By a unanimous vote, the faculty of the University of Texas at Brownsville History Department has given UTB President Juliet Garcia a vote of no confidence in her performance as that institution's top administrator.
The vote, taken either yesterday or today, has reportedly sent shock waves through the university community.

In a survey of Organizational Excellence conducted by the respected University of Texas (Austin) School of Social Work in 2010, researchers found that not only are the folks out at Garcia's principality unhappy with their employee, but that their unhappiness has grown worse over time.
The study conducted over a week in April 2010 and whose results were issued late last year, indicates that the employees at UTB-TSC who answered the online survey scored very low on questions related to five important dimensions (constructs) related to their work under Juliet and her minions.
The researchers asked the participants their feelings on work-group issues, accommodations, organizational features, informational dynamics, and personal matters.
In almost all of these dimensions, UTB-TSC employees answered below the 50 percentile in satisfaction with the majority scoring below the 300 point level with 500 being the most satisfied level.
And in comparison to a similar survey performed in 2006, they scored lower in all but one (benefits) of the 20 "constructs" identified by the survey as important issues of the a class 3 organization (educational).
From the get-go, employees at UTB-TSC had a response rate below 50 percent to the survey. Of the 1,234 employees who were invited to take the survey, 531 responded. As a general rule, rates higher than 50 percent suggest soundness. At 43 percent, the rate was considered low, indicating problems exist. The response rate was more or less the same for the previous survey performed in 2006.
With scores below 300 the alarm point where employees perceive issues on the survey more negatively than positive, UTB-TSC scores hovered near that level with the lowest at 253 (fair pay), and the highest at 375 (benefits). None of the scores on the dimensions averaged over 350, a full 150 points below the ideal score.
Has the sheen worn off of Garcia whose blueprint to dissolve TSC and transfer all its wealth (except fot he bond indebtedness) was rejected by the TSC board?
If the survey left any doubts, this latest rejection of her leadership speaks volumes.
If the Brownsville Herald was a real journal, they could have had this story years ago. Juliet cared about herself and not those who worked at UTB-TSC. Her dictatorial leadership was focused on makeing her look good at the expense of others. She hired and fired to achieve her personal goals. It was her way or the highway. She will not accept questions or criticism. Traits she learned from the Kardenas Klan.
This action on the part of the very well-respected faculty of the History Department is portentous indeed. It reflects (very accurately) the true state of faculty morale on campus. The History Department has shown the way; it is up to the others to support it in this courageous act of defiance. Unfortunately, most of the faculty chairs have long been cowed. The old-timers have largely been removed from influence, and all too many of the new people may waver in the face of what will undoubtedly be extreme pressure to shut up and knuckle under. The mismanagement, ineptitude, and unethical behavior of the campus administration is a matter of public record. We need a strong UTB in Brownsville, perhaps one with a new and streamlined administration not identified with the numerous transgressions of the past. Let us see if the Herald reports this or sits quietly on it (like always). Support your friends and neighbors on campus as they move to return responsible administration to the campus!
Puro pedo Montoya. Ya chole con UTB. Write something we want to hear about. Utb is old news. I want to read about former Judge Daniel Robles and his connection with Jim Solis, Oscar de la Fuente and Limas.
UT FIRE THE BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally some of the prof's have grown some BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fire the BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Brownsville Herald will report nothing negative about Dr. Garcia EVER. Letty Fernandez writes for Brownsville Herald. Jacqueline Almendariz pretends to do it herself. What a shame.. Let us count the days to see if they report anything on the vote of no confidence. I have a lot of respect for the History dept.
The Herald isn't going to "confront" the realities of the community. Juliet Garcia has been given a "Get Out of Jail Free" card by the Herald and other local authorities; as has Rene Oliviera according to this blog. Lawyers and politicians seem to get a free ride in Cameron County. And justice is even more blind if the newspapers refuse to report.
The UT Regents and the Chancellor need to be made aware of this. They are the only ones that can remove Juliet. Juliet is not for this community, as she frequently tries to present herself to be. She is only interested in her personal gain, power and huge salary of $340,000 at the expense of anyone or the community in general.
I hope the Chancellor will put his gratitude to Juliet aside (she influenced the search committee that gave him his previous job of President of the UT Health Science Center in San Antonio). He needs to put the interests of this impoverished community first.
The UT Regents and Chancellor are so far removed in Austin from the problems at this university that they haven't done much to fix problems in the past. Each regent should be responsible to one institution to listen to the students, faculty, and staff. They need to know what is really going on and not just what they are told by the presidents of the different institutions. Juliet is famous for putting dog and pony shows that make her look good. So far it has worked for her. She has been able to hold on to power for over 20 years, more than practically any other president of any other public institution. Even if she is fired now, she will laugh all the way to the bank with a retirement of over $200,000 a year.
thats all she rode folks, time to clean out the barn and put her out to pasture city is f--ked tuition is very expensive tsc utb divorced maybe now fees and tuition will slowly decrease lets see what happens,
Things have always been bad with Juliet, but it seems that things have gotten worse since she brought in the Canadian provost Alan Artibise. She will soon fire him to try to save herself. In her view firing the person below her relieves her of her responsibility for failure.
She is a disgrace to this community. Notice that she nearly always prefers people who are not from this community to offer them the huge salaries, like Artibise. The locals (mostly Mexican-Americans) get the low paying jobs like janitors and secretaries.
Do other UTB departments participate in a similar survey ?
Or is the History Department the only survey with unfavorable results.
99 % de community don't want JULITE to remain !
Community start OCCUPY MOVEMENT every Saturday until next SEMESTER begins. Begin December 10 SATURDAY MCDONALD'S then for just 2 hours to Juliete building.
Enough is Enough !
A UT professor once said the only reason UT came to Brownsville was to increase the number of minority names on their student roster so that they, UT, could receive more funding. It had nothing to do with the bringing quality education to our area. I didn't want to believe him, I guess he was right.
At what time is the meeting on Saturday at McDonalds?
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