Thursday, January 19, 2012


By Juan Montoya
The local daily today featured a story wondering if, or when, the Cameron County District Attorney would decide whether to prosecute City of Brownsville Commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa on assault charges related to one of five cases of domestic violence field sicne she took office last year.
All the DA's office would say was that it hadn't "reached an agreement with the defendant in the case. The case is still pending."
The assault charge arose from a report of domestic violence Sept. 9 at the couple's new home on Greenfield Court. At the time, police reported that Tereau had assaulted her husband after she overhead her husband Arturo speaking to a passenger in his car about another woman unaware that his cell phone had not hung up.
He has since filed an affidavit saying eh does not wish to prosecute in the case.
However, since the case had been turned over to the DA's office, it will be for that office to make a determination on the matter. Tetrau-Kalifa insists she was the victim and claims that the fact that she called 911 and alerted the police proves it.
The commissioner has been the subject of frequent police reports in her troubled relationship with her spouse.
Another of her fellow commissioner members, Melissa Zamora, recently also made an appearance on a police report where she intervened in a police arrest on DWI charges of her friend Lupita Molina, a UTB-TSC media center employee. In her case, the police report indicates that she was talking to Molina even after she had been warned not to communicate with the suspect.
The report written by Patrolman Everardo Longoria, mentioned the fact that Zamora had disregarded his order and was heard screaming to Molina a second time through the closed windows of the police car.
However, Longoria, the brother of city commissioner Ricardo Longoria, did not identify the city commissioner in question. Zamora, however, in a Facebook posting, defended her actions and said Molina was her friend.
Zamora, an executive at Elite Promotions, is said to handle the promotional side of the re-election campaign of State Rep. Rene Oliveria. Molina was driving a car registered to Oliveira that was reported uninsured and that struck a Ford van with two people inside as it traveled on the frontage road in front of Charlie Clark's Nissan dealership along US 77-83.
At least two people have commented to blog reports that they saw Oliveria at the Cheddar's Restaurant a few minutes after the incident was reported in the business' restroom speaking on the cell phone and sweating profusely. It is unknown whether the tapes of the restaurant's surveillance cameras were reviewed by the Brownsville Police Department.
In hsi report Officer Longoria did not explain why no charges had been brought against Zamora for interfering with the arrest or disregarding the orders not to speak with Molina.


Anonymous said...



"she intervened in a police"

edit: she interfered in a police\

Anonymous said...

Ms. Tetreau needs to file a complaint about this BS. I think she is being singled out for being in the public eye.
She is very young and I am sure she will learn from her mistakes and do wonderful things for our community.

SO MANY HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Montoya. You enjoying that $1,000 bucks Alex Dominguez paid you to write this filth?

Anonymous said...

It is true. Will Hernandez be prosecuted over the brother in law getting his test taken for him, will Tetreau and Zamora get special treatment because it is an election year and the DA is running for Congress? Villalobos not making strong case for his election. Appears too concerned with not ruffling feathers but ultimately giving away
his votes to Garza Blanchard Troiani

Anonymous said...

Hey Montoya,

Why not worry about your own legal issues, or how about going back to your circle-jerk club to determine how you and the ex-felon, Carlos Quintanilla, are going to try another scam on BROWNSVILLE'S citizens.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how igorant local folks can be. Melissa Zamora is "first" Rene Oliviera's campaign director; and "second" a public servant elected in Brownsville. She is betting that Rene will "take her" to new higher levels of professional experience....Wow, is Melissa ever naive. How can a man as greasy and ugly as Rene attract women, like Melissa, to wipe his political ass....just for a promotion. Rene is scum and we all know it. Melissa is his accomplist in his scummery. Same on those who elected her.

Anonymous said...

No one needs to pay anything to write filth about Rene Oliviera. He crawls in filth and leaves his filthy tracts everywhere. Rene is notorious as a filanderer and greaseball. He likes to use his position to "cultivate" new females and it looks like he has succeeded with Melissa Zamora. Rene is a scumbag and no one needs to pay this blog to write about that.

Anonymous said...

Hey Montoya. You enjoying that $1,000 bucks Alex Dominguez paid you to write this filth?


Hey Montoya,

Why not worry about your own legal issues, or how about going back to your circle-jerk club to determine how you and the ex-felon, Carlos Quintanilla, are going to try another scam on BROWNSVILLE'S citizens.

Sounds like Melissa or Lupita La Borracha making those comments.

Never mind them Montoya you do a great job of uncovering the truth. Keep at it.

Rene Oliveira needs to go. He is has grown extremely complacent and lazy. Checked out his campaign finance report and seems like he spends most of his time dining at fine restaurants and buying lots of booze.


Anonymous said...

Rene Oliveira is a JOKE. During the legislative session this idiot does not show up until well after the noon hour regardless if a vote is being taken. He was to hung over to show up and do the work he was elected to do because he was out all night drinking and chasing women. Many of the female lobbyiest in Austin are sick of him pushing himself on them like a bitch in heat. District 37 deserves better representation!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey anon, why dont you have the balls to identify yourself and describe the con by Quintanilla. Bet you don't have the balls to say who you are Chicken Shit. It is easy to hide behind ANON, at least Quintanilla showed his face a made a public presentation that instead of going to businessmen from the east went to bankrupt Aeromexico.

Anonymous said...

It sems that that felon Quintanilla is continuing to do great things on behalf of the Hispanic community eidence by his leading the charge to change Irving from No Hispanics on the Board to having them for the first time with a voice. That says something about the man and whether you like to give him credit or not. He changed History in Irving not once but three times. Felon or not.

Anonymous said...

nothing but scum wow

Anonymous said...

"Hey anon, why don't you have the balls to identify yourself"

And you do? Pendejo!!
