Monday, August 1, 2011


(El Rrun-Rrun received this missive from a former UTB administrative staffer who penned her reaction to an article that appeared in the Brownsville Herald about an intercepted Email warning university employees from discussing that institution's matters with anyone without proper authority. In other words, a gag order under threat of penalty from Provost Alan Artibise. How deep does this culture of forced silence go? According to our letter writer, one can exercise free expression only after weighing the consequences. Does this sound like a campus where academic freedom and freedom of expression can be exercised?)

Mr. Montoya:
This is in response to Jacqueline Armendariz’s article in the Brownsville Herald of July 24, 2011, “UTB email quiets voices.”

As a former UTB employee I am quite familiar with UTB’s gag orders. You never question the authority of the administration or else. They rule with an iron hand and if you dare go against them, you will soon be placed on a black list.
The administration has its devoted soldiers and they will go to any extent to bring you to your knees if you question their authority.
Conscience? They have none!
For the last twenty years the staff, faculty, students, community and the media have been deceived. On campus, self-censorship is not the exception, but the norm. The administration has a pattern of getting rid of individuals who dare get in their way.
Just to name a few, the following were eliminated by the present UTB administration: Arnulfo Oliveira, Pat Hobbs, Albert Besteiro, Homer Peña and most recently, David Pearson.
The top administrator (Dr. Juliet Garcia) stays behind the scenes and sends her devoted cronies to hunt you down. Their latest attempt was to remove TSC and its trustees. Thank goodness they failed, but watch out, because I guarantee you, they stand ready to strike again.
Jacqueline, thank you for exposing the truth, but as long as the present administration is at the reigns, UTB will remain a secret society. The standard procedure now that they know of leaks in the system, the administration will call for close campus meetings, removing the possibility of any paper trail. I guarantee you; your article ruffled their feathers. How dare you!
Note: Although I am no longer employed by the university, I wish to remain anonymous for fear that they, the UTB administration, will contact my present employer.


Anonymous said...

Juliet "Queen Scorpiana" Garcia has ruled UTB-TSC with an iron fist over the years. She has her fingerprints on everything that goes on. For years she was the voice and the face seen on all communications with the public. She managed the so called "student government" and manipulated the students to do her bidding. When an uppity student named Roy de los Santos, Jr. dared to run for Queen Scorpiana's TSC Board of Trustees, she removed campus voting places to end his chance of a heavy campus vote and to support her hand picked candidate. When voting returned to campus, it was so her minions could manipulate the students, staff and faculty to vote her way....sort of like when the Partrons of years past stood and watched their workers who had to pick a red or a blue ballot to vote. Employees who didn't "toe the line" as drawn by Juliet...were toast. Juliet surrounds herself with "YES" men and women and gets rid of those who question her. Wayne Moore, Michael Putegnant, Tony Zavaleta and among her "court clowns"...they are always loyal to her. Tenure doesn't mean academic freedom at UTB, it means retirement from all things academic. Tenure is a joke, yet a tool to get faculty to comply. We have lost a number of great faculty members who refused to comply and were forced to leave by "Her Majesty". Most of them are happy to be gone. More wish they could afford to leave or retire.

I Love Women in Power said...

She's Ugly - Hot--- I want Her so bad ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

For a certainty, the administration at UTB has long practiced a vindictive and authoritarian approach to its relationships with faculty and staff. Those who challenge the administration pay a very high personal and professional price while bootlickers prosper in inverse proportions. Ask even Juliet's supporters if she has a vindictive streak. The missive muzzling the staff followed months after a similar email to faculty---academic freedom indeed!
