouser and curiouser" in this city election cycle.
None more so than in the race for District 2 between Jessica Tetreau and incumbent Charlie Atkinson.
If you remember, state officials determined that his first opponent Ezequiel “Zeke” Silva was ineligible to run for the position because of as felony case conviction back in 1994 for having two driving while under the influence arrests.

Silva pleaded guilty and was given 10 years probation, which he served, in 1995. However, he did not get deferred adjudication nor did he request a pardon. So, after being in and off the ballot at least twice, he was finally off. Tetreau, likewise, was first denied a place on the ballot as a write-in candidate when city officials determined that she did not have enough signatures on her petition. However, they later determined that she qualified under state election code rules and they acquiesced and she will be on the ballots in time for the May 2 early election voting.
While this was going on, many felt they detected the machinations (a la Wizard of Oz) of city contract attorney Mark Sossi and Atkinson trying to influence the city staff into disqualifying each new opponent as they appeared.
Now the Rrun-Rrun has learned that new evidence has surfaced that as late as November 12, 2010, she reported to police that she lives at 2100 San Marcelo, Apt. 162outside the District 2 boundaries.
The information is contained in a police report she filed against her husband Arturo Kalifa in an Assault (Family violence) complaint she filed against him where she lists (and signs) her name as Jessic Kalifa.
In that incident, she told police Kalifa had assaulted her and inflicted a scratch on the right side of her neck.
If the information she gave police is correct, then Atkinson's complaints that she lives outside the district and filed illegally as living with her parents and siblings at 15 Heather Lane might have some credibility.
As far back as September 2007, Tetreau and her husband Arturo have compiled a record of domestic disturbances that have sent Brownsville Police Department officers to the San Marcelo address on at least three occasions.
In the first one, after he complained to police that she had hidden his keys to prevent him from going to his business (a night club), they were advised by the officer to seek counseling and "legal help for their long-lived personal problems."
In the next incident on June 2009, officers were again called to fill a complaint report by her against her husband and his son after they allegedly assaulted her at the club.
The questions of her residency have reached the point where she has complained to friends and supporters that someone had installed a video camera ion the apartment next to the San Marcelo address, and that she suspects it was at the behest of Atkinson. Atkinson, of course, denies he had anything to do with it.
Charlie, whose abrasive in-your-face style rubs many the wrong way, may be on the point of filing a complaint against Tetreau's candidacy with the state, we are told. Whether he will remains to be seen. Whether he can do anything to prevent her name from being on the ballot with a scant week before early voting begins May 2 appears highly doubtful.
However, this weekend a number of Tetreau supporters were pounding the sidewalk and knocking on doors in District 2 in support of her candidacy. Add this to the fact that the social networks and media have vowed to unseat him with the aid of Cameron County commissioner Ernei Hernandez, and we may have the m,akings of a "perfect political storm" that may just work to topple the commissioner.
"There is no secret to the fact that Ernie hates Atkinson and that Ernie never forgets," said a Tetreau supporter. Between Ernie's mail-in ballots and his detractors in the blogs, it may be too much for him to overcome. This could be a historical election."
What's with all these democRATS, are they ALL CORRUPT ??????
Every single one there are issues. HAVE YOU PEOPLE SOLD YOUR SOULS TO THE DEVIL ????????????
QUE TRISTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maclovio says: "Uuuuuuyyyyyyy!
Maclovio vive..."Uuuuuuuyyyyyy!
If Ernie Hernandez dislikes Charlie Atkinson, then let's surely vote for Charlie.
That explains why she dose not live with her husband, he is a wife beater!! It also explains why she handles Charlies torture so well. I will block walk for her, especially now. She has my vote, I sincerely hope charlie was not behind this.
So you place her with her old man on November 10? When did she file? She may have separated after receiving one scratch too many. Anyway, she could stay with mom until May 14 and then reconcile with the scratcher. Does that disqualify her to serve district 2?
What Ernie Hernandez wants is to control City hall because he does not have enough with the tit at County Commissioners Court not to mention, his daughter Erin Hernandez was one of the few who could not wait for Judge Torre's body to get cold before calling the Courthouse to put her name on the J.P's list, and while Judge Torres was still lying in wake, the vulture lawyers, Dolores Zarate, and Erin Hernandez, Bean Ayala, Cookie Covarrubias, all were interested only in their personal interest in the position, and now, Ernie wants a person who does not reside in a certain district to by force be eligible when this woman does not belong in Charlie Atkinson's district.
Not to mention Tony Martinez, was the campaign manager for Judge Limas, no wonder this lawyer is so rich, who wouldn't if they had their judge on a bench ruling on his behalf so he can win the case and then split how much with the judge? Is this how it works? Dang, Tony Martinez, how much did you get out of the limas bench since you are so rich?
Payed writer get a job….
You're going shit your pants in the end. Watch Serial Numbers
I guess we'll pray for that 'Perfect Storm' to occur, anything is better than another 4 years under Charlie Ratkinson. I'm sure his wife would like him to find a paying job so they can move out of her old bedroom at her parents house!
No to Tony...anyone with ties to that rat fink Limas should not be trusted with anything.
Charlie is a scum bag of epic proportions! How low will you go Charlie? Did they bring up your triste in Corpus with another Commissioner who all of a sudden has disappeared from the spotlight after your little trip to Corpus? Did they bring up the fact about your love to hang out at Stilettos strip bar? Did they bring up the fact that EVERYONE at Customs (who are idiots anyway) were happy to see you go and your questionable job performance or lack there of. You are a bully who will stop at nothing, but this is not Mexico or Chicago....YOU HAVE NO POWER MORON!! You are a City Commissioner or better yet a former City Commissioner who is a drunk obnoxious arrogant adultering piece of crap. There is no proof you are crooked, but boy you sure do act like it. Go crawl into your hole and hide.......I'll see you pushing shopping carts at Sam's in a couple of weeks you jack ass.
I lost ALL of the respect I had for this blog when I read this article and the Author. And believe me- I thought VERY highly of it and you before this. She was A VICTIM, and you threw her under the bus, way to go Montoya.
What is jessica t.'s occupation?
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