Saturday, December 31, 2011


By Juan Montoya

As we shift gears and slide into the 2012 elections campaign in full throttle, troubling questions remain about the vending machine contract that Cameron County signed with Central Vending Services.
In 2009, the previously, the contract was signed with Norma Hernandez, the wife of Ernie Hernandez – now the commissioner for Precinct 2 – and the company was known as Central Vending Services. However, this year's renewal was with CV Services and his daughter Erin (Hernandez) Garcia signed the contract on behalf of the company.
Wait, there's more.
If that didn't pass the stench test, consider this.
When Hernandez’s wife and Garcia’s mother Norma Hernandez submitted the proposal to Cameron County in 2009, she identified herself as the owner of C V Services.
As Emma Perez-TreviƱo noted at the time: According to Cameron County’s vending machine policy, "The County prohibits operation of machines on county property of which profits go to county employees or county elected officials."
Everyone could see that the name changes and the shuffling of ownership of the company doing business with the county was just a ploy to keep the profits in the family. But the curious thing about this is that no county legal eagle never seems to have bothered to consult the state code to determine if the stratagem passed the conflict of interest test.
We have been advised by someone who should know that the county dropped the ball on this one. They point out that the Texas Local Government Code contains a statute that apparently controls this arrangement. [see link]
 Section 171.001 is the pertinent statute governing a “Conflict Of Interest” for local (as opposed to state) officials, which is codified in the Code.
The Code defines “local public official” and “business entity,” while Section 171.002 defines a “substantial interest in [a] business entity,” which focuses upon a “local public official” in the context of having a “substantial interest” under this statute “if a person [is] related to the official in the first degree by consanguinity or affinity.”
 This appears to confirm that if a County Commissioner entered into a contract with the County, the “excuse” that the business was recently transferred to his wife or daughter would run afoul of that statute (in regard to, respectively, affinity and consanguinity).
 Under Section 171.004 (addressing “affidavit and abstention from voting required”), which gives rise to a criminal offense under Section 171.003 if Section 171.004 is violated, if the County Commissioner were to vote on that contract with the County, regardless of the claim that he no longer owns that business, as it was transferred to his wife or daughter, he would nevertheless violate Section 171.004, which would (under Section 171.003) constitute a criminal offense.
 The remaining statutes (Sections 171.005 through 171.009) are germane (generally speaking) to this issue (although Section 171.010 is not).
So far, no one (except for Emma) has raised a question regarding the legality or appropriateness of the contract between the commissioners' wife or his daughter. Erin, by the way, is also running for the JP 2-2 position. If, as the Code seems to establish, the legality (or illegality) of the vending contract scheme is in question, wouldn't she, as the attorney she claims to be, do what is right instead of what may be legal?
In other words, are Erin and Ernie more interested in using the law to get around it than in imparting justice as she would have to do as a justice of the peace?
We're not lawyers, nor do we pretend to be, but the code appears to be pretty cut and dried on the illegality  of the immediate relatives of a local public official inking a contract with the entity he represents? Are we right? Or did we miss something?


Anonymous said...

Happy New Years to the Hernandez Family! Good Job Juan, thank you for informing the public of how things have rolled. Keep up the good work. Gotta keep these Hernandez's on their tippy toes.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a clear as day ethical and legal violation. If Erin is running as somekind of person with legal experience, seems like she needs to go back to law school. After making a statement to the herald about her ownership and how that fixes everything, I am curious to see how she will squeal her way out of this one. We all know Ernie and his ilk are all unethical, now it seems they are all very dumb as well.

Anonymous said...


It seems there is a story brewing. One on Ernie's former county assistants who was working directly for him on county pay has resigned due to Ernie overworking her on personal business (non county related jobs) and Erin's campaign. Have you heard anything?

Fred Rendon Jr said...

Ernie should be answering questions through cell bars. His Daughter in law the DWI one should be coming to court soon and Erin shouldn’t be able to run because of the Vending shenanigans. As an attorney if she is sharp why would she want to be a JP? If as an attorney she is not aware of conflict of interest just look at Kori Mara who was convicted for just that conflict of interest. Let’s quit pussy footing this is nothing but scheming as Ernie has always done.
As long as we continue to let these people get away with shenanigans they will. They donot care that everyone knows. They are shameless.
Any way Happy New Year!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bola de mendigos, but the commission does nothing, the D A menos, son ratas, como los Lucio's

Anonymous said...

Funny, funny shit. Ernie is an assclown, ; he has never been a greatest candidate for his community, and he knows better; with limited true business experience and zero legislative experience, no one is receptive to him anymore except the “Politiqueras”, who get paid to talk a good game during his campaign, trick that probably will repeat with Erin; fucking bunch of retards! the Hernandez involvement in corruption, defines that they continue to shit on any city and county citizen. Look what people like Ernie has gotten us in the past - keep this community stagnant, if Erin gets elected we will stay in the shithole that we are with the Hernandez, County people feel dumb and back down. The Hernandez know about real politics less than zero, but try hard with confidence, and gotta admire them in a strange way, being that dumb and being that confident. Jesus, these people are morons…..

Anonymous said...

The Hernandez family have made enough money on Brownsville and Cameron County. One of the best things we can do for our community is to NOT vote for Erin H. Garcia or re-elect Ernie Hernandez, Jr.

Anonymous said...

Ernie, to be a real politician requires a level of preparation and a peace of mind that would allow one to serve the people, got any of this? You are greedy by nature and you help yourself instead of paying much attention to the people you are suppose to help, get the hell out of politics...

Anonymous said...

Erin is not a credible candidate period!

Anonymous said...

I always knew that there was something odd about Erin Hernandez - it wasn't her funny face, her “wannabe” clothes, or even her comic voice. It was something indefinable. And now I know what it is, she has an evil mind and relentless desire of becoming a “political leader” with a lot of special privileges…

Anonymous said...

Surely Ernie Hernandez and Rick Masso will get along well in the Dumbokratic Party of Cameron County. Both take all effort to disrupt or go around laws and grease their own palms. Neither can be trusted and others, like Sossi and Villalobos are just as corrupt. After a legal education, we might expect lawyers to uphold and follow the law, not try to find ways to bend or break the law.

Anonymous said...

ok batman what do we do now nada right? ernie has always done these shenighans since he was at the city of brownsville, had 2 wreckers on rotation and everyone complaint but nothing was ever done or happen, so its ok for him to be county commissioner and have these machines, hey got to make a living some how? right?

Anonymous said...

Come on man. How do you expect people to understand plain English.

Anonymous said...

Is the JP 2-2 race idiot-proof???

Anonymous said...

We voters are not expecting greatness or nobility from Erin Hernandez, we only ask the political gods to send someone who doesn't lie, steal, or bargain with corrupt officeholders; The Hernandez are just a rotten bunch full of corruption and dishonesty.

Anonymous said...

......The political gods have given their answer to that prayer: Ha. Ha. Ha.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Juan!
You see, for the most part I am always prizing you for your articles...If only you would do the same when it comes to BISD...tsk tsk tsk!

Anonymous said...

Ask around, your friends have all decided to vote for Begum. The Garcia Hernandez connection is too disgusting.

Anonymous said...

The article in the "Herald" today regarding TSC and hiring of President Tercero's supporters is surely fostered by Juliet Garcia and her "Committee"...intent on pulling TSC apart. The "Herald" never questioned Juliet Garcia in hiring her friends and family of her friends to positions at UTB. Many of her "compadres and comadres" over the years were hired at UTB....especially her cronies from the "old" TSC. The TSC Board of Old, never challenged Juliet's hiring or firing. Juliet hired an inexperienced Alumni manager who happened to be the daughter of Eddie Campriani at the BND. But earlier, BND had hired Juliet's son in law to a high paying position for which he was not qualified. The "Herald" has obviously taken sides and like most articles from UTB, this one was probably written at UTB for the "Herald". What a shame that Juliet is willing to stoop so low. She must be wounded.

Anonymous said...

Juan, why don't you file an ethics complaint with the county and the Texas ethics commission on what you found. This seems very clear. I think Jim Barton has done this in the past. Ernie violated a law that another city commissioner was indicted for. The DA has to see that letting Ernie off will be too obvious and select prosecution.

on prizing Juan said...

I like to prize Juan also, but right now I would like to praise the 10: 19 Anonymous poster, you got that right!

Anonymous said...

Ernie has made some mistakes, but he works hard and has a very hard working family. Ernie has accomplished many needed projects in his precincts. Just ask many of his constituents. Erin as an attorney, has the right to run for JP. Many attorneys do. Get to know Ernie and his family. They just don't sit back and wait for things to happen, they are leaders that make things happen.

Anonymous said...

Anyone with common sense knows that it is a no-no that Ernie Hernandez or any members of his family while holding a seat as commissioner. But, then this is Cameron County and our glorious DA is too busy running for Congress to see that a criminal violation is being committed. But then again, he needs Ernie's cronies to vote for him.
The problem is that Armando Villalobos better open his eyes and see what is happening in the Limas deal. That means Mandito that you better deal with snake whether he is your friend or not. Your probably still not out of the woods yet. Do your job and forget about the campaigning.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last anonymous, if Mandito would do his job we would not have all this corruption going on in our county, and if Mandito wants our confidence and our vote he'd better get on the ball and start doing something about it.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this's a no no for Erin to run while Ernie is a commissioner, but it's OK for david betancourt and laura betancourt to serve at the same time, it's OK for david and Dan sanchez to serve at the same time, it's OK for Eddie lucio jr. And Eddie III to seve, it was okay for Linda Salazar and her son Ruben cortez to serve as public officials....but its illegal for Erin to run....what a bunch of shit....people need to find real shit to talk about. Everyone is quick to talk shit about Erin just because she is ernies daughter, but no one says shot about Israel, cookie, and Javier Hernandez, all county employees who campaign daily on county time...

Anonymous said...

Let me guess……..Focused Ass Kisser? Perennial Ass Kisser or may be delusional Ass Kisser!

Anonymous said...

Armando is just as shameless as Ernie, how dare he ask for votes when he has let the corruption go from bad to worst in our poor community, Denis, Troiani, anybody but him

Anonymous said...

The Hernandeces always step up to the plate, right Erin?

Anonymous said...

Mando is going down with Ernie

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, this guy sounds a hell of a lot like Bean Ayala….

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Vote for Donald Duck, just don't vote Hernandez or Villalobos

Anonymous said...

so let me get this straight....

it is not illegal for Erin to run, it is illegal to circumvent the law and pretend to own the business of bending machines when her father is commissioner, and it is illegal for her father to forcefully give his stupid felon brother in law a job, and it is illegal for her mom to tamper with votes....and the list goes on from illegal to unethical

Anonymous said...

Actually, it's illegal for Erin to have the vending contract when her daddy is on the county commission. That is what the law Juan Montoya referenced is talking about. That piggy needs to go back to law school and catch up on the law. She made a statement to Emma from the Brownsville Herald saying all was goid because she now owned the vending business. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.......

Anonymous said...

Geez, Mary Helen, Laura Miniel and Jim Barton have been BUSY, BUSY, BUSY bashing the Hernandez's on all of the local blogs. Jim Barton should go back to his typical perverted lifestyle, MAry Helen needs to continue getting drunk and high at our local watering holes and then get busted for DWI and well, little Miss Laura Miniel needs to go back into the hole she crawled out of and keep crying over her ex-boyfriend Nick...bunch of loooooosers.

Anonymous said...

The only looooosers in this equation are the Hernandezs

Anonymous said...

The majority of the people from Brownsville don't like the Hernandezes, or better yet, despise the Hernandezes, so don't kid yourself Erin that it is only this 3 people that are posting.

Anonymous said...

To the Jan 3, @ 5:06PM
"...bunch of loooooosers."
And you are?? LOL!!

Anonymous said...

"Not one (except for Emma)"
What good is it gonna do to complaint??? Can you tell me what will be done??? Yeah! Right!

Anonymous said...

Kiko no vales Dick culero.

Anonymous said...

Out with the whole clan of Hernandez and there shenanigans.


Anonymous said...

After all of your mumbo jumbo Montoya, did it even occur to you that Ernie did not vote on the contract. This contract was awarded back in 08 or 09. I don't even remember now. Ernie did not get sworn into office until January of 2011. So you tell me how the hell was there even a hint of conflict of interest when Erin owned the business, did not work for the county, and her dad was not on the commission until almost 2 years after the contract was awarded? Fucken genious you claim to be. And I work for a governmental agency and we go out for bids on stuff all of the time. I will tell you there is NO conflict on this issue. This was just typical Emma Perez Trevino putting her wonderful spin on stories to scew them. The Hernandez's aren't the only ones she goes after.
