Part II
(On September 2011 the trustees agreed to hire the Dallas forensic auditing firm of Defenbaugh & Associates to complete a forensic audit within 120 days. The audit covered the 2008-2009, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school years and cost $250,000. In this part, the auditors examine the role former A.D. Joe Rodriguez, former CFO Tony Fuller and others played vis-a-vis the district's finances during that time.)
1. Joe Rodriguez matter relating to affiliation with BISD's substantial purchasing activity from BNS Sports
The role Joe Rodriguez in the procurement of sports equipment after he left the district was also examined by the forensic auditors. In a section devoted entirely to his business dealings with the district through his longtime protege (and now A.D.) Tom Chavez, they wrote that they investigated allegations of Rodriguez used undue influence to do business with the BISD.
There was entirely no mention of the audits performed by BISD on his scholarship fund-activity using his nonprofit where a
llegations that district, state, and federal laws may have been violated.
Initial allegations Joe Rodriguez was using undue influence and coercive tactics to pressure BISD coaches, athletic coordinators, and athletic personnel to purchaser sports uniforms and equipment from a company, BNS Sports, Rordriguez became a sales representative for after he left BISD in Dec. 31, 2009.
In addition, Rodriguez in a telephone call made to Margarita Pizano-Flores in Sept. 2011 threatened to sue BISD because the Purchasing Department had changed and improved the Catalog/Co-op procurement process.
Investigation and analysis subsequently revealed that a substantial amount of payments of uniforms and equipment totaling $497,117 in fiscal year 2010-2011 was completed compared to the previous fiscal years (2009-2010) total of $175,715; an increase of 283 percent.
Interviews identified most of the purchasing was made by the athletic department, in general, and by Tom Chavez, in particular. Chavez, an admitted close friend with Rodriguez for over 30 years, succeeded Rodriguez after he left BISD.
Record review of purchase orders also support the fact that the athletic department fulfilled most of those purcha
ses, predominantly for Manzano Middle School and Veterans Memorial High School, both newly constructed schools, with no prior uniforms or equipment. Although Chavez denied giving preferential treatment to BNS and/or Joe Rodriguez in the purchasing process for both schools, Chavez never gave any due consideration to at least three other approved vendors sports distributors.
At the beginning of September 2011, BISD's Purchasing Department changed the Catalog/Co-op procurement procedure shifting control of catalog procurement process from the end-user, Athletic Department, to the Purchasing Department. This change provided more internal control and was the apparent reason for Rodriguez's telephone call to Lead Auditor Margarita Pizan0-Flores after the realization that BNS would have to be more competitive in terms of price.
Shortly thereafter the other sales representative at BNS informed the Purchasing Department that a 10 percent discount would be rendered on BNS catalog items.
It is the opinion of the Forensic Audit Staff that no doubt the Athletic Department in general and Tom Chavez in particular exercised undue influence and misuse of authority in choosing BNS Sports, through their sales rep. Joe Rodriguez, particularly in the purchasing of uniforms and other sports supplies for Manzano Middle School and Veterans Memorial High School in school year 2010-2011.
(This) resulted in close to $500,000 of purchases being given to Chavez's close friend and former A.D. Joe Rodriguez. Chavez allowed he and Joe Rodriguez's personal relationship to interfere with what should have been a business decision causing a potential loss of revenue to be sustained by the district.
The Forensic Audit Staff recommended that a no-solicitation clause be included in future employment contr
acts and that BISD make a determination with respect to a (vendor such as BNS) whose representative (Joe Rodriguez) issue a threat over the telephone to file a lawsuit against the district.
It is the opinion of the (auditors) that Chavez and his AD staff afforded BNS preferential treatment to the detriment of the district. Consideration should be given to administrative action disciplining Tom Chavez with termination as a consideration.
2. Design services for the science laboratory grant program new labs at Hanna and Porter high schools.
Former Chief Financial Officer Fred Anthony "Tony" Fuller, in spite of direct written instructions from the BISD board, transferred funds in the amount of $47,689 in an unauthorized manner.
(Fuller) authorized processing payments out of the Local Maintenance Fund instead of the Science Laboratory Grant Program to the architectural contractor Gomez Mendez/Saenz Inc. These actions were c
ompleted knowingly and without authorization in direct violation of the board's direction and the Texas Education Code for failure to comply with budget requirements, Class C misdemeanor.
We recommend that the resolution of Fuller's contract status be expeditiously handled. As of this writing, he has been suspended with pay for four months.
3. Veterans Memorial High School construction cost overrun
Veterans Memorial High School was originally planned to cost the district $50 million. When Veterans Memorial High School planning began, the selected Architectural Design firm of Gomez Mendez/Saenz Inc. projected an original contract sum of $62,4513,000 for the complete project base bid. The general contractor D. Wilson Construction Company, estimated the base bid just for their portion of the project to be $60,579,000. The underlying differences in costs led the project from being significantly over budget to a project that was greatly over budget. (At the time Superintendent Hector) Gonzalez argued for having no consultant, since the architectural designers were receiving $2.8 million for project construction and supervision. He stated that the three owners of the selected firm, Gomez Mendez/Saenz had promised him they would provide a full-time person for the job and that person would be on-site.
Reliance on a project manager from the architectural firm is a practice that should be discontinued. There is no vested interest in successfully completing the project, other than payment for the services rendered.
Strong recommendation should be made that Gomez Mendez/Saenz Inc. should be prevented from bidding due to their lack of attention to the Veterans Memorial High School project.
(Next: The role of BISD's financial consultants in the $25.9 million bond fiasco)
We, the TAXPAYERS VIA THIS STUPID MORONIC BOARD MAJORITY JUST THREW AWAY ONE QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS ON THIS SHIT?????????? We all know this "audit" was not about BISD, but rather a vendetta Catalina Presas-Garcia has had against Joe Rodriguez...PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!
Longoria either had the hots for Tony Fuller and he said NO, (who blames him for saying no...yikes!!)or she got mad and blames him for her being STUPID.
Also 2008-2009 Gonzalez was the what's up?? In any case all 4 majority are "pieces of shit", as Quintanilla would called them. So now we ALL know what he was talking about!
Is soooo easy to see this was a thing Catalina Presas-Garcia (in her inability to comprehend logic) had against some people....
Cata if I was you, after this, I would never get out from under the ought to be ashamed of yourself along with your brainless minions.
How dare you moronic majority of trustees ever came up with this "brilliant idea"? How much did you get paid under the table by projecting such an image?
I bet NONE of you have the cojones to answer this....
La mierda de vaca has much more value than this moronic board..
I do not understand what the three pendejos who commented on this post are upset about, this is transparency and we need more of it at all the public entities.
Will the District Attorney bring changes against: Fuller, Rodriguez, Colunga, Arambula, Chirinos, Whitemore, Cuellar, Champion, Chririnos?
It is clear from the audit that BISD is rotten to the core with corruption and incompetence. The seems to be true at every level of elected officials and employees. The whole thing disgusts me and makes me ashamed o my home town. Seems like the Tony Zavalets factor is very much at work in this community. Do any honest and competent people live here?
El Pinche Gringo
To the Feb 24, 2012 @ 11:57PM
I for one, am not a "pendejo" but I can see you are a lambe-culos.
Also FYI Catalina Presas-Garcia had introduced this "forensic auditor" as one of her personal friends, and her investigator in the Joe Rod case...Now, figure this one out you imbecile!!!!
"La mierda de vaca has much more value than this moronic board"
I agree 100%
If the district attorney brings charges against these people, he's going to have to bring charges against the current board too!!!
The answer to the question posted on Feb 25 @12:50AM, is NO. If he did, he would have to bring charges to the current board majority. Let's not forget they too engaged in criminal activity before, during and after elections....DUH!!!
Transparency? Can we see Cata Presas-Garcia personnel files when she worked for BISD. I hear she was moved out of every department she worked in because of incompetence........
So what's up!!!!
We lost one quarter of a million dollars on this stupidity because of four imbeciles followed "instructions" from some one in Dallas?????
benefits are for the employees and not the taxpayers so wil the real DA plz stand up and file charges against these all these bisd former and presnt employees? dont think so
You sure put your own spin on this, don't you? Oh, excuse me, you are speaking for CPG, aren't you? Let's examine every BISD employee's friendships and investigate them. Don't forget family members too. Let's be sure to target those on CPG's hit list - got to get rid of them one way or the other and we all know she will stop at nothing to get her way. SA can't wait - she loves her role of executioner.
Directito a SA
Pobre mujer!!
FROM MMB"AnonymousFeb 26, 2012 08:50 PM
Erasmo want to collect money and he keeps most of it himself, just check the financial reports:
Eramso claims to have collected $450. minus HIS BOGUS expenditures of $375. and leaving a balance of 25. INSTEAD OF 75.00. SO THE TEC now need a corrected report done."
Board Members PLEASE! keep on being bolder, you make my job easier!!! I am watching your every move!!!!
If all of you bloggers are honest righteous people, why are you so against this audit report. Is it because it is not in your favor or simply because you are afraid these people will sing out the whole truth that involves all of you?
To the thing that posted the current board were engaged in criminal activity before and after the elections, be brave enough to bring it out in the open as they have brought out the facts in this audit.
Put your money where your mouth is. Will be waiting.
Is the former board majority going to encourage Fuller to sue the Forensic Auditor as they sued the Attorney General because he ruled against their liking? This the reason for all the stink going on about the audit, it's not to their benefit, finally the truth is being known.
Now we know who are the crooks and that is the former Board & company.
To the piece of shit who posted onFeb 29, @ 12:58PM
I have a thing waiting for you which is what you need. Nomas te me pones enpinos...uyuyuy
Answer to Feb 29 12:58PM
The current board majority is STILL engaged in criminal activity, and you very well know it, as you are part of it.
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