Are we getting the whole story around the Nov. 9 DWI arrest of Lupita Molina who was driving State Rep. Rene Oliveira's automobile when she allegedly crashed into the rear of a van driven by a local couple off the frontage road in front of Charlie Clark's Nissan franchise?
As more details emerge, there are some local cynics that think there is more here than meets the eye.

November 28, 2011 6:48 PM
The police report filed in the arrest of Molina indicates that the report to the department of a major accident came in at 9:48 p.m.

November 29, 2011 11:36 AM
The reports indicate that a 1999 Ford Windstar van with two passengers was struck from behind at a high rate of speed by a 2009 Chrysler PT cruiser operated by Molina, identified as an employee at the college media department.
The reports indicate that a 1999 Ford Windstar van with two passengers was struck from behind at a high rate of speed by a 2009 Chrysler PT cruiser operated by Molina, identified as an employee at the college media department.
When officers arrived at the accident scene, they found the van with heavy damage to the rear parked in the grassy area between the expressway far right lane and the frontage road in front of the Nissan dealership. A woman passenger complained that she was hurting as a result of the impact, but did not require ambulance transport. After ascertaining that the passengers in the van were not seriously hurt, officers walked over to the Chrysler and found an the driver was uncooperative and refusing to emerge from the car merely stating that she "knew her rights."

A check of the vehicle's VIN indicated that the car belonged to State rep. Rene Oliveira, who was not in the vehicle. And according to the reporting officer, it was not insured.
That was not all. As the officers investigated the crime scene and attempted to elicit information from the obviously intoxicated driver, a woman identifying herself as a "city commissioner" (Melissa Zamora) showed up on the scene. She was toldf twice by officers not to talk to the woman, but the report indicates that she disregarded their warnings.
We are told by people who know that in case of a DWI involving an accident, the arresting officer can subject the suspect submit to a blood test. Why officer Everardo Longoria (City Commission Ricardo Longoria's brother) did not press the issue is still a question begging for an answer.
So is, apparently, the 800-pound gorilla question about whether or not Oliveira might have been in the car and walked away from the scene of an accident. More importantly, was he driving and let Molina take the blame?
Some have suggested that the investigation into the accident might also include footage from any cameras that might have been present in the area. We suspect that the Charlie Nissan car dealer might be required by its insurance company to have surveillance at the site, which would let investigators know whether anyone emerged from the PT Cruiser and left the scene.
Likewise, we went out to the Cheddar's Restaurant next door and noticed that it has several cameras trained on both the front and rear door. If anyone wanted to lay the question to rest, any honest investigation of the accident would warrant a look-see at the tapes on the cameras.
Was Oliveira at the scene either as a passenger or a driver and ran to Cheddar's to arrange for Zamora to run interference for Molina and advice her of what to say (or not to say) to the police?
"I saw Rene at the restroom at Cheddar's at about 10:00 pm. He shirt was out. He was sweating profusely. He was on his cell phone."
November 28, 2011 6:48 PM
So you use an anonymous, unsubstantiated comment to insinuate wrongdoing or a cover-up? You're ridiculous.
The woman was arrested and spent the night in jail. She has a pending dwi case. She went through the same process as everyone else.
What's the problem?
The police department will never push the issue, especially if they suspect or know that Rene was in the car. Melissa Zamora is Oliviera's campaign manager we hear and Officer Longoria is not likely to press if his brother says back off. That way Rene and/or Melissa owe Ricardo a favor. The Brownsville "Injustice" system is now in plain sight...very much akin to Cameron County "Injustice" system Special treatment for the rich and powerful. What about Melissa's promise to serve the people honestly. She is now just as crooked as her predecessor.
She'll come clean. As soon as she comes to the realization that she could be sued individually for the sake of the victims! She'll throw lard ass under the bus in a New York minute!
So you use an anonymous, unsubstantiated comment to insinuate wrongdoing or a cover-up? You're ridiculous.
The woman was arrested and spent the night in jail. She has a pending dwi case. She went through the same process as everyone else.
Is that you Melissa? Is that you Lupita? Sniff, Sniff, Sniff..
Both of them are two bit whores and that sell them selves for financial support. He is an butt ugly, fat, bug eyed womanizer. He needs to go, time for some new blood.
et out
Got to be a cover up big time. He needs to go!!!! We need some new blood.
If driver Molina was too intoxicated, as alleged to in previous blogs, who notified Melissa about the accident prompting her to conveniently arrive at the scene? Here lies the real question.
This response is to "Whats the problem" November 29, 2011 3:53pm. You must either be from another country or your the biggest idiot in this planet. This lady DID NOT get treated like everyone else. The problem is that in Brownsville or Cameron County I should say is depending who you are or who your related to, you might not get to spend a minute in jail. Let's refresh your memory. Remember Commissioner Ernie Hernandez' family member? She didnt even spend one hour in jail before she was released in the middle of the night by non other than Patricia Hernandez Edeilstein. Lets not forget either our District Clerk Aurora de la Garza's son the thief Joey de la Garza who stole over $80,000 plus from Sunshine Haven and never spent a minute in jail. So the problem are idiots like you that try to think that everyone is treated the same in Brownsville. My next question is to Commissioner Melissa Zamora. What the heck were you thinking about showing up and interferring with a crime. Shame on you Melissa. Havent you heard about a charge of Obstructing Justice or Interferring with a Police Officer. In my opinion you Comissioner should have also been arrested for not following an order from the officer. Had it been any ordinary citizen we would have been arrested in a minute. So dont tell us that this lady was treated like everybody else. IDIOT!
That ugly ass fat fuck toad has a girlfriend? I can't believe anyone would ever fuck him or let him put his slimy hands on them. G-R-O-S-S!!! He "ran" to Cheddar's? LMFAO! I'd pay to see that shit! Sounds like a blow job while driving gone wrong. LMAO+++
That fat ugly toad looking fucker has a girlfriend?! THAT is what is MOST shocking-that someone would fuck him and let him put his slimy hands on them. G-R-O-S-S!!! He "ran" to Cheddar's? Lmfao!!! I'd pay to see that shit!! Sounds like a blow job gone wrong to me!!! Run Forest! Run! But just not for office again-PLEASE!
Who called? The other passenger in the Cruiser, that's who.
@ November 29, 3: 50pm. No one insinuated anything. All the person said was R O was sweating profusely. That does not mean anything because he looks like a sweaty pig at all hours of the day. The insinuation was made by you.
You all are all full of shi*!
Let's not forget Brownsville City Commissioner Charlie Atkinson. After being arrested for driving while intoxicated, the commissioner served minutes at the City Jail before Municipal Court Judge Art McDonald showed up, released him and gave him a ride home.
Yeah, IDIOT! The Commissioner should have been arrested as well. I am very disappointed in her role in the entire incident. She needs to go too!! Voting Oliveira out of office is a MUST!!
Concerning November 29, 2011 6:40 PM post:
Countless many agree...
mujeres mujeres mujeres wow thought Rene was a fag? are you sure o es two way street?
You're the idiot! Lupita and Melisa are besties.If my best friend was in an accident I'd show up too.
And you're an idiot for thinking this is a fair and accurate story with Rene's opponent having an ad at the top of this page.
word on the street is that commissioner ricardo longoria advices his brother the cop to follow politicians to try and pin infractions or citations of any kind so in return commissioner longoria is owed a favor that he can cash in the future. just like he did with ex-mayor pat ahumada ,soon after ahumada was voting in favor of longorias wishes,like fly frontera fiasco. rene,melissa and lupita should be held accountable to the full extent of the law,no special previlages should be given to them,period. favors are now being owed to commissioner longoria through his instructions to his brother the cop.
Who would f$ck Rene? He is sooooooo gross!!!!!!!!! Ewwwwwhhhh.
She must be desperate or she must put six bags over his face while doing the nasty.
Brownsville politics and politicians make me want to throw up. There is not a moral decent human being in the lot.
You're the idiot! Lupita and Melisa are besties.If my best friend was in an accident I'd show up too.
1st off IDIOT, it is one thing
to just show up and offer support to your friend and totally another to try to interfere with the Police while they are doing their job. Which is what the Commissioner was doing along with trying to throw her weight around.
And you're an idiot for thinking this is a fair and accurate story with Rene's opponent having an ad at the top of this page.
Judging from the copy of the Police report I have seen which is being circulated around town this story is accurate IDIOT. And it is not this web site fault that Mr. Oliveira has chosen not to place an campaign ad on this site. It is his choice.
You are doing a great job!
Please don't stop investigating this incident. The residents of District 37 deserve to know the truth.d
all three are pura cacadoodle doo
I would be upset about this, but it what I have come to expect from Brownsville political types. If he is voted out of office, he will be replaced by another just as bad. As long as the Border good old boy,Politico, and brother-in-law system prevails we will have nothing but inferior people in leadership roles.
This is response to "Your the IDIOT". It seems that you are really a big supporter of Oliveira or Commissioner Zamora or the person Lupita. I dont know either of these people personally with the exception as to what I learned about them when they were running and I voted for them at that time. Yes your right. I do admit that I am an IDIOT. I am an IDIOT for voting for these worthless public officials who again are like the rest of the elected officials who expect special treatment when they get their asses into trouble. As you can go back and read my comment, I never challenged the report nor did I ever challenge what occurred in the accident. What I did comment was about how people say that this Lupita lady was treated like everyone else. She was not treated like everyone else. Like the examples I used and in case you cant read correctly or understand what is written let me refresh your memory. Do you think that District Clerk Aurora de la Garza' son thief Joey de la Garza was treated like everyone else when he never stepped a foot in jail for the crime he committed? Do you think that Ernie Hernandez' daughter or daughter in law was treated like everyone else when she was arrested for D.W.I. and left her car abandoned on the side of the road and only spent not even a half hour in police custody before Judge Patricia Edelstein who is also related to Ernie Hernandez released her in the middle of the night on a PR bond? If it was me or your for that matter arrested we would be in jail for a day or two before we got a bond set. So dont come and give us this bull shit about how the commissioner Zamora or this Lupita are besties. In case your from another planet or retarded and dont understand, the law is the law. If a police officer tells you to stay out of their bussiness while investigating a crime, then they are giving your an order to stay away. Why would the Commissioner show up? Its not like this Lupita lady was injured or was near death to the point that she needed a commissioner to show up. To begin with I dont sympathize with her crashing because to begin with SHE HAD NO BUSINESS DRIVING WHILE BORACHA. What if she had killed someone? She has no sympathy from me cause she was driving drunk. So rethink now who REALLY IS THE IDIOT. Pendeja/o. Any by the way, Commissioner Zamora, at the beginning I supported you and respected you and voted for your. You just lost my respect and vote. Same for you Oliveira.
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