Thursday, August 18, 2011


By Juan Montoya
Even as the Brownsville community struggles to understand the nebulous events surrounding the untimely death of civic activist Corina Medina Robertson, a number of her friends and admirers will hold a memorial ceremony in remembrance of her this Saturday.
The ceremony will be held at 11 a.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 602 East Elizabeth Street, in Brownsville.
Those of us who knew Corina remember her as an active, outspoken and compassionate person who was not afraid to speak her mind. She was a founding member of the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization to mentor youth and help them and guide them to a productive adult life. She was also a founding member of the Shelter for Battered Women , among other things.
We remember back in the 1970s when she made a run for trustee of the Brownsville Independent School District. And some of us attended some meetings of the Cameron County Housing Authority where she was a member and advocated for low-income public housing for the needy among us.
She was also a member of the Brownsville Cemetery Association to preserve our heritage and protect our local history. Her horizons were unlimited. She was also involved in Washington D.C. in the national campaign to elect Barack Obama to the presidency.
We have been unable to list all of the civic and political organizations of which she was a member. If any of our readers can help us by emailing us some of the organizations which she belonged to, her friends organizing this memorial would be most appreciative.
Corina touched the lives of many people, including some of our city's poor and abused who will never known that the assistance they receive today came from the efforts of someone as socially-conscious and active in her community as she was.
At this juncture, the particulars of her death are of relatively little importance. Her friends invite you to celebrate with us the live of a young woman who in passing through our lives left them the better for it.


Anonymous said...

Why is her death sooo mysterios??? I dont understand why a woman so loved for and cared with friends all over have an ending like this? The saddest part of her death was the fact that the media and press have nothing to say. Many of us miss her and sout out for justice ....

Anonymous said...

Corina's friends want answers!

Anonymous said...

Why has the Brownsville her-a-led not informed the general public about this educated, well liked,energetic individual who had her life prematurally halted. Move over rubber stampers and someone rise and tell the story. Thankyou American Indian Big Chief Montoya for using your talented rhetoric to offer story for some authentic Human Being to shed some much needed light on this loss. Carlos Garcia, Omar Lucio, Sir Villalobos, Most reverend Bishop, we deand you step up to the plate or move a side and let another lead. And by the way, what the helk is the true story about the St. Mary's former pastors suicide that was left in the filing cabinet of the investigators and the Suth Texas Roman Catholic Diocese. Either you speak from the gates of heaven or the den of the devil. Stop clamming up and stop spinning the truth. It smells Fishy.


Anonymous said...

Your answer is Dale Robertson. He' s connected.He decides for his reputation & his daughter, its best for them to sweep this under the rug. Corina was put to sleep for something she knew.What? We may never know. Thanks to Montoya for his blog.Without his mentioning foul play, no one would have questioned.The Brownsville Hearld is a joke.What Don Pedro says?

Anonymous said...

To quote DA Armando Villalobos statement when the Asst. DA from Matamoros wound up dead"Anything can be staged to look like a suicide."Lots of questions?n Any answers Villalobos?

Anonymous said...

Very nice memorial service for Corinna today at Sacred Heart Church. Beautiful music and very kind words from her friends and members of the community. She was remembered for her contributions in life; not the circumstances of her departure.

Anonymous said...

The untimely loss of life is always tragic - no matter how venemous the victim may have been But, let's face it, Corina had far more devoted enemies than she had friends - and her tongue was as loose as it was filled with venom. She lacked social skills, was nominally educated (despite her self-grandising and false rants) and picked her fights unwisely. One should never speak ill of the departed, but her absence will allow a more civil discourse in this community - and that is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Nominally educated? Corina attended an ivy league school.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! A civil discourse in Brownsville? Have you not followed the news in this Blog? This town is nothing but venom.No wonder the Cartel bullets don' t bother anybody.It's just another day of business in Brownsville.

Irma Echvarria said...

again, her family was unaware of this albeit nice. Mr. Montoya how can we get in touch w/you. We, her family still want answers.

Irma M. Echavarria, her cousin as well as her other cousins need answers. Can you help us or meet w/us. I can be reached at:; or

Anonymous said...

Come on Juan, give us an update on the investigation of Corina's death. Why the complacency on your part with this regard? What are YOU trying to hide? We know you are not telling all you know. Come on!

Anonymous said...

I will always remember her as a very dear friend.

Anonymous said...

I will always consider her to my dear friend.

Anonymous said...

Who is anyone to criticise..yeah she may of done many great things for out city but no one saw behind closed doors. So before you throw my cousins name in the mix get your facts straight!
