Thursday, August 18, 2011


By Juan Montoya
Come July and December, if you walk through the silent hallways of the Cameron County Judicial section and peek in though the glass slits of the courts, cavernous, empty rooms will meet your gaze.
Courthouse insiders call an "open secret," or "common knowledge" that many of the distinguished members of our local judiciary take their traditional summer sabbatical and a holiday December.
"It's common knowledge that many judges like to take off for the summer time in July and in December for the holiday season," said a local attorney. 'You know better than to file your cases in July or November because no one is around."
About the only judge left in the building in summer, courthouse insiders say, is County Court-at-Law Judge Arturo MacDonald. A workaholic, you will find his courtroom open all hours of the day come July or December.
Yet, as the county struggles to overcome a $3.2 million budget shortfall, many are questioning the county judiciary's spendthrift ways and wondering if the "traditional" summer and holiday self-granted vacations should be funded by struggling county taxpayers.
"If those five gentlemen and three ladies want to take their vacations and leave their court personnel with nothing to do at taxpayer's expense, maybe we could just make a pay adjustment and save ourselves some money," said a county administrator. "Why should everyone pay for a tradition that no one but the judges themselves approved?"
A cursory look at the numbers yield some eye-opening results.
The operation of a single court per month is calculated at about $46,000 and does not include paid vacations, sick leave or any other benefits. Translators and court reporters assigned to the courts remain on pay while the through the July and December hiatus while the judges get some needed relief from all that stress. The $46,000 does not include the judges' pay since most of it is paid by the State of Texas.
If one multiplies the $46,000 by 11 courts, the total is $506,000 for one month (July). If you add the other month (December) the total costs to taxpayers is more than $1 million for this self-awarded extended vacation.
"If the District Attorney or someone else needs a court reporter or translator while the judges are on vacation, they charge extra even if they are already on the court's payroll," said the lawyer. "Of course, the money comes from the same pocket, the taxpayers. Not only does the public not get its money's worth from the judges, they also allow the court reporters and translators to double dip on the public''s dime."
Now the question becomes: Is there enough political will for this lamentable "tradition" to be addressed?
Judges, like doctors and some lawyers, consider themselves celestial beings placed upon the face of the earth to rule over us, mere mortals. Will there be a revolt in the Garden of Eden?


Anonymous said...

All the judges are a bunch of mamones and crooks! Just because Limas got caught doesn't mean that these beauty for judges are not corrupt. Ratas! @ months out and we still pay them?,....que verguenza.

Anonymous said...

Why do judges seem to think the world revolves around them??? It does not. This group of public (pubic) officials seem to see themselves as above the rest of us. We have families, like the Betancourts, who believe that they received special dispensation from their father's service. David Betancourt is a great intelligence, just living on the legacy.

Anonymous said...

I may have spoken with the same attorney quoted in your article. Office right across from the court house? He told me that the typical work week for judges was about 18 hours.

rosa said...

I hope the Cameron County court, resolves those issues. I agree, tax-payers have a huge burden supporting the county. And then for some courts to be off all month long, that my good friends is way too much.

Anonymous said...

I have very little respect for the David Betancourts. That are employed by the county, specially, when all you hear is that they drink most of the time.

Anonymous said...

McDonald is a prick. Hard working my a&& he lost my vote....

Anonymous said...

The Judges of Cameron County answer to no one !

They are the law they are the security for the poor people and keep us from the crime, the drugs, the child molesters and the murderers.

The State of Texas Judicial and Ethics Commission in Austin looks over the affairs of these special people and who are we to question a Judge over his time off ?

They after all have to come to work every day and daily come face to face with the criminals, the drug lords, the wealthy attorneys !

Then they must make decisions that affect lives of families for years and years and must always be planning the fund raising parties attended by the public, attended by the attorneys, bankers and PAC's. All to raise money for the next election, private luncheons (free) for court house employees only that last from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm while being paid as county employees.

Oh why oh why can't these County Judges be like the Federal Judges and be lifetime appointments ?

So stop complaining about the Judges 2 months of vacations unless you love the bad guys more than the Judges of Cameron County.

Why do you think our homes and streets are so safe in Cameron County ?

The bad guys know, you do the crime here in Cameron County then be ready to do some time maybe if your case ever gets before the Court.

Anonymous said...

This blog praises Art McDonald for keeping his Court open in July unlike all the other Judges. But, didn't Art McDonald ASK FOR A RAISE!! What does this blog think about that?

Anonymous said...

Could it be that Art McDonald asked for a raise because he is the only one that works in July and works longer hours than the rest. Could it be that he is the only one that deservesa raise. It Could be.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm sure McDonald deserves everything he has coming, even a raise because he is such a hard worker... In the end, don't we all get what we deserve?

Former county employee said...

These judges do take some advantage of this sabbatical??? The ones who deserve to take the break are the ones who come to work on time and conduct court business till 5 P.M. not come in at 10:30 and work only till 4:00 P.M. or earlier??? McDonald asked for a raise??? He deserves one!!! He comes to work on time and works all day!!! How do you compare to the others??? Even the JP's come and go as they please??? YOu have a constable in the Hgn area who hasn't come to work in a year or so??? His female Crony who wants to be the new constable took his TCLEOSE mandated tests so he wouldn't lose his license??? Judges are not the only ones who abuse the system??? You have the people running the snack bar for YEARS and been ripping people and county employees off??? But, because she is related to someone in the circle, they remain there??? Employees related to others who hold office or been in the system for years are abusing the system by giving them those jobs that pay very well and not give a better qualified person a chance??? The only reason that we are in buget crunch is because of Gilbert "Crook" Hinojosa!!! All those in office and who ran offices loved the "Crook!!! He gave money where money wasn't to give away??? Hats off to Cascos for at least trying to control the budget as an elected official is supposed to do!!!

Anonymous said...

Judges do not deserve a raise simply because they go tp work and put in 40 hours while others do not. They were elected to put in 40 hours. If they did not intend to put in the 40 hours a week, then they should find something else to do with their time. But, to claim that 40 hours deserves a raise, start by giving all employees a raise or none of them a raise!! Shame on McDonald for thinking he deserves more than everyother hard working County employee!!
