I love social media and the great uses it allows. Like everything else, there is a good and a bad, particularly in politics.
Every candidate running for office endures mixed public comments in politics. However, traditional media usually utilizes fact checking, interviews both sides and presents the issues to the viewer. With the advent of social media, none of this occurs. As such, many things that are written are wholly incorrect or just complete fabrications.
Unfortunately, my late half brother's ex-wife has creeped up and attempted to extort my mother. This lady who goes by the screen name of Scarlet O'hara is really Josefina Canales. She has also gone by numerous married names including Josefina Auten, Josefina Myhre and Josefina Begum. She claims to have gone to Harvard on her face book, although she never attended this college and does not have a college degree. This lady has a long and sordid history.
Recently, she attempted to extort my mother by sending her a Facebook message. She said that if my mother did not pay her, she would bad mouth her on the Internet. Of course, my mother refused to pay her one single penny!
We are in the process of reporting her actions to the authorities and looking at additional legal options.
I guess this is the unfortunate part of politics......no wonder why many good folks refuse to run for office. You get these looney people coming out of the woodwork.....
If I was Begum I would sue shit out of Scarlet O'hara is really Josefina Canales for crap she has said about Begum and family.
Ringside seats.
Perhaps we should look more closely at the "looney people" who run for office....and not worry so much about the "looney people" who attack those "looney people" running for office. Maybe we can sell local politics to the Cartoon Channel for the "Looney Tunes" program.
Sue the shit out of this extortionist lady is right!!!
Good lord vato..If you can't stand the sight of your own blood, stay out of politics1
El Pinche Gringo
Funny how all the little piece of shit bloggers love talking shit about everyone else, but oh when it comes time for someone talking about their low life candidate. They are the ones offended and threaten with a defemation suit. You all need to grow up. Just as you like to use the freedom of speech shield. The other side can use it as well.
Hernandez supporters need a legal refresher on what types of speech constitute protected freedom of speech. Because extortion sure ain't it.
Your mother, with all due respect, belongs in a sequel movie of the Adams Family as ( Morticia ) and not in politics…
What happened to the Big Hair? I don't recognise him without Big Hair.
freedom of speech is one thing slandering is another, this woman had 6 children and abandoned all of them.
except a little girl, the first 3 she left a long time ago, and never saw them again, and when Michael jr. died she had not seen her 2 sons in 5 years, now she took them and they had not been in touch with anybody from the Begum family ever since, not even their siblings that were very sad by that, and their step mother that raised them. it is very sad that the kids were influenced by her and are behaving so ungrateful, she is what she is, but the children were not like that before
If you wanted to run for Dem Chair, you should have taken that from Gilbert. The Sanchez brothers gave that position to Gilbert...but it was yours. More huevos next time.
Pinche Montoya Post everything dont pick and choose just because your on begums payroll. For once have some integrity and be a real blogger that post every comment good and bad
Yeah your right about extortion, but but like all your past claims they come from unsubstantiated allegations. You all dont have a legal leg to stand on.
For you all slow bloggers that need a vocabualary lesson. Unsubstantiated means: not established as valid or genuine
Juanito only writes according to the check he receives....soooorrrryyy!!!
When a message is sent, in writing, threatening to defame someone if they don't give you cash, that is extortion. This is a slam dunk win for Begum when it goes to court.
A agree with the post of March 29 @10:41 AM. Montoya only posts what is "convenient" to his pay check
I beat Alex Begum In court yesterday.
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