From: Los Angeles Times
It began as a local story.
Citing a state law requiring public officials to know English, a judge in Arizona ruled that city council candidate Alejandrina Cabrera should be barred from seeking public office because of her limited English skills. But the controversy over Cabrera's eligibility has reverberated nationally, stoking the debate over whether Spanish-speaking immigrants — and Spanish-speaking U.S. citizens such as Cabrera — are too slow to assimilate.
That question is entwined with an issue that has surfaced in the Republican presidential campaign: whether English should be declared the official language of the United States.This week the Arizona Supreme Court upheld a ruling that Cabrera couldn't appear on the ballot in the March 13 election in the city of San Luis, a community near the Mexican border in which most residents speak only Spanish.
But could she participate fully in council meetings — or should that body employ translators to help her bridge the language gap?
The court made the wrong decision, in our view. Cabrera's fitness for office should be judged by the voters; they must choose who they want to represent them, and there should be as few limitations on that choice as possible. As for the language in which the meetings are conducted, it should be English, although that doesn't mean no member of the council or constituents can ever break into Spanish, or that it would be wrong to provide translators.
Under the federal Voting Rights Act, ballots are printed in a variety of languages to accommodate voters with poor English skills. In Los Angeles County, election materials are provided not just in Spanish but also in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Hindi, Khmer and Thai.
The Cabrera controversy, of course, is not just about Cabrera.
It touches on larger issues, such as the continuing debate between those who support bilingual education and those who argue that the best way to help students master English is to enroll them in English immersion classes. Part of that debate is over whether immigrants, and particularly Spanish-speaking immigrants, are isolating themselves and harming their own economic prospects by not learning English.
Is the United States in danger of replicating the experience of linguistically divided countries such as Belgium and Canada?
That's the view of many conservatives. In 2004, the late political scientist Samuel Huntington created a sensation with an article arguing that "the single most immediate and most serious challenge to America's traditional identity comes from the immense and continuing immigration from Latin America, especially from Mexico." Huntington worried that Americans were acquiescing "to their eventual transformation into two peoples with two cultures (Anglo and Hispanic) and two languages (English and Spanish)."
That same argument resonated, in cruder terms, in the political arena. Tom Tancredo, a Republican candidate for president in 2008, garnered applause by complaining about having to "press 1 for English." The current crop of Republican presidential candidates all would establish English as the official national language (though Ron Paul would leave it to states whether to print ballots in multiple languages).
Such arguments go back at least to Benjamin Franklin, who wrote about the "swarthy" Germans who settled in his state: "Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion."
Nativists have continued to warn of the dangers of bilingualism in the United States.
To the extent that such fears are now being voiced about Latinos, they are unjustified.
A 2007 study by the Pew Hispanic Center found that while only 23 percent of Latino immigrants report being able to speak English very well, the figure rises to 88 percent for their U.S.-born adult children and 94 percent for later generations.
There is no reason to believe that communities such as San Luis are impervious to that trend.
Whether or not Congress designates it as the United States' "official" language, English is and will remain the national language. And Spanish-speaking Americans, like those who came to this country speaking other languages, have a huge incentive to learn it.
But transition takes time, and meanwhile there will be complications and conundrums like the case of Alejandrina Cabrera.
Sorry Juan but this does not help your candidates case....with regard to Mrs. Begum, it is not only her extremely limited English skills, in my opinion it is her complete lack of legal knowledge. I mean from what I have read and heard about her, she is essentially at retirement age and is an artist. What are Mrs. Begums educational and professional qualifications for the job? Sounds like someone who is bored and looking for something to do..something that will directly benefit her son, his law partner, and their very close buddy Michael Cowen.
How dare you compare this POS Alejandrina Cabrera to Ms Begum. This woman not only can't speak English, she can't read English she's dumber than a door nail. It's bad enough we have TOTAL IDIOTS in office but a REAL DUMB ASS POR FAVOR!!!
If you don't believe me hear her for yourself & you be the judge.
Ck this out:
Yeah, leave it up to the voters...who, as we know have made such great choices in the past and the most ignorant voters are courted heavily by all political candidates. Not being able to speak English should be no impediment to most...just look at our city commission; they all speak English but that doesn't help them govern.
It wasn't a law that make us bilingual, and no law will stop us from being so. That being said, most of our young Mexican-Americans speak mostly, if not excusively, English.
Being a Spanish-speaker is secondary to making a living.
I would not one a public official who looked after my interests with whom I could not communicate in English. I am certain many, many others feel the same way.
El Pinche Gringo
The primary language in Brownsville is Spanish, particularly among kids who get in trouble and land in court.
Should be mandatory for all judges and law enforcement coming in direct contact with our border resident population to be able to communicate in Spanish.
I know Mrs. Begum is not proficient in English, but I would rather vote for her than for somebody like Erin HERNANDEZ who is very proficient in Ernie HERNANDEZ business, stealing, cheating and backstabbing... Just a thought.
(Being a Spanish-speaker is secondary to making a living.)
If you can't speak english for work, be it for the Border Patrol or as a pattie flipper at Mickey D's, just truck it on back to Mejico where you belong.
I don't think there is any resentment over people speaking Spanish....its because so many Hispanics refuse to learn or speak English....or any other language. Asian-Americans have the highest education levels (by percentage of population) of any ethnic group in the U.S. They acheive and they excel because their parents urge them fo learn English...even if their native language is spoken at home. I am amazed that there are so many non-Hispanics in the RGV who have lived here all their lives and most can't manage a sentence in Spanish. Many Hispanics don't speak Spanish either....and since most public schools don't really teach English...the public schools don't help solve this issue. I watch the BISD channel and most of it is in Spanish....or focuses on serving that population (students and parents) who can't or won't speak English.
This story was on the Paz Files last week! que pasa, Juan?
Will that lady, if elected have to have the taxpayers hire an interpreter so she can conduct business? Will she have to have all public documents translated into Spanish for her, again, hired by the taxpayer. And why...because she has been unwilling to learn English. Resentment comes because she has been unwilling to take a very small step important to being in this country.
I disagree with the supreme court's decision to bar this woman. i saw her in an interview, and althogh she is not an english whiz, she was able to interview in english...that said, i disagree with bilingual education, at least in its current form... how about bilingual ed consisting of english immersion with a bilingual teacher, who can stop and explain in spanish when the kids get stuck on something. my nephews were raised with 100% spanish in dallas, and got their first full taste of english in school. they are now in the GT program at their school, in a regular english speaking class. immersion works!!
What about Omar Lucio I can never understand his English or Spanish. The only ones who understand him well are Rick Zayas and his GED buddy running for State School board? They all three speak under the table.
Paz files? Hmmm. Heard it is a gay blog. The editor is gay. Of that I am certain. Witnessed some of his behavior at a bar in Brownsville. The Palm Lounge.
We the 7% non-hispanic residents of Brownsville, demand that the other 93% percent of Hispanics self deport to where they came from.
Don't give a shit if you were born in this side (anchor baby), don't give a rats ass if you call yourself Spanish, Cuban, Puerto Rican, you'all Mexican, so get the hell out and stay out.
Aryan Brother
PS And take that Maclovio O'Malley with you.
Eye don sink dat nut spicking Englitch good be a problem. VOTE for el PRI and Vote for SeƱora Begum.
@February 13, 2012 9:50 PM
Troll much?
Aryan AH.. You don't represent anybody but your own racist hating self. So don't say "we", because the vast majority of the non-hispanic population does not share your filth.
I can't let this pass unchallenged.
El Pinche Gringo
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