Part III
(On September 2011 the trustees agreed to hire the Dallas forensic auditing firm of Defenbaugh & Associates to complete a forensic audit within 120 days. The audit covered the 2008-2009, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school years and cost $250,000. In this part, the role of BISD's financial consultants and former CFO Tony Fuller in a bungled $25 million bond issue is examined. Fuller's role in other transactions also caught the eye of the auditors.)1. $25 million bond investigation
By Juan Montoya
Among some of the findings uncovered by the forensic audit, perhaps none is more damning than the failure of the BISD's bond counsel, financial consultants and Fuller in the issuance of $25.9 million in Qualified School Construction Bonds (QSCB) under the federal Instructional Facilities Allotment (IFA)in 2010 .
Board members and even former Superintendent Brett Springston were told at the time that the state would consider the entire debt service with federal tax credits which would make the bond "free money."
Yet, the auditors found out that as early as March 20, 2010 – months before the board followed the advice of bond counsel Fulbright & Jarwoski and financial advisers Estrada Hinojosa & Company Inc.
and issued the debt in December 7 – that counsel, the advisers and Fuller were aware that the Texas Education Agency may change the rules on how the allotment would be determined, saddling the district with more than $9 million in debt instead.
The Forensic Audit Staff reviewed numerous documents and conducted interviews to determine if (they) were negligent in their performance of their fiduciary duties to the (board) by not fully disclosing the details relating to the IFA prior to $25.9 million in (bonds) Series 2010.
In March 2010, the State Funding Division of the TEA notified BISD Financial Advisor Estrada Hinojosa & Company that the rules may change regarding those bonds that receive tax credit.
From this point, until after the (bonds) were issued and sold, the forensic audit could not find any written documents where the financial advisor communicated to the district the possibility that the rules may change based on the calculations of debt service due to the effect of receiving the federal subsidy.
The board authorized the issuance Dec. 7, 2010...and the bonds were sold Dec. 22. A little over two weeks later, on Jan. 6, 2011, Estrada Hinojosa & Company was contacted by the TEA and they were told the debt service schedules submitted with the four IFA applications were incorrect because they did not deduct the federal subsidy from the debt service requirement on the bonds.
So, instead of a minimal payment, or none at all as they had been promised, the board members were told that t
he district's local share will be a approximately $507,068 a year which over the 18-year term of the bonds will cost the district $9,127,216 to retire.
Neither bond counsel nor Estrada Hinojosa & Company told the board members that the TEA might change their policy. The Forensic Audit Staff could find no evidence they attempted to find out before the bonds were issued and sold.
However, CFO Fuller was told by the financial advisor that TEA might change the way the debt service is funded to only the "net" service being eligible for funding. Fuller advised Forensic Audit Staff that he wishes, in hindsight, he had informed the board.
The staff recommends that the "trustees seek legal advice from an outside legal counsel who has experience in filing legal suits and litigation to explore whether or not the district should filea lawsuit against the financial advisory and/or the bond counsel.
(We) also recommend the board of trustees and superintendent review the facts regarding (Fuller)'s dereliction of duty in that he did not fulfill his obligation to inform (them) that the state's rules might change which was critical information needed to vote on the issuance of $25.9 million in bonds.
2. Real property purchase without a purchase order: 19.239 acres out of 308.92 acres tract
In September 2009, the BISD purchased land in a transaction totaling $1,926,535 without a purchase order beingith policies and state law but failed to issue a purchase order on a transaction over $40,000, which is stipulated by BISD policy. issued. The district made an initial earnest money deposit of $2,500 in accordance w
(Fuller) was at the time Finance Director and cleared the cash payment which was also a violation of policy. Interim Superintendent Springston and Facilities Administrator Oscar Tapia should have "imme
diately" contacted then CFO Robert Ruiz and advised him of his violation of policy. This is not the only time that real property has been purchased without the issuance of a purchase order.
The Forensic Audit Staff recommended that Ruiz, now administrator for payroll for BISD should be counseled regarding his actions at that time and that a memorandum should be placed in his file documenting this significant oversight.
Because of Fuller's performance in the administration of Fixed Assets "unaccountable" items totaling some $6 million in missing property where he stated before at least six BISD administrators that the amount "was not material" compared to the $500 million district budget, his
performance in the "inconvenient" issuance of three large checks that resulted in the bouncing of at least 134 other smaller checks, and the transfer of funds from one account to another contrary to board directives, the Forensic Audit Staff concluded Fuller was "indifferent and nonchalant" toward his duties.
"Forensic Audit Staff arrived at the opinion that Mr. Fuller did not possess the competencies in both faculties and capabilities necessary for the position of BISD CFO. Mr. Fuller should have never been named to that position."
After stating that the supporting documents had been turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agencies for their prosecutorial discretion, the Forensic Staff stated that "(we) recommend strong administrative action taken on Fred Anthony Fuller with consideration up to termination."
The audit will include the other two areas originally envisioned:
-School construction financed by a $136 million bond issue in 2006, as well as about $40 million in recent projects paid for through federal stimulus funds and qualified school construction bonds.
-BISD’s participation in the federal government’s E-Rate program to finance construction of computer networks and other information technology applications across the district.
At the July meeting when trustees authorized the audit, board president Catalina Presas-Garcia characterized it as an investment and said BISD could recoup funds.
-Brownsville Herald September 07, 2011 9:56 PM
Not discounting the audit's findings or it's amateurish bias but the above referenced scope was greatly expanded. Could it be because both categories were found to be free of Fraud and Abuse?
See p40 second paragraph of Audit. (a sentence you conveniently left out of your synopsis, Juan)
See p50 last paragraph of Audit.
Finally, everyone knows that each person signaled out in this Audit is on Presas-Garcia's bad/only side.
Things that make you go, Hmmmm.....
The recommendations made are absurd! Mr Fuller's faculties and capabilities are comparable to other CFO's. They must have confused this description for Caty's!
Will the District Attorney bring changes against: Fuller, Rodriguez, Colunga, Arambula, Chirinos, Whitemore, Cuellar, Champion, Chririnos?
Fuller has no faculties he was the bag man for Zayas and Cortez I bet if you dig deeper you will hit more shit. Who the fuck cares about what the other blogger says we all know he is Zayas boy toy.
Caty Presas-Garcia approves this message.
The DA will not bring charges against these ppl. If he did, he would have to bring charges to the current board majority for engaging in criminal activities before, during, and after the 2010 campaign....DUH!!!
Poor Cata, she looks more stupid than ever....sigh...
Idiots discretionary board policies not matter how inept do not become criminal violations. Remember the BND fiasco?
Wow Cata Presas-Garcia added new names to her hit list...........with post 12:49 am Feb. 25, 2012
Hey anyone notice that the people and companies in the Audit report are "Cata Presas-Garcia" hit list. She went around the main office mouthing off about how she hated all of them. Spooky............
Montoya, I thought you had some integrity, you still print shit for a dime.
Cata and Lucy seem to hate Fuller and Zayas to an extreme.....Did they say no, to these women???? (Who would blame them...yikes!!)
One of the biggest leaches in many peoples opinion is BISD Police Chief Oscar Garcia. Ive rarely seen someone so stupid, incompetent, and corrupt. A total lowlife. His handling of the Cummings Middle School shooting was atrocious, he totally pissed the parents of afterwards when, due to his incompetence, they couldn't pick their kids up in a timely manner due to the cluster fuck logistics with his officers. MORON!!
BISD Chief Garcia is worthless.....he only has that job because of the shit hiring and compadre system, in my opinion. This turd could never make it north of Brownsville without the compadre system. Too bad he's here to keep stinking up the neighborhood in my opinion.
OK now we had the audit and all this fraud, waste, mismanagement, and abuse came out. Now what. Everything back to normal for BISD. Well Miss Presas what are you going to do about it??
This was a big SNAFU (Situation Normal All F... Up) as they say in the military. And it cost us $250,000. You who is always so "careful" about spending Tax Payer's money. Not very impressive, not at all. You are no better then the worst offender discovered in the audit. I hope you prove me wrong.
What a bunch of MORONS!!!
Juan how much do you charge for each article kissing up to the current board???
I can better the offer....tu dices!!
Anonymous said...
Fuller has no faculties he was the bag man for Zayas and Cortez I bet if you dig deeper you will hit more shit. Who the fuck cares about what the other blogger says we all know he is Zayas boy toy.
February 25, 2012 3:32 PM
And who is this current board mouth piece? The flim flam.....ha ha ha ha!!!
So, Fuller and Zayas did not want any hanky panky with these two "ladies" and now they are paying dearly??? My, my, my!!
Who in their right mind would want to have anything to do with these ladies????They are as ugly as the cheezzmeh ladies. Yikes!!!
Who would want any hanky panky with Rick Zayas and Fuller, they are evil looking and pathetic. Bunch of drunks, they are so ugly they could stop a clock.
Besides these two ladies are too classy for these losers.
It's the other way around, Zayas hates Lucy because he lost to her. The people chose her over a drunken loser like him. He didn't take care of our kids nor our tax dollars.
"Besides these ladies are too classy"
Classy????These ladies are called the drunks of San Francisco....Remember the trip to San Francisco last April ladies????Remember what you were doing???Every night???? A DRUNK IS A DRUNK, wheter is here, San Francisco, or China......
Did you all see that fugly ex DPS board member, Minerva Pena? What a joke in that outfit? Bad enough that fugly woman without makeup and did not do any better with it? This is the same board member that spoke for a convicted child molester. Check her pockets, she probably has some of the money that was wasted? And then that lesbian looking one, Cataline Presas something? She let Joe Rodriguez get away with stealing alot of that money and doing nothing about it!
Wow! The more I hear about this board, the more I believe they are taking big kick backs$$$$
Are the only bloggers posting MR,MP and BWC?
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