Special to El Rrun Rrun
"Looks like I'm going in," my friend and sometimes reluctant fishing partner Juan Montoya said to me Thursday from his cell phone as he was leaving Judge Rosas courtroom on his way to Carrizales, where he'll likely do 90 days for not coming up with enough cash to cover back child support.
Montoya had been warning the "wolf's at the door" the past few days as he tried to shake his friends and supporters for enough cash, about $2,500, to keep him out of jail. And although some money did trickle in, it was not enough.
"Couldn't come up with it, vato," he said.
Montoya, editor and publisher of El Rrun Rrun, said the blog will remain open, active, and will publish postings from friends, foes, freelancers, and the usual freeloaders who like to see their name in print. Needless to say, the furious pace that Juan has set at El Rrun Rrun will slow down somewhat until his return.
"I'll see you later," Montoya said.
Never one to zen out and watch the wheels go round and round, Montoya will likely spend his time immersed in books; a year ago he did two months in the county club and came out with a deeper understanding of The Bible, the Greek classics, and jail conditions.
A former migrant worker turned city slicker with a Master's Degree in Journalism from The University of Wisconsin, Montoya is a lousy fisherman but a great companion who could quote Yeats' "The Second Coming" line for line, crack Chis Chas jokes, spit out U.S.-Mexican War trivia from obscure soldier journals, sing Gavilan o Paloma better than Jose Jose, and recite MLK's "I Have A Dream" speech with the passion and bravura that the Reverend would appreciate.
Then there was the time The Herald sent him to cover a revolt in Chiapas but, hey, you'll have to ask him about that one when he comes back to the grind. (A longtime friend of Montoya's, Chinoski is a terrible poker player when he's not a fishing guide who specializes in catching snook).
Es bueno el bueno pinche montoya.
Damm it happens to all of us. Your the unlucky bastsrd got caught or tu pinche atty has an attitude with u.
Yea child support is la ley pero la vida dont leave enough.
No matter ask jj mrtz amigo running for commission. He owed what 10 20 got caught after jail in week his atty did some magic and vato released. Still paying today.
Get your atty to do plan b. Or get another.
Mr. Montoya, you should find stable employment while you have obligations to your children. It is difficult to sympathize with your plight as it is. Write less, read less if you must, but one must always support one's children.
While he's gone, perhaps a list of other "credible" Brownsville-Cameron County blogs could be listed. We can't depend on the Herald for any local news.
A man may be many things, good and bad, but if he fathers children, he has the duty to support them.
Self indulgence is not a luxury a father can have.
You and Juan should start specializing in angling for these nuts. Moon River Rey! Moon River!
Am I supposed to be impressed?
Just another opportunity for a fundraiser for Juan. Count me in.
Hey Juan. Hope you did not misinterpret my last post. What I meant to say was we got your back. Ergo the Fundraiser statement.
Juan, People that don't know you can say many things about you. I for one have gotten to know your heart and you are a special person. Many only wish they had the pantalones to tell it as you see it. While I don't agree with you sometimes, I agree more with you than the Herald. Let's see if it all gets cleared up next week.
If it doesn't please post an bank acct number so your readers can send some money to help the family and you.
Juan you need to check out Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University program. It will teach you how to be Debt Free and how to "budget" for just about anything.
I did the program and I'm debt free it really works, for me it was like following a "cooking recipe" very easy to follow. I highly highly recommend it to anybody that has a hard time managing their money.
I think Juans problems are just beginning. I saw Argelia Miller driving out of the FBI offices; so I think something else is brewing and it's gonna bring down Jmon and company. I could be wrong, but I don't think so!
(If it doesn't please post an bank acct number so your readers can send some money to help the family and you.)
I agree, Juan. Post something that we can do to assist you in assuring your freedom THIS holiday season, dammit!!!
Is Juan Montoya handi-capped? Man I like his blog, but he needs a job, if he has children to support.
I agree with the fundraiser idea in addition to giving us your account number to donate. Please have a trusted friend organize the fundraiser. I would like to contribute. We need people like you in this community to tell us what is really happening.
(Man I like his blog, but he)
Don't like it too much Daisy. It ain't Jerry Deal's blog, now. LOL!
He shouldve asked wightman. now what's bwc gonna write about?
Good luck my friend. Shit happens. Knowing you, you just fell behind. I know you love your children and i know you will bounce back.I agree with helping out. Let us know how. Hoy por ti, manana por mi. We would have a better comunity if we would all be ready to help the fallen instead of kicking them while they are down.
I'll tell you how you can help me. Send me money culeros so that I can get out of jail.
toma chocolate y paga lo que debes
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