Just like the popular children's books ask "Where in the world is Waldo?," the employees of the Brownsville Independent School District can well ask, "Where in the world is Jose H. Chirinos now?"
At a hefty $102,090 salary, Chirinos is one of those BISD survivors who is shifted around positions like the quintessential "hermano incomodo" of Mexican presidents.
For a long time he was shunted off to Porter High School as a principal, and after his managerial style grated on the faculty, staff and parents of the students there, he was moved off to appease the natives as head of the Department of Transportation for the district.
However, the BISD administration hadn't counted on settling with former Special Needs administrator Art Rendon in his whistleblower lawsuit. The settlement included hiring Rendon for a full year and – since his position was already filled – he was placed as head of Transportation, the same job Chirinos had.

Now we understand that Chirinos is on the move again, this time to an undisclosed closet in the main office at the Glass Palace on Price Road.
That has to be a comedown of sorts to someone who had enjoyed the power and mastery over a fiefdom called Porter High School where he did pretty much as he pleased. In fact, when he left, he took a coterie of female assistants who local residents called the "baby dolls" and who looked up to Chirinos as the Lord of the Manor.
We understand that the BISD is offering longtime employees an early out in order to address the budget shortfalls caused by the cuts implemented by the Texas Legislature. Many of these top administrators like Chirinos are like Lego pieces that no longer fits. And we can think of a few others who have also worn out their welcome.
Will they get the message and take their nest egg or will they hunker down in inconsequential positions that contribute neither to the operation of the district or the education of our children to continue drawing their inflated salaries?
I for one hope that they continue in their inconsequential positions. They were not moved by choice, rather as targets from a vindictive and maniacal board member who gave up her chairmanship when the heat was on, and her minion of an Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources who creates kaos, here, like she has done in 3 other districts. Moves have been made purposefully with non qualified people in the hopes of failure, resignation, or retirement. Replace Chirinos with Rendon - LOL! Never would I believe that the district whould sink this low. BISD will not recover from this wrath for a long time. The damage that has been and continues rests with the whole community.
To the 6:35 pm poster. What does this post have to do with Cortez and Zayas. Get over it man, it is not their fault you were born with a two inch penis and a pea pod for a brain. Like Obama, get over it, how much longer are you going to blame the last administration for what the present board is doing. Now that the forensic audit wasn't able to find shit on Fuller, who you going to blame for spending $250,000 on a wild goose chase?
Montoya is incharge now! Isn't he ?????????
You are calling the former principal Alicia? HER NAME IS ACACIA, and SHE is at the Advanced Academic Services repalcing someone else, yet her name is still by VMHS at the BISD web page.
Chirinos is not at VMHS anymore? That will really be news to the VMHS faculty.
BISD taxpayers. Wake up. Read between the lines. The forensic audit is out and who have they moved. Now lets see who retires. Think about it.
time to retire out ya pestan
The moves have nothing to do with the audit. These moves are all politically motivated & driven by Caty Presas-Garcia & Sylvia Atkinson. They are using BISD as their own chess game. Point 1: The STAMP program is going to fail. The Science Academy & Med-Tech in Mercedes only accept a small percentage of applications a year & then the freshman year is used to cull the herd. This bit of open enrollment is ridiculous. Point 2: Sylvia Atkinson is reassigning people due to nepotism & yet she is guilty of this very thing. Her brother was granted a PROBATIONARY CERTIFICATE ON OCTOBER 11, 2011. It is valid for 1 year. This means he IS NOT A CERTIFIED TEACHER. This is a violation of the NCLB Act that requires the highly qualified people. We have a multitude of teachers who are certified & were not hired. How could her sister, Mary Tolman, be cleared for her new job? Isn't this nepotism? How about reassigning her other sister, Sandra Powers? Which leads to point 3: there is a huge feud within the Atkinson family. Sylvia chose to endorse Caty and not her brother-in-law, Otis Powers, because if he had won his re-election, SHE WOULD HAVE HAD TO RESIGN AS GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR because she had been on the job less than six months.
Perhaps he knows where all the skeletons are hidden. Like J. Edgar Hoover he has very personal knowledge of persons and dealings that are better left in the closet. His bosses feel $100,000 (of taxpayers money) is a very cheap price to pay.
Jan 23 10:24 AM poster - you hit the nail on the head regarding the agenda S Atkinson is carrying out along with CPG! Rumor has it C Atkinson is now at Porter High School with a coaching job earning an even nicer salary. Wonder how many other certified, qualified, teacher/coaches were considered for this position? No doubt the principal was ordered to make this hire or face Sylvia's rath. What she did to her own sister is an outrage. There was no reason for her reassignment other than Sylvia's attempt to place another cronie in her position.
Funny how some of these posters lay blame on Sylvia when the Superintendent signs off on all the reassignments. Poor guy is hog tied by the majority.
To the January 24th poster, what a farce! Everyone on the inside knows Powers was moved to make room for Rene Medrano. One drunken night even Rene was overheard bragging how Montoya had offered him the Asstant AD job. Trouble was he makes 90 grand at the campus and would have to lose 10 grand to fit in their little box. Good move going over to Hanna. Now maybe BISD can higher someone like Paula Gonzales or Tuffy Martinez to help Coach Chavez.
To the Jan 20 @ 6:35PM
I have read stupid posts before, but none like yours! I really feel sorry for you, and those around you!
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