Tuesday, August 9, 2011


By Juan Montoya
Hailed as breaking news by a local blogger, he tells us that yet another Brownsville attorney is scheduled for arraignment for his part in the Abel Limas judicial corruption scandal on Wednesday.
The blogger doesn't identify the attorney past the fact that he resides in Brownsville, or if he is identified in the Limas plea packet as a letter (A,BC,D, etc.).
However, since a host of attorneys had dealings with Limas through his many years on the bench, there are many nervous barristers looking over their shoulders.
Someone commented that the feds will probably have to resort to double letters to identify all the potential defendants in Cameron County that had shady dealings in Limas' court (AA, BB, etc.). But we are still wondering when the big fish will be landed. We refer to attorney Mark Rosenthal in Austin, who Limas said gave him $100,000s to rule his way and who hired him for his firm "of counsel" after Limas lost the election to Elia Cornejo-Lopez.
We shall see who faces the bench tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

how can we catch a bigger fish than a State District Judge? Attorneys are another species!

Anonymous said...

Montoya, they are working deals with the Feds. I bet, Jimmy Solis is trying to find something that will hinder sentencing. I wonder if he is working a deal under the bus. Just wondering of course.

Anonymous said...

Could be one of many in Cameron County. Local attorneys, especially those entangled with the Dumbokratic Party of Gilberto Hinojosa are all part of the problem. The ax could fall on any of them....This should not be surprize to anyone.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anxiously waiting your next post.Love your blog.Its better than TMZ!

Anonymous said...

local Attorney?
Disbarred Local Attorney?

Anonymous said...

When you say "Disbarred Local Attorney?" do you mean Bobby "Loco" Cervantes?

CC Watcher said...

Elia Corneja Lopez should be indicted for stealing all those deeds from people using them for collateral??? That slob of a woman has been doing that with the assistance of a bonds company in Brownsville. DA's office is aware of some of her shenanigans and nothing was done??? Her lack of respect for herself even shows up on the bench??? She makes the most dumbest calls that she has no clue how to be an attorney??? Lets hope that this batch of letters are not the only ones from corruption that takes place in Cameron County on a daily basis??? Former Mayor Henry Cisneros called South Texas the most corrupted area of Texas and has been for years. He ought to know about corruption, don't you think???

Anonymous said...

Aurora De La Garza or Joey de la Garza next? Remember that Limas was the judge who signed off on Joeys sentence. Who better than Aurora de la Garza to be the go between. Y se cree muy santa. Yea right! No es pendeja. Nos cree pendejos.

Anonymous said...

JOE VALLE! and more of the will fall

Anonymous said...

Juan, yes I'm sure the defendants will rack up into the double letters. We look forward to your next post.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Montoya truly enjoy your blog. P.S. You have more than just three readers.

Keep up the good work.
