Monday, August 15, 2011


By Juan Montoya

On what planet do the 14 elected officials who are asking for a pay increase live?
While the county considers (no, not that!) a potential tax increase of two pennies to make ends meet and address a $3 million shortfall, the likes of Cameron County Joe Rivera and County Treasurer David Bertancourt are now backpedaling like true politicians and they now say they really didn't want the raise after all.
If awarded, the pay increase request total $113,121 not including auto allowances.
County Clerk Rivera, wants $79,330, up from his current salary of $71,745.
Betancourt wants $63,221, up from the $59,221 he is making now.
Also listed in published reports as requesting raises are:
County Court-at-Law No. 1 Judge Arturo McDonald Jr.
Court-at-Law No. 2 Judge Laura L. Bentancourt
Precinct 2 Constable Pete Avila
JP Precinct 1 JP Benito Ochoa
JP Precinct 2 JP’s Linda Salazar
JP Kip Van Johnson Hodge
Precinct 3 JPs Julian Sanchez and David Garza
Precinct 4 JP Manuel Flores
Precinct 5 JP’s Sallie Gonzalez and Eloy Cano
Precinct 6 JP Juan Mendoza and
Precinct 7 JP Adam Gonzales
After the negative reaction to their salary requests grew in intensity after they became public, many of them have backtracked and now say they don't want them.
The Commissioners Court will vote this week on the salary schedule for elected officials letters will be mailed out Thursday to all elected officials informing them of their salaries and the option they have to request a salary grievance hearing.
Already, Rivera and Betancourt said they would not go before the committee.
How about the rest of these "public servants?"


Anonymous said...

The Dumbokrats have no scruples and just like at the national level, local Dumbokrats only want to make a partisan ruckus. They think only of themselves....never of the citizens. But, as said before, local voters don't just accept corruption, they (we) demand it. David Betancourt does nothing, but constantly whines about pay. His position should be eliminated and local blue collar workers should get a raise. Asking for a raise in hard times is selfish and political. All are DICKs.

Anonymous said...

I've got a solution to the low salary problem!! Next time an election comes around, DON'T RUN!!

Anonymous said...

Bunch of bastards, all of them need a pay cut, big fat bozzos.

Anonymous said...

These aren't public service official...they are greedy people who have no respect for the public.

Anonymous said...

Our public officials have some nerve thinking that they should profit while the rest of us have to scrounge. As a BISD employee, I'm in a large group of people who have been told to "suck it up or find another job if you don't like the lack of raises and excessive responsibilities". The same goes to you, county employees!

Sun Flower said...

The word is that Judge Sallie Gonzalez, spends much of her time at the arcades, spending her $44.000 dollars she makes annually.
Why would Judge Cano ask for a raise, he was elected last year.
Betancourt spends most of the time is bars. I say, screw the bastards, if they don't like it, find a job elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Cameron County makes Duval County of the 60's look like Disneryland. And for all you ignorant Mexicans Duval County was the craddle for corruption that helped get LBJ elected.

Anonymous said...

Pete Avila, asking for what? that man uses the county vehicle to help move houses, and gets compensated for it. The man doesnt know the first thing about law enforcement, If I was him I would use my gun on myself and start over...Pete here is ur raise, right up your ass!!!
