By Juan Montoya
As the members of the Brownsville Independent School District board of trustees scamper to find ways to keep the district fiscally afloat, they are looking hard at their property tax collection firm to see why more funds haven't been forthcoming in their collections.
The firm, E. Peña and Associates, with one year left on its contract, survived a motion by board president Catalina Presas-Garcia to go out for bids on the collection contract.
We understand that the firm's representatives were asked to bring in a list of the prope
rties that are delinquent on their taxes.
Now, it is well known among BIS insiders that trustee Minerva Peña was on the list. But when they checked, lo and behold, her name was not on it. When she was told that she could not vote on the matter of the bidding issue, it is reported that she went bonkers.
"She kept saying that she wanted to talk to her attorney and trustees Joe Colunga an Rolando Aguilar sat there and consoled her after she went into a tirade against Presas-Garcia," said a BISD administrator who heard the commotion. "She started to get personal with Presas-Garcia about her house payments and generally demonstrated an incredible instability. We couldn't believe it."
If the collection firm had done their homework, they would also have included Account#7479500210040010, belonging to SNAKRE Vending LLC, which is delinquent to the tune of $3,540.96 , and another $531.13 in penalties for a total of $4,072.09.
The firm's other account #7479700460000000 also is delinquent by $2,693.48, another $404.03 in penalties for a total of $3,097.51.
All told, between those two accounts, the different taxing entities, including BISD, are owed some $7,169.60.
But that is not all. Apparently there has been some dispute in another account that has not been collected.
This one is Account#0001000204700603, Southwest Arcade, Inc., with offices at 3100 E 14th ST., in Brownsville. That firm owes taxes dating back to 2003 to 2005 that totaled $8,314.87, add $7,366.03 in penalties and another $2,477.82 in attorney's fees and the total is $18,158.72 in delinquent taxes.
Why are the SNAKRE and Southwest Arcade accounts so important?
SNAKRE holds the Cameron County Jail commissary contract that nets its owners well over $750,000 each year from the purchasers of the 1400+ prisoners held at the three detention centers.
SNAKRE is owned by local attorney Rick Zayas and Ruben Cortez. Both are former BISD school board members, and recently Cortez was elected to the Region One board of directors.
Southwest Arcade is a defunct eight-liner business that was housed on Palo Kisel and went broke. It was owned by Zayas.
Zayas and Cortez were awarded the contract after their bid was picked by a county committee.
The original term of the contract with SNAKERY was from January 2005 through January 2007.
It was amended December 2006 to expire January 2009. The county's auditor's office found no contract in effect after January 2009 to January 2010. On November 2009, new requests for proposals were opened and awarded to SNAKERY which will run through December 2012.
"Annual commissary sales for the fiscal year 2009 were $925,512, including sales taxes collected," an audit report states.
"Payments to the commissary vendor was $765,732, consisting of reimbursed sales tax collections of $43,665; reimbursed costs of goods sold of $348,767; and $373,300 or 70% of net sales. The available balance, plus interest earned, was available to expend on behalf of inmates."
In short, Snakery kept $781,542 as its share of the $925, 512. The sheriff's department's share was $159,780, with this money going to fund operations and inmate services.
Now, with their supposed commitment to the education illustrated by their slogan that "It's all about children," shouldn't they at least support the children of the school district by paying their taxes on time?
As the members of the Brownsville Independent School District board of trustees scamper to find ways to keep the district fiscally afloat, they are looking hard at their property tax collection firm to see why more funds haven't been forthcoming in their collections.
The firm, E. Peña and Associates, with one year left on its contract, survived a motion by board president Catalina Presas-Garcia to go out for bids on the collection contract.
We understand that the firm's representatives were asked to bring in a list of the prope

Now, it is well known among BIS insiders that trustee Minerva Peña was on the list. But when they checked, lo and behold, her name was not on it. When she was told that she could not vote on the matter of the bidding issue, it is reported that she went bonkers.
"She kept saying that she wanted to talk to her attorney and trustees Joe Colunga an Rolando Aguilar sat there and consoled her after she went into a tirade against Presas-Garcia," said a BISD administrator who heard the commotion. "She started to get personal with Presas-Garcia about her house payments and generally demonstrated an incredible instability. We couldn't believe it."
If the collection firm had done their homework, they would also have included Account#7479500210040010, belonging to SNAKRE Vending LLC, which is delinquent to the tune of $3,540.96 , and another $531.13 in penalties for a total of $4,072.09.
The firm's other account #7479700460000000 also is delinquent by $2,693.48, another $404.03 in penalties for a total of $3,097.51.
All told, between those two accounts, the different taxing entities, including BISD, are owed some $7,169.60.
But that is not all. Apparently there has been some dispute in another account that has not been collected.

This one is Account#0001000204700603, Southwest Arcade, Inc., with offices at 3100 E 14th ST., in Brownsville. That firm owes taxes dating back to 2003 to 2005 that totaled $8,314.87, add $7,366.03 in penalties and another $2,477.82 in attorney's fees and the total is $18,158.72 in delinquent taxes.
Why are the SNAKRE and Southwest Arcade accounts so important?
SNAKRE holds the Cameron County Jail commissary contract that nets its owners well over $750,000 each year from the purchasers of the 1400+ prisoners held at the three detention centers.
SNAKRE is owned by local attorney Rick Zayas and Ruben Cortez. Both are former BISD school board members, and recently Cortez was elected to the Region One board of directors.
Southwest Arcade is a defunct eight-liner business that was housed on Palo Kisel and went broke. It was owned by Zayas.
Zayas and Cortez were awarded the contract after their bid was picked by a county committee.
The original term of the contract with SNAKERY was from January 2005 through January 2007.
It was amended December 2006 to expire January 2009. The county's auditor's office found no contract in effect after January 2009 to January 2010. On November 2009, new requests for proposals were opened and awarded to SNAKERY which will run through December 2012.
"Annual commissary sales for the fiscal year 2009 were $925,512, including sales taxes collected," an audit report states.

"Payments to the commissary vendor was $765,732, consisting of reimbursed sales tax collections of $43,665; reimbursed costs of goods sold of $348,767; and $373,300 or 70% of net sales. The available balance, plus interest earned, was available to expend on behalf of inmates."
In short, Snakery kept $781,542 as its share of the $925, 512. The sheriff's department's share was $159,780, with this money going to fund operations and inmate services.
Now, with their supposed commitment to the education illustrated by their slogan that "It's all about children," shouldn't they at least support the children of the school district by paying their taxes on time?
The Cameron County Appraisal District must have the word that they must balance the budgets by manipulating the property appraisals for 2011. While many may have not paid any attention to the political games the Appraisal District is engaged in, many have and are protesting the arbitrary increases of property; especially any property on a resaca. While homes or "improved" property is being kept at about the same level....despite most being charged a much higher replacement cost by their insurance is arbitrary and non-sensical property values that have, in some cases, quadrupled...especially in the county. The County Appraisal District is made up of political appointees with no appraisal experience and they have a political mission to bring in the property any way they can. Elected officials can say they don't raise taxes....but they do through the appraisal district and its goons. A forensic investigation should be done well as all other political entities...especially the Port of Brownsville. Sometimes I think Cameron County has hired the Kardenas Klan to assess property values. This exercise of power by non-elected officials is unfair, inequitable and arbitrary. Time to focus public attention on the Cameron County Appraisal District. Maybe the blogs can do what the local news rag will not....investigate.
I still cannot understand how Minerva Peña was elected to serve on the BISD Board. This woman has the I.Q. of snail and the personality of a parking meter. When she worked as a DPS Trooper I personally witnessed the rude & condescending manner in which she treated the people that went before her to take their driving test. Her behavior mirrored the treatment poor Mexican citizens receive when they seek services from the personnel working at the Mexican Consulate. Much like Jessica Tetreau, we keep electing ignorant, poorly educated individuals with questionable backgrounds to serve on very responsible commissions and boards that deal with multi-million dollars contracts and payrolls. I hope to live long enough to see qualified candidates elected to office which do not bring their excess baggage and seek ways to rape the citizenry by their underhanded dealings.
(BARTLETT) Bartlett ISD trustees have named their finalist for the vacant superintendent`s position.
The 4 month search is nearing it`s conclusion, and trustees say Brett
Springston, Brownsville ISD Superintendent is their lone finalist.
Springston could take the position as soon as June 22. Letha Hopkins has held the interim post since mid-February.
Board President Melissay Rafay said Springston was chosen among a pool of 60 applicants, of which 5 were interviewed.
I agree with Pedro, If the district really want to save on budget, they need to get rid of positions that are redundant. Higher positions with high pay but not really producing much need to be abolished. Also, stop giving free food to the students who don't even appreciate what is given to them for free! Parents have the responsibility of feeding their children, not the school
I'm glad someone else feels the same about Minerva Pena! She's just not very bright and unfortunately we're stuck with her for a while! She really does have some kind of grudge against Cata. We see it and hear her during Board meetings. She always has to have the last word-which in every case so far would be better for her if she didn't because it just shows the public that she IS an ignorant person.
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