It seemed like a good idea to the Cameron County District judges: Limit the number of people who can come in through the secured rear entrances of the county judiciary wing to judges and law enforcement personnel for security purposes.
They already made people wanting to patronize the coffee shop who were in the administrative wing (tax assessor-collector, county clerk, veterans service officer, etc) and the judicial section to go around the front of the building through the metal detectors.
If you have noticed, if you are at the tax-assessor -collector getting your license plates renewed and feel like a cup of coffee, you can't simply go in through the glass door, you must go outside and through the front of the building to get there. So, thought the judged, why not impose the same restrictions on people coming in through the rear of the courthouse?

Now, Pete's position has grown considerably since he took over from Abelardo Gomez three years ago. Instead of the three or four deputies, he has inherited the responsibility of overseeing the bailiffs in the courts and the security detail at the doors of the judicial wing. Additionally, he commissioned the courthouse constable after they had a differences with e Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio and he refused to swear them, which would in effect prevent them from carrying out their duties.
Soon, an indignant stream of complainers began arriving at the constable's door protesting the new restrictions.
"Do you know who my boss is?," inquired a secretary at Aurora De la Garza's Cameron County District Clerks office.
"Aren't you getting a little too big for your breeches?" inquired another. "Is your power going to your head?"
The diminutive Avila could only reply that he was only the messenger and that he was only following the wishes of the district judges, to no avail.
Wishing to defuse the situation at this critical time of the year (he's up for reelection against a handful of candidates for the Democratic nomination), Avila is said to have scurried back to Alejandro to ask him whether any exceptions were going to be made in the cases mentioned above.
When Alejandro seemed to waver, Avila told Alejandro that unless the rule applied to everyone equally, he wanted no part in enforcing it selectively and make mortal enemies of the help.
That was two months ago. As of today, there has been no mention of the proposed no-entry-through-the-rear prohibition.
"And that's the way we like it, stranger."
The Dumbokrats are amazing. Who of them would want to disrupt the corruption that goes on in the Cameron County Courthouse. Will they see judges conferencing with Aurora de la Garza and her staff to allocate cases to certain judges. Can it be pure vanity for our judges to think that they are special....not like us; not normal people. How can we trust judges who hide behind a mantel of bullshit to protect their corruption. They have a wall to protect their cars....but there is only one entry and exit....potentially putting them at risk for using that lot. With all the federal terrorist concerns; why do we see the same vehicles parked outside the federal court front doors on the weekends....janitors, judges, security people....might as well have a Target symbol on those vehicles. Vanity over common sense...that's our judicial system here.
Yea Montoya, you got it right. The security at the courthouse is a JOKE! The certain privileged are allowed to enter from the rear with their special security card and no one can do anything about it? Yea, there are certain people in Aurora's office who feel that they are above the law, special or just flat our spoiled? The problem is that an incident will occur before the problem is fixed? That is what happens when you do not follow the rules WHICH lead to corruption. Good luck Pete in your campaign and to the voters in Precinct 2, DON'T VOTE OR PUT ABEL GOMEZ BACK INTO OFFICE! HE HAS PROVEN THAT HE IS NOT FOR THE PEOPLE BUT FOR A TITLE TO PUSH PEOPLE AROUND!
As a former county employee. I am familiar with Pete Avila's lack of leadership skills. He does not have the abilities or LAW ENFORCEMENT experience to handle a task as simple as court security. That should not be such a challenge to a qualified person. The constables office is not a process serving department only. It entails many other duties that require an experienced leader with the ability to make and stand by his decisions. I would hate to think of the consequences of a serious threat to public security at the court house at the hands of an incompetent leader. But what can we expect from a person who has placed the burden of doing HIS job on an inexperienced and unqualified deputy.
por detroit? wow
Avila's only concern now that he is retired ON THE JOB is drinking beer and sexually harasses his secretaries. Just ask his former employee Melissa. I can't believe anyone would consider voting for an alcoholic who will avoid doing his job at all cost for fear upsetting anyone. Looks like we sure picked another winner.
Don't worry Pete just have another beer.
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