By Juan Montoya
After getting burned beyond recognition by running interference for former UTB-TSC president Juliet Garcia's plans to gobble up the college district's assets and hand them over to the UT System, TSC trustees David Oliveira and Robert Robles are throwing in the towel.
Both men have indicated that they will not run in the district's May election.
During a recent presentation before the board, a consultant had pointed out that during the time they sat on the board they stood by as tuition per hour at UTB-TSC rose to $220 per credit hour when the statewide average hovered at somewhere around $66.
"That's old news," an impatient Oliveira stated for those present to hear.
Robles, too, was annoyed that the figures were presented on a chart before the trustees.
Garcia's supporters in the past have defended the high tuition rates saying that local students and residents aren't really paying those costs because they were being taken from their Pell Grants and other "free" federal money. During the last college election, it was pointed out that students would often run out of the federal grant money paying for remedial classes at the junior college and had no money left to attend regular classes. These students, it was pointed out, would often leave school after the grants were spent. Those that didn't leave school would often take out student loans and leave school with huge debts.
Aside from the lopsided high tuition costs charged local students at UTB-TSC, user fees for a number of services were also cited for the lack of accessibility of education for local residents. it was also pointed out that those fees also ranked highest in the state. Lowering those costs has been one of the stated aims of the Lily Tercero administration. Tercero was selected as TSC president earlier this year.
They, for example, said and did nothing as:
* The partnership chalked up an abysmal 17 percent graduation rate over a six year period.
* Achieved a 50 percent retention rate of its freshman class.
* Achieved results that did not even allow it to be rated among institutions of like characteristic.
* The local UT System affiliate (UTB) continued to be left out of sharing the multimillion Permanent University Fund while it maintained the TSC district as a taxing entity able to encumber local taxpayers with indebtedness through millions and millions in bond issues
Old news, David?
Now that Oliveria and Robles' political reputation is toast, isn't that a little like the pot calling the kettle black?
Am I the only one who knows or cares what fiduciary obligations are? These clowns ought to be facing indictments.
So who are you backing on the McHale vs. Quintanilla issue?
The way I see it, la raza loses in either case.
Maybe they will run for port com. And help Eddie F-- k up the port more.They did a good job F..king up U.T.B
What is the McHale vs. Quintanilla issue?
Don't let the door hit 'ya where the good Lord split 'ya!
A good source informs me that Kiko Rendon has assured his cousin Joe Lee Rubio that he will have no opposition from the TSC board should he decide to campaign for a vacant position on the board of trustees.
Who is has announced or indicated that they are interested in running ?
These two have been used up fighting on behalf of Queen Juliet. The question now, is who will run for these two positions. And, will Juliet try to battle on by proposing her own cronies as candidates. I would hope that at some time, the TSC Trustees will establish a student position on the board and allow students to participate in their own educations. Perhaps that would be a good seat for the student government leader....but only if that person is a student leader and not an administration flunky.
La Raza doesn't give a shit. Vote McHale. Q's a loser.
It is the Brownsville way of thinking that elected officials who leave office should be indicted. If we don't agree with them..indict them.
I do not know why anyone would seek public office down here, with all of the hate, and venom that comes their way. The folks who we need to hold office, will not run in this caustic environment. You may or may not agree with the two trustees, but they did step forward and try and serve the community without pay. That alone deserve respect and not such mean speech and attitude.
It's great to see these bozos out. How dare they want to make tamale tech the Harvard of the Rio Grande Valley. I was telling the other trustee whose name escapes me (the gay guy) that our kids need only two years of college to make it in our economy. We need more machinist and draftsmen than teachers and engineers.
these two clowns along with queen julieta garcia knew what they were doing for many years but the taxpayers allowed it too, they are toasted like cabritos but the raping and stealing from students went on too damn long. and yea will the local DA prosecute, or let his special prosecutor luis sanez take care of this one? I seriously doubt it, isnt it election time and both are running again for? what position i dont know otros cool arrows el mandito illalobos and el caca luis saenz.
No, McHale lives here. Quintanilla doesn't. In case you haven't noticed, La Raza is in charge here so we have no need of interlopers claiming that whitey is keeping homie down.
I hope that Adela Garza and Trey Mendez voted out of this board too. Lets not forget how Adela split the LFCISD Board when she was a board member. And now the UTB/TSC Board is also split and falling apart. Coincidence? Election time is new. Wake up Brownsville. All these people on the board have ruined our University. LET'S VOTE ALL THEM OUT!
Ruined the University? This election is for TSC, not UTB. It was the Julieta's UTB interests on the TSC Board that almost ruined TSC. I believe someone from the ranks of the student population would make a great TSC Board of Trustees candidate. Go JOE LEE!!
"You may or may not agree with the two trustees, but they did step forward and try and serve the community without pay. That alone deserve respect and not such mean speech and attitude."
PLEEEAASE!! , they were promised a piece of the pie at the expense of the OUR children's livelihood. Public service is what one does to pay it forward, not to take advantage of. Somewhere along the way, they lost sight of their own humble beginnings.
The gay guy? Who's gay? Who cares? All that matters is that the administration of our community college is accountable for its actions and that it ensures an accessible and affordable education is available to all who desire it. Thank you. VIVA TSC!
Who's gay? I care. Tell us who's gay?
Adela Garza is the only good apple on this board. She has the vision and leadership qualities that the others lack. With her positive stewardship TSC will emerge from this nasty university divorce a winner. Now that Olivera and Robles are history let's concentrate on dumping Rene "Al Bundy" Torres. This grumpy old guy lives in the past and only wants us to remember that he played baseball in 1965 for Joe Rodriguez.Who cares. He is dead weight. Este vato was a lousy college professor and ahora vale dick. He's next to go.
"And now the UTB/TSC Board is also split and falling apart. " Thank God for that.
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