Tuesday, August 16, 2011


By Juan Montoya
No one knows when the bad blood began between Ernie Hernandez and Legal Eagle Ernesto Gamez.
However, there is no denying that Ernie has had the hots for Ernesto fort a long time. And we know that Gamez has always had a low opinion of Hernandez since his days as a city commissioner.
Now we understand that the feud has risen to the level that Ernie, now a county commissioner for Precinct 2, is trying to convince his fellow commissioners into replacing Gamez and real estate appraiser Albert Barrera.
Barrera and Gamez were appointed way back in 1998 by then-County Judge Gilberto Hinojosa to help the late Precinct 1 commissioner Pete Benavides address the issue of chronic flooding there. How an attorney and an appraiser were qualified to do that was anybody's guess, but it seems both men have proven themselves quick studies in hydrology and instituted the district as a county institution.
For example, when local developers tried to bypass approval of their subdivisions past the district, Gamez headed them off at the legislative pass and obtained the authority to require them to submit their plans for its approval.
Critics of the district's ability to tax residents within its boundaries without having an elected board says it violates the U.S. Constitution because it is, in effect, "taxation without representation."
However, no one has raised that issue and the county commissioners court continues to appoint its three-member board.
Hernandez, who was quicker than most county commissioners to recognize that throwing your name out before the voters on any vehicle gives you a foot up on future competition, apparently now wants to have a hand in deciding who gets on the board of the growing district.
"Ernie wants Gamez and Barreda out of there," said a former Precinct 1 employee. "He has made it no secret to commissioner (Sofia) Benavides that he wants to have a say so in the matter. I don't think that suggestion was that well received."
Since its inception, the aim of the district was to modify the existing drainage/irrigation scheme to allow for better removal of water runoff to prevent the chronic flooding that has bedeviled the growing urbanized areas of Cameron County.
This is no small feat. Southeast Cameron County has long been a basin for storm runoff until recently with some subdivisions such as Valle Escondido and Valle Hermoso in the lower reaches of Southmost remaining under water for days after a major flood event.
The district contains 81,126 acres of land, but is only responsible for drainage ditches which it specifically designates, in writing, as being under its care and control.
The board historically collected taxes through the County’s Tax Assessor and then contracted with private companies to do one or two large projects each year. An engineer was later hired to be the custodian of the District’s records, but has now grown to nearly 20 employees and constructed an 8,000 square foot parking an vehicle maintenance facility
With potential patronage jobs and contracts to be had, it's no wonder that a savvy politician like Hernandez would like a piece of the action. But given his recent scrapes involving his daughter-in-law's arrest by the Sheriff's Dept. and and the controversy over the attempt to have his brother -in-law hired allegedly after someone else took the civil service exam for him may force him to slow down in the attempt.


Anonymous said...

Neto has done some good for the drainage district, but they are currently spending funds like drunken sailors on a park next to the robindale sewer plant. that park will stink like shit 350 days out of the year! although drainage in southmost has been improved, the poor residents of southmost will feel a pinch when there drain district taxes increase when the district has to issue debt to pay for this park that is in north brownsville, in a location where the poor people of southmost will never actually use it. the same goes for the people of los fresnos and bayview who will also be obligated to bail out Neto's pipedream... Ernie may not have the purest of intentions, but if the byproduct of his quest puts the brakes on this boondoggle, he will have at least one positive under his belt. where is the herald on all of this?

Anonymous said...

and sofia talks about her support for the drainage district in her campaign ad. just wait until her opponent finds out that she is supporting this stupid north brownsville park that will cost her constituents dearly.... he will have a field day with it!

Anonymous said...

These new signs put up by Ernie cost the tax payers. They also mark improvements made with tax dollars....not Ernie dollars. This and other signs like it should read "Another Project Funded by Tax Payers". Ernie is a DICK!!!

CC Watcher said...

Off course on this one! Ernie "Snake" Hernandez wants you to believe that he is not the owner of vending machines that conduct business with the county and the City of Brownsville. Oh, this is a conflict and now it appears that he may have committed perjury or for sure lied to the taxpayers of Cameron County. His so-called lawyer daughter, Erin Hernandez or Garcia, which ever name is convenient at the time of the conflict??? She is willing to commit perjury or lie to the taxpayers??? This is the same person who wants to run for office??? What kind of politician is she??? OH, she is like her daddy, a lying snake!!! Hernandez needs to be removed from office not so much for deceit but gaining financially when as an elected official supposed to be setting the example!!! Let's see if Villalobos will do something about this??? This sounds like corruption to the fullest!!! Oh, but this is Cameron County!!! Where corruption is the only way to do business??? Right Mando!!!
